Rahm Emanuel - is one screwed up MFer


He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

No, this is common sense.

If you have a community who is afraid that if they report a crime or bear witness to a crime or help the police solve a crime, they will be sent to another country, they aren't going to help out.

It's hard enough to get people to cooperate with the police. Most people just don't want to get involved.
Joe needs to visit Maryland where we have an undocumented illegal crime and MS13 gang problem.

Common sense says that these illegals are being protected by their own and for fear of gang related reprisal.

Snitches in the Hispanic and black communities here and elsewhere find themselves ventilated or headless when they witness crimes and snitch.

Cooperate with the police?

Laughable if it weren't so sad.
Joe needs to visit Maryland where we have an undocumented illegal crime and MS13 gang problem.

Common sense says that these illegals are being protected by their own and for fear of gang related reprisal.

Snitches in the Hispanic and black communities here and elsewhere find themselves ventilated or headless when they witness crimes and snitch.

Cooperate with the police?

Laughable if it weren't so sad.

again, you wouldn't have a MS13 crime problem if so many white douchebags weren't buying drugs.

But you guys can't function without a scary brown person keeping you up at night.
Joe needs to visit Maryland where we have an undocumented illegal crime and MS13 gang problem.

Common sense says that these illegals are being protected by their own and for fear of gang related reprisal.

Snitches in the Hispanic and black communities here and elsewhere find themselves ventilated or headless when they witness crimes and snitch.

Cooperate with the police?

Laughable if it weren't so sad.

again, you wouldn't have a MS13 crime problem if so many white douchebags weren't buying drugs.

But you guys can't function without a scary brown person keeping you up at night.
Still an idiot?

These scary brown people you speak of are my relatives.

I don't control others and their drug habits.

Which is a predominately black thing where I reside.
No, we didn't. Alabama triggered a major crisis for their agriculture industry because crops rotted on the vine because they had no one to pick them.

Explain to me why the H2A visa wasn't used. Hint: Didn't want to. Didn't want to spend the money on the visas.

Sure you do, you are pissing yourself over it. you live in mortal fear that once we throw Trump out of office, we are going to get sensible immigration reform.

I didn't vote for Trump. Don't be an asshole. Further, what amounts to slavery and your ability to go along with that and maintain the status quo is quite telling. What you want is cheap labor and then as in your next statement indicates a willingness to go along to the 1% sticking it to the working people. Yay you. You're a fraud.

No, the current tension is related to the one percent using employment as a stick to screw working people. That you go along with it is the problem.

The thing is, if you deported the illegals, you'd also deport consumers. Less consumers, less jobs providing goods and services.

The current tension has been documented as problem nation wide: displaced low wage workers. Competition between different communities--specifically Hispanic undocumented workers and African American but there are differences dependent on the state like Florida where there was a huge influx of undocumented workers from the Eastern Bloc twenty years ago.

It's amazing the number of things you are helpless to accomplish and chalk up to the way things are. Avoiding responsibility and patting yourself on the back at the same time.

Good show.
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He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

Sure, he's doing it for publicity and to fluff and to get votes....but still.....

What kind of morons keeps electing a jackass like this?
Some might argue that Chicago would become MUCH safer if one of those stray bullets found their mark.

And he will win.

You have to understand that the American people are now under siege by their government

Don't believe me? Just look at the Pubes who voted to repeal Obamacare for 8 years under Obama knowing Obama would veto it, are now refusing to because they know Trump will sign it.

Democracy has been hijacked. Democracy is a sham

He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

Sure, he's doing it for publicity and to fluff and to get votes....but still.....

What kind of morons keeps electing a jackass like this?
Some might argue that Chicago would become MUCH safer if one of those stray bullets found their mark.
and wants to waste millions on a new police training facility when he has no money. these libs are special insects that's for sure.

He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

Sure, he's doing it for publicity and to fluff and to get votes....but still.....

What kind of morons keeps electing a jackass like this?
Some might argue that Chicago would become MUCH safer if one of those stray bullets found their mark.

The left always looks to the courts when they can't win at the ballot box.


Federal Courts tend to side with state and local governments when it comes to selective denial of federal funding when done to coerce them unless the funding is specifically related to the activity at issue. In other words, "You can't have federal funds for new police cars unless you stop giving welfare to illegals" probably won't fly.
why would they receive federal money for police cars exactly?
There is no justification.

sure there is. It's a bad policy. Local police departments should enforce local laws, not federal ones.

discouraging people from calling in crimes or giving witness statements because they might have their immigration status questioned is just bad policy.
do you even hear yourself? why wouldn't they enforce laws of this land? explain that to me?
why are you for allowing illegals to take over our cities?

why is it libs like to shit on american citizens?

Bring all of the illegals in, keep the blacks posture low and poor, and feel a sense of accomplishment. sad insects the libs.

All day everyday for me in here.
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For every undocumented worker holding a job in Chicago means one citizen is out of a job. It really is that simple.

Not really. The fact is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are ones that Americans won't do, at least not for the wages being offered.

You see, if you guys were really serious about ending undocumented immigration, there's a pretty simple way to do it. Go after the companies that hire them. Because busting the individual illegals is k ind of a waste. The system can only really process about half a million a year, anyway, and you have that many replacements crossing the border every year.

The longer that you run around pretending that this isn't the issue the worse it is going to get. Then you will see them viewed as a "threat" to the community. But, let's not bullshit people as if there is some truly give a damn going on.

Grammatically, that didn't make a lick of sense.

Okay, let's review, shall we. We have an "illegal" problem largely because of our own policies. For instance, NAFTA made American Yellow corn so cheap in Mexico that it displaced millions of Mexican farmers who used to grow traditional Mexican White Corn, which is how so many of them ended up here.

We can also blame Ronald Reagan's goofy policy of putting employers in charge of validating who can work here. that's pretty much putting the Foxes in charge of the hen house. Now, the valid companies do it right. They make sure everyone fills out their I-9's. And the other companies... well, don't.

Democrats and Republicans alike agree our system needs reform, but they are afraid of the people who support Trump and people like him. But hating on poor people taking jobs you wouldn't want to do on a bet isn't really a solution.
Not really. The fact is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are ones that Americans won't do, at least not for the wages being offered.

I love this lie. here is the justification to keep poor blacks poor blacks. I love it. the jig is up fella.
I went to college in an attempt to avoid that; however, undocumented workers displace native low wage earners. Fun filled fact.

Clearly, sending you to college was a waste of money, judging by the lack of reasoning skills. The thing is, "native" low wage earners don't want those jobs. Or low wages, for that matter.

I'm looking at the crime in Chicago. Not the number of undocumented workers committing crimes outside of being in the states illegally. Stop patronizing the businesses.

Why? Not my problem.

Are you telling me that undocumented workers are voting? I can't think of any reason why "getting in good" would matter. This is As I said, Rahm is all about Rahm.

No, when you racists talk about "illegals" you really mean "hispanics", no matter what their legal status is. Hispanics get its about the racism, not the law.

A 14-year-old boy was among three people killed and 22 others wounded in shootings across Chicago between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning.
3 dead, 22 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings

Yes, it's all about LaQuan McDonald.

did someone engage in a massive coverup to hide the circumstances on how that 14 year old boy was killed?

Was there a big payout given to keep the family silent?

Was the person who shot that 14 year old boy allowed to stay free for three years?

NO, LaQuan wasn't the only victim of violence. He wasn't even the only person killed by police. But his case is really offensive to most decent people.
cover up, in Joliet, IL, a little one year old girl found dead under a couch in a dump of a home. After DCFS was there the day before. cover up, no one in jail. NO ONE> why not? little black girl. sad what the libs do to blacks.
I guess my posts were dramatic. no one from the left willing to take on logic.
Ebb and Flow, I agree. When the President's party loses midterms House and Senate, it is a rejection of the President.

No, not really. For instance, Obama lost the 2010 midterms and easily won re-election. Reagan lost the 82 and 86 midterms and easily won re-election/election of Bush-41. Clinton lost the 94 midterms, and won re-election easily.

The big problem with midterms is only the angry people show up for them. That's why Trump is going to be in such trouble.

True. Once again, it will be the Democrats' to lose.
Rahm is CNN's favorite "US" politician, because he is

1. completely loyal to ISRAEL and just ISRAEL
2. he lies all the time
3. he expands government spending to make it easier for fellow Zionists in government to steal
4. he had plants from New Orleans planted in Chicago to stop GloBULL "warming"
Explain to me why the H2A visa wasn't used. Hint: Didn't want to. Didn't want to spend the money on the visas.

Quite right. But you miss the point entirely. Banning illegals caused economic losses... because nobody wants to do those jobs.

I didn't vote for Trump. Don't be an asshole. Further, what amounts to slavery and your ability to go along with that and maintain the status quo is quite telling. What you want is cheap labor and then as in your next statement indicates a willingness to go along to the 1% sticking it to the working people. Yay you. You're a fraud.

Naw, I'm a pragmatist. There are some jobs Americans won't do.. period. No matter how much you pay them. There are people who are willing to come here who will. Now, sensible immigration reform, they come in, do the work, go home when they are done, or can apply for residency if they want. Simple, no?

Both parties have advocated this, but they keep cowering to the nativists who live in mortal fear their daughter might date a Mexican.
cover up, in Joliet, IL, a little one year old girl found dead under a couch in a dump of a home. After DCFS was there the day before. cover up, no one in jail. NO ONE> why not? little black girl. sad what the libs do to blacks.

Maybe if you actually look at the case, and knew what you were talking about, you'd have a point.

But you don't.

the parents are under investigation and the DCFS fired the caseworkers involved.

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