Rahm Emanuel: Healthcare for Illegals? Americans Are a Single Illness Away From Financial Ruin

Fact. Want to answer?

First off, if they are here illegally they should be deported, and the employer punished if they knowingly hired an illegal.

But they aren't and they never are going to be so there is no "First off".

Second, it's not my job or responsibility as an American CITIZEN and taxpayer to pay for the healthcare of someone who shouldn't be here.

So we will allow the sick to process and prepare our food. Does that really sound like a good plan to you?

You can deal with political talking points or you can live in the real world and deal with realities.
Gee, what did we do for 200 years without medicare for all?

Filed bankruptcy. But the actual facts are health care does not work like it did in the past. Hedge Funds did not use people's health to back up their other investments.
Everybody did?

A large number yes. In the past a good many had insurance through their work so they were able to avoid it but that is going away also.

Health care debt is the largest reason for bankruptcy but you know this.

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