radical, yes


Concerned American
Sep 20, 2013
mountains of ky
Take back these United States of America ( LEGALLY ) Send a message to the Politicians, that they are not worthy of the time it takes to VOTE !!! I know this is a radical idea, but something has to be done to save this Great Nation...Think of the shame and the message this would send ! DON'T VOTE.. from this day forward, in any election, DON'T VOTE. When is the last time that our vote counted ?
Continue this protest, until we see our factories, that were given to other countries, by the elected politicians, brought back to us. Jobs, will fix this Country...Promises haven't.
Truth be known, if our jobs were returned, 90% of this country's problems would be gone. Lack of income in the United States has snowballed into where we are now !
ok, guess the idea of not voting has no support. does the idea of creating jobs, appeal to anyone? with the money this nation is spending, trying to re-invent society, due to the lack of jobs, be better spent, reopening factories and putting American people to work. If every American had a job, 90% of our problems would go away ! I dont believe for one second, we have the technology to put people into space, that we cant reopen and run our factories productively. Do away with as many automated jobs as possible, who benefits from robots anyway, not the economy, not our society. has eliminating the human made the product cheaper? who gets the extra profit from it? the very ones who already have there wealth. open our factories and put people back to work..... i promise, if you build it, they will come
go ahead and support those who dont want to work, at least give us who do want to work, a fighting chance.... let us help the government with the money we would be making. no, the government is loaning us money to live on, then tacking on crazy taxes and other bs to get it back... can anyone say loanshark, extortion... i thought that was illegal. how long does our government think we can survive doing this? the politicians have job security, has anyone thought of that? it's a shame, when people run for office, like it was a job ! knowing, if they get elected, there invested for life ! there taken care of, they got it made, the american dream. how can they sleep at night, knowing that there brothers and sisters are starving, fighting, uprising, scared, confused, desperate for leadership, that will help them.
what gives them the right, to be any better than us? what have they done for us, that has helped bring this Great Nation back on it's feet? SMOKE and MIRROR'S............ why want they fix this? is it that they dont want to, or dont know how.... simple question !
Yeah right, that's radical, don"t vote. That will show them. God forbid you should get off your ass and try to make the system better. If you are conservative join the Tea Party and if you are liberal become a communist.
ok whitehall, thanx for noticing.....get off my ass, thats my point, if there were any jobs to be had...i would. how many jobs has your voting created lately? are you so naive, that you really think your or all our votes count? when was the last time, an elected official, followed thru with what they promised to do, if elected. let me guess, you have a job, that is protected, one way or the other. how many suit and tie jobs are there? FYI.... i have paid into the government for 31 years. Now im 51 years old, and there are no jobs available for me or any age person, that requires a skill, other than typing. whats it gonna take, to open the eyes of the American People, that we have the right, to hold our elected officials responsible, for the downfall of the workforce of the United States of America. it is there responsibility. to provide us with jobs. National Security, that is there responsibility, and the lack of jobs is the worst thing threatening America today ! so, you come up with something that will catch there attention....voting hasn't
is it just me, or is our government self imploding ? whats sad, is we will have to pay the price, when this happens. Damn, the current path doesn't look good. being an independent, an American, i am ashamed of what has become of our Great Nation. we will be lucky, if we last ten more years !
Democrat, Republican, Left or Right, none of that matters, fixing this Nation should be the issue at hand. where is our leadership ? Common Sense.......thats what we need, old fashion common sense. leadership that knows how to run a Nation. At what point did, We The People, become just a phrase ? what burns my ass, the bullshit that has taken over our government. lies, deception, you name it. and there not even trying to hide it. let alone, do anything about it. has it gone so far, that it cant be fixed ?

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