Rahm Emanuel - is one screwed up MFer


He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

No, this is common sense.

If you have a community who is afraid that if they report a crime or bear witness to a crime or help the police solve a crime, they will be sent to another country, they aren't going to help out.

It's hard enough to get people to cooperate with the police. Most people just don't want to get involved.

I see since Obama's still in DC you had to find another ass to lick.
No. Pretending to give a damn about undocumented workers in Chicago is bad policy. Pretending that they are calling in is lying. Rahm Emanuel doesn't give a damn about anyone else but Rahm Emanuel. He is a neoliberal. He is all about privatization. So, we can cut the shit about what a really great, caring individual he is.

I think Rahm's an awful mayor and I can't wait to vote him out.

But the policy is the same policy that nearly every big city mayor and police department supports. they can work with the community or they can been as a threat by the community... but not both.

For every undocumented worker holding a job in Chicago means one citizen is out of a job. It really is that simple.

The longer that you run around pretending that this isn't the issue the worse it is going to get. Then you will see them viewed as a "threat" to the community. But, let's not bullshit people as if there is some truly give a damn going on.
For every undocumented worker holding a job in Chicago means one citizen is out of a job. It really is that simple.

Not really. The fact is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are ones that Americans won't do, at least not for the wages being offered.

You see, if you guys were really serious about ending undocumented immigration, there's a pretty simple way to do it. Go after the companies that hire them. Because busting the individual illegals is k ind of a waste. The system can only really process about half a million a year, anyway, and you have that many replacements crossing the border every year.

The longer that you run around pretending that this isn't the issue the worse it is going to get. Then you will see them viewed as a "threat" to the community. But, let's not bullshit people as if there is some truly give a damn going on.

Grammatically, that didn't make a lick of sense.

Okay, let's review, shall we. We have an "illegal" problem largely because of our own policies. For instance, NAFTA made American Yellow corn so cheap in Mexico that it displaced millions of Mexican farmers who used to grow traditional Mexican White Corn, which is how so many of them ended up here.

We can also blame Ronald Reagan's goofy policy of putting employers in charge of validating who can work here. that's pretty much putting the Foxes in charge of the hen house. Now, the valid companies do it right. They make sure everyone fills out their I-9's. And the other companies... well, don't.

Democrats and Republicans alike agree our system needs reform, but they are afraid of the people who support Trump and people like him. But hating on poor people taking jobs you wouldn't want to do on a bet isn't really a solution.
Not really. The fact is, most of the jobs illegals are doing are ones that Americans won't do, at least not for the wages being offered.

The only jobs Americans won't do are the farming jobs because it is seasonal and you can't get ahead. The reason those low wage jobs are offered is because there is a steady supply of undocumented workers.

You see, if you guys were really serious about ending undocumented immigration, there's a pretty simple way to do it. Go after the companies that hire them. Because busting the individual illegals is k ind of a waste. The system can only really process about half a million a year, anyway, and you have that many replacements crossing the border every year.

If you guys were serious then you would be busting the companies that hired them but you don't. I am all about you lose your business and go to jail. Instead, we hear repeatedly how they help the economy. The undocumented Polish cleaning crews, the back of the house restaurant workers, roofers, landscapers, and the tomato canning plant are all profiting.Not the actual workers, mind you.

Then the tears come because of the crime/poverty factor while nothing is done because (sigh) that is just the way it is.

Grammatically, that didn't make a lick of sense.

Sure it did. You just don't like it. Let's recap. Rahm pretends to give a damn about about all of those undocumented workers. He doesn't. It's about protecting the business interests in Chicago.
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The only jobs Americans won't do are the farming jobs because it is seasonal and you can't get ahead. The reason those low wage jobs are offered is because there is a steady supply of undocumented workers.

When was the last time you applied for a toilet cleaning job?

If you guys were serious then you would be busting the companies that hired them but you don't. I am all about you lose your business and go to jail. Instead, we hear repeatedly how they help the economy. The undocumented Polish cleaning crews, the back of the house restaurant workers, roofers, landscapers, and the tomato canning plant are all profiting.

Then the tears come because of the crime/poverty factor while nothing is done because (sigh) that is just the way it is.

Actually, illegals commit less crime than people born here... and while I agree that this is kind of a problem with the businesses, the fact is, we all still patronize those businesses, knowing they are hiring the Polish cleaning crews.

Sure it did. You just don't like it. Let's recap. Rahm pretends to give a damn about about all of those undocumented workers. He doesn't. It's about protecting the business interests in Chicago.

No, it really didn't. Rahm is trying to get in good with the Hispanic community (he almost lost to a Hispanic contender last time) because he knows that he's lost a lot of support in the black community with the way his administration handled the LaQuan McDonald shooting.

It probably won't work. If he was smart, he wouldn't run for a third term.
When was the last time you applied for a toilet cleaning job?

I went to college in an attempt to avoid that; however, undocumented workers displace native low wage earners. Fun filled fact.

Actually, illegals commit less crime than people born here... and while I agree that this is kind of a problem with the businesses, the fact is, we all still patronize those businesses, knowing they are hiring the Polish cleaning crews.

I'm looking at the crime in Chicago. Not the number of undocumented workers committing crimes outside of being in the states illegally. Stop patronizing the businesses.

No, it really didn't. Rahm is trying to get in good with the Hispanic community (he almost lost to a Hispanic contender last time) because he knows that he's lost a lot of support in the black community with the way his administration handled the LaQuan McDonald shooting.

It probably won't work. If he was smart, he wouldn't run for a third term.

Are you telling me that undocumented workers are voting? I can't think of any reason why "getting in good" would matter. This is As I said, Rahm is all about Rahm.

A 14-year-old boy was among three people killed and 22 others wounded in shootings across Chicago between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning.
3 dead, 22 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings

Yes, it's all about LaQuan McDonald.
I went to college in an attempt to avoid that; however, undocumented workers displace native low wage earners. Fun filled fact.

Clearly, sending you to college was a waste of money, judging by the lack of reasoning skills. The thing is, "native" low wage earners don't want those jobs. Or low wages, for that matter.

I'm looking at the crime in Chicago. Not the number of undocumented workers committing crimes outside of being in the states illegally. Stop patronizing the businesses.

Why? Not my problem.

Are you telling me that undocumented workers are voting? I can't think of any reason why "getting in good" would matter. This is As I said, Rahm is all about Rahm.

No, when you racists talk about "illegals" you really mean "hispanics", no matter what their legal status is. Hispanics get its about the racism, not the law.

A 14-year-old boy was among three people killed and 22 others wounded in shootings across Chicago between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning.
3 dead, 22 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings

Yes, it's all about LaQuan McDonald.

did someone engage in a massive coverup to hide the circumstances on how that 14 year old boy was killed?

Was there a big payout given to keep the family silent?

Was the person who shot that 14 year old boy allowed to stay free for three years?

NO, LaQuan wasn't the only victim of violence. He wasn't even the only person killed by police. But his case is really offensive to most decent people.
Clearly, sending you to college was a waste of money, judging by the lack of reasoning skills. The thing is, "native" low wage earners don't want those jobs. Or low wages, for that matter.

My reasoning skills? Did we not already establish those low wages are kept low by undocumented workers?

Why? Not my problem.

Therefore, you cannot lead, you cannot follow and you will need to get the fuck out of the way.

No, when you racists talk about "illegals" you really mean "hispanics", no matter what their legal status is. Hispanics get its about the racism, not the law.

Ahh........you don't have a response therefore I iz racist.
Candidate for Chicago Mayor Struggles to Unite Latinos and Blacks

Get it yet? No?

did someone engage in a massive coverup to hide the circumstances on how that 14 year old boy was killed?

Was there a big payout given to keep the family silent?

Was the person who shot that 14 year old boy allowed to stay free for three years?

NO, LaQuan wasn't the only victim of violence. He wasn't even the only person killed by police. But his case is really offensive to most decent people.

It is offensive. So is living in fear.
My reasoning skills? Did we not already establish those low wages are kept low by undocumented workers?

No, we didn't establish that at all. Quite the contrary, low wages are kept low because the work isn't terribly valuable.

it why when Alabama got rid of a lot of it's illegals, a lot of crops plain old didn't get harvested.

Therefore, you cannot lead, you cannot follow and you will need to get the fuck out of the way.

Naw, stopping you racists is always fun. Watching you sputter as white people become a minority will be hilarious to watch.

Ahh........you don't have a response therefore I iz racist.
Candidate for Chicago Mayor Struggles to Unite Latinos and Blacks

Get it yet? No?

No, you missed the point I was making.

Chuy was an awful candidate, but Blacks pretty much bailed Rahm out in the runoff. That won't happen in 2019. They are plenty pissed about how he protected Jason van Dyke.

The only reason why Chuy became the default candidate was because no black candidate of any stature ran. that won't be the case in 2019. so Rahm- if he runs and if he's smart he won't - will need Hispanics and Whites to win.

He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

Sure, he's doing it for publicity and to fluff and to get votes....but still.....

What kind of morons keeps electing a jackass like this?
Some might argue that Chicago would become MUCH safer if one of those stray bullets found their mark.

The left always looks to the courts when they can't win at the ballot box.


Exactly. Sotomayor said it best about Liberals and The Bench. Executive and Legislative take too much work for Liberals......which is why they lost in '10, '12, '14 and '16. Aside from Obama in '12, Republicans have won everything else since. Let me rephrase that, Democrats LOST on everything else ( Senate, House, Governorships, State Legislatures ). To say the Republicans won would be giving them too much credit.
Exactly. Sotomayor said it best about Liberals and The Bench. Executive and Legislative take too much work for Liberals......which is why they lost in '10, '12, '14 and '16. Aside from Obama in '12, Republicans have won everything else since. Let me rephrase that, Democrats LOST on everything else ( Senate, House, Governorships, State Legislatures ). To say the Republicans won would be giving them too much credit.

Actually, it would be too much to say Democrats lost.

They gained seats in the Senate and House in 12 and 16. The won the popular vote for the presidency in 16.

But it's ebb and flow. The president's party ALWAYS loses seats in the midterms.

And in 2018, it's the Republican's turn.
No, we didn't establish that at all. Quite the contrary, low wages are kept low because the work isn't terribly valuable.

it why when Alabama got rid of a lot of it's illegals, a lot of crops plain old didn't get harvested.

Yes, we did establish that. There are visas to meet Alabama's needs or were you not aware?

Naw, stopping you racists is always fun. Watching you sputter as white people become a minority will be hilarious to watch.

You are incapable of debating and can only respond to extremists. I don't give a damn if white people become a minority.

No, you missed the point I was making.

Chuy was an awful candidate, but Blacks pretty much bailed Rahm out in the runoff. That won't happen in 2019. They are plenty pissed about how he protected Jason van Dyke.

The only reason why Chuy became the default candidate was because no black candidate of any stature ran. that won't be the case in 2019. so Rahm- if he runs and if he's smart he won't - will need Hispanics and Whites to win.

You don't have a point. You have excuses. The ongoing tension between communities is related to employment. It is something that can be addressed and isn't.

He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

Sure, he's doing it for publicity and to fluff and to get votes....but still.....

What kind of morons keeps electing a jackass like this?
Some might argue that Chicago would become MUCH safer if one of those stray bullets found their mark.

He is the perfect snowflake.

They will stand up for what they believe in, but they want no consequences.

They are cornball activists.

Rosa Parks they are not.
Exactly. Sotomayor said it best about Liberals and The Bench. Executive and Legislative take too much work for Liberals......which is why they lost in '10, '12, '14 and '16. Aside from Obama in '12, Republicans have won everything else since. Let me rephrase that, Democrats LOST on everything else ( Senate, House, Governorships, State Legislatures ). To say the Republicans won would be giving them too much credit.

Actually, it would be too much to say Democrats lost.

They gained seats in the Senate and House in 12 and 16. The won the popular vote for the presidency in 16.

But it's ebb and flow. The president's party ALWAYS loses seats in the midterms.

And in 2018, it's the Republican's turn.

Ebb and Flow, I agree. When the President's party loses midterms House and Senate, it is a rejection of the President.

He's got the audacity to sue the DOJ over withholding Federal funds while he's protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants and at the same time presiding over the most violent city in North America......

Chicago to sue DOJ over sanctuary cities policy

THIS is pure unmitigated insanity.....THIS is the LEFT

No, this is common sense.

If you have a community who is afraid that if they report a crime or bear witness to a crime or help the police solve a crime, they will be sent to another country, they aren't going to help out.

It's hard enough to get people to cooperate with the police. Most people just don't want to get involved.
If you have a community who is afraid that if they report a crime or bear witness to a crime or help the police solve a crime, they will be sent to another country, they aren't going to help out.

It's hard enough to get people to cooperate with the police. Most people just don't want to get involved.
No. Pretending to give a damn about undocumented workers in Chicago is bad policy. Pretending that they are calling in is lying. Rahm Emanuel doesn't give a damn about anyone else but Rahm Emanuel. He is a neoliberal. He is all about privatization. So, we can cut the shit about what a really great, caring individual he is.

I think Rahm's an awful mayor and I can't wait to vote him out.

But the policy is the same policy that nearly every big city mayor and police department supports. they can work with the community or they can been as a threat by the community... but not both.
I think Rahm's an awful mayor and I can't wait to vote him out.
ROFLMMFAO...better get used to waiting!

Unless you've moved to Chicago within the last 4 months
you can't vote in Chicago's mayoral race,...
Yes, we did establish that. There are visas to meet Alabama's needs or were you not aware?

No, we didn't. Alabama triggered a major crisis for their agriculture industry because crops rotted on the vine because they had no one to pick them.

You are incapable of debating and can only respond to extremists. I don't give a damn if white people become a minority.

Sure you do, you are pissing yourself over it. you live in mortal fear that once we throw Trump out of office, we are going to get sensible immigration reform.

You don't have a point. You have excuses. The ongoing tension between communities is related to employment. It is something that can be addressed and isn't.

No, the current tension is related to the one percent using employment as a stick to screw working people. That you go along with it is the problem.

The thing is, if you deported the illegals, you'd also deport consumers. Less consumers, less jobs providing goods and services.
Ebb and Flow, I agree. When the President's party loses midterms House and Senate, it is a rejection of the President.

No, not really. For instance, Obama lost the 2010 midterms and easily won re-election. Reagan lost the 82 and 86 midterms and easily won re-election/election of Bush-41. Clinton lost the 94 midterms, and won re-election easily.

The big problem with midterms is only the angry people show up for them. That's why Trump is going to be in such trouble.

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