Rainmaker Studios: Eco-Dioramas [Social Democracy?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture eco-consciousness vignette inspired by the offbeat alien-intention spirituality film K-PAX.

Cheers (signing off),


Americans were facing the very real problem of industrial pollution related acid-rain, a phenomenon in which rain falling from the skies has corrosive acidic signatures because of contamination of Earth's atmosphere. This 'acid-rain consciousness' created a sort of planetary panic, and film-makers and documentarians wanted to catalog this corruption of water-purity on Earth. Films/documentaries such as Erin Brockovich and and An Inconvenient Truth were among the first of such films.


However, a malevolent super-intelligent alien-species known as the 'Xenomorph' detected this problem on Earth and observed these films being made in America. The Xenomorph species began spying on America and witnessing its 'eco-activities' and the eco-activism of the celebrity-managed organization the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The Xenomorphs decided to build a spy-station on Earth's moon to continue monitoring humanity's treatment of Earth's ecosystems and perhaps plan an invasion.


A visionary sci-fi horror-comics writer/artist named Ajay Satan was working with a new comics-oriented film-company called Rainmaker Studios which was co-owned by Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Tom Cruise. Ajay was developing new sci-fi horror-comics stories about patriotic American crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' contending with a lethal invading intelligent alien species angry at humanity for its mistreatment of Mother Nature and Earth's ecosystems. Cruise wanted Ajay to begin work on a film-adaptation of this storyline, and soon, the project made headlines, and crowds of tourists visited Universal Studios for firsthand observations of the exciting film's production.


When NASA received an alien-signal from Earth's moon, from the Xenomorph species, indicating that the aliens wished to land on Earth and talk to Ajay Satan and Tom Cruise, the U.S. government employed military forces to secure Universal Studios where Ajay's film was being made. The Xenomorph aliens would arrive on the set of the film studio and talk with Ajay about the scope and value of the eco-conscious film and its ambitious dimensions and celebrity-associations. President Trump told the CIA that the possibility that the Xenomorph aliens were 'monitoring' humanity's treatment of Earth's ecosystems would remain top-secret.


XENO: This is an ambitious project for Rainmaker Studios.
AJAY: We're pleased to have the media-endorsements of Tom Cruise!
XENO: It seems your civilization is very 'media-based.'
AJAY: Yes, it is; we want people involved in social initiatives.
XENO: Are you an advocate of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation?
AJAY: Yes, I am; I think Leo is contributing to this film in some way.
XENO: I suppose Tom Cruise is managing that end of the production.
AJAY: Yes, he is; I simply work on the creative ends of the film.
XENO: What is the film called?
AJAY: The working-title is Alien: Acid-Rain Day; it stars Jude Law.
XENO: How long have you been a fan of sci-fi horror-comics?
AJAY: For a long time...I've also been an advocate of eco-activism.
XENO: Well, it seems Rainmaker Studios represents progressive imagination!
AJAY: We wanted you to accept these studio-logo umbrellas as diplomatic gifts.
XENO: I suppose these 'Rainmaker Umbrellas' represent humanity's eco-wisdom.
AJAY: Yes, they do; I like to think consumerism/media is responsible!
XENO: Are you a fan of the marketing of violence-themed toys?
AJAY: I see no moral issue with the sale of water-guns to kids...
XENO: Yes, human children seem to love summertime water-gun fights.
AJAY: Yes, they do! Are you concerned our species is 'juvenile'?
XENO: No; it does seem that Rainmaker Studios is a 'diplomatic studio.'
AJAY: In that case, we're confident you'll appreciate our gifted umbrellas.
XENO: Yes, Ajay; we'll be carrying these umbrellas on Venus...with confidence.
AJAY: The U.S. government will work to ensure that eco-imagination is sane.
XENO: Did you realize we intended to colonize or perhaps destroy Earth?
AJAY: Are you being serious or facetious?
XENO: What do you think (hehe)?
AJAY: I think you're offering a 'kind admonition' and we appreciate the 'concern.'


The Xenomorph aliens departed Earth, confident that the creative endeavors of Ajay and Rainmaker Studios and the work of media-engaged celebrities (e.g., Tom Cruise), governments in authority (e.g., Trump Administration), and eco-conscious media-engaged groups (e.g., Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) would work to ensure that eco-imagination on Earth was indeed sane and honest. Ajay decided to pen a series of comics-stories about Xenomorphs dancing with umbrellas on Venus while the Trump Administration worked with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to organize various eco-minded activities. Earth was safe...for now!




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