Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.
Ummm.. I question the validity of that claim, if you look here --> http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr63/nvsr63_07.pdf Table 19, pp 46 (CDC) link it shows average life expectancy at birth in 1935 as 61.7 years (59.9 for men, 63.9 for women) and that's life expectancy at birth your source seems to be claiming that people born far earlier than 1935 were expected to live far longer than the people born in that year.

there is a difference between the two numbers, in my opinon. At birth the life expectancy could very well be 61.7 but at 65 it could be 72. So both numbers could be right.
Could be, but it doesn't seem logical that would be the case since one would expect that persons already at age 65 would not enjoy such a dramatic life expectancy increase versus those being born, I could understand a small incremental increase but the only logical explanation for such a large increase would be that there was a VERY small population of people alive in the U.S. who were 65 or older (which would mean that they would be largely irrelevant to the design of the program), which if true would make those numbers deceptive when talking about long term programs like Social Security. After all the program design wouldn't be for people that were already eligible it would be for people that would some day be eligible......

I think you are living on a misconception about age and how the SS system was developed. Actuary tables are not something new. They knew in 1930 what was the life expectancy of a 65 year old man and women. It isn't rocket science.

Any way here is a table from the linked site that explains it.

View attachment 53746

Social Security History
It needs to be an opt in or opt out if it is still survive any more than a few more years. Socialist entitlement programs like that should be hand up not a handout like it is currently.

This is how I see it. When I first stated paying into the system I believed that I would get paid at retirement an amount proportional to what I put in. Just like I bought life insurance with the belief that when I die my children would receive what was promised. Now that I am approaching retirement, SS that is, it seem that what I war promised might not happen. Or worse because I was able to put so much into the system I might actually receive less while someone who put in less gets more. If this were a private company they would be jailed for what SS is doing.

Correct. I mean, if we all want this system and not have it replaced, then we have to pay for it, that's all.

Increase SS contributions by 25% for employees and that should shore the system up for a while. But the reason they don't do something like that is because working people would realize it's a failure and a scam and demand something different.
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.
As I said, why not just raise it so that to be eligible you need to be dead? People wear out and I think that the majority start wearing out way before 70.

Besides, if you want to change it, change it for those who didn't pay into it their whole lives.

The program would be far more stable had the federal government not started spending the money allocated to it for other stuff and didn't create the SS Disability program, which is heavily abused.
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

Expecting what you were promised and paid for is selfish?

Sorry but I have seen the new crop of workers and they are both lazy and expect everything handed to them.
As I said, why not just raise it so that to be eligible you need to be dead? People wear out and I think that the majority start wearing out way before 70.

Besides, if you want to change it, change it for those who didn't pay into it their whole lives.

The program would be far more stable had the federal government not started spending the money allocated to it for other stuff and didn't create the SS Disability program, which is heavily abused.


BTW how much trouble is SS? Is it run by people who don't know actuary tables or are not CPA? Or are we just worrying over really nothing?
Lets pick up the pace granny its not your break, you got 2 more years to work before you can collect social security.

Expecting what you were promised and paid for is selfish?

Sorry but I have seen the new crop of workers and they are both lazy and expect everything handed to them.


When leftists buy home insurance and their house burns down, they don't expect the insurance to actually pay. They just pay for insurance so that it can be used for charity and to line the pockets of bureaucrats. /sarcasm
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

Expecting what you were promised and paid for is selfish?.

When you're the ones who ruined the system put in place to pay for it and now the solution is to rob your kids and grandkids instead of paying the piper?

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.

If Social Security were a private sector pension plan those responsible would have been perp walked to prison for a fraction of what politicians have gotten away with. I love how Democrat politicians warn me about the risks of investing part of my social security contributions in the stock market, vs what their spending every last dime of my money then trying to screw me out of any benefits.

It was fresh finally to hear the GOP candidates stand on stage and tell the people sorry, you have been lied to and stolen from your social security money was stolen and spent, you are not going to get what the government promised you.
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

Expecting what you were promised and paid for is selfish?.

When you're the ones who ruined the system put in place to pay for it and now the solution is to rob your kids and grandkids instead of paying the piper?

Our parents did it right............they liked to have sex and have lots of babies...............One of the corner stones of the FDR plan was to maintain a population growth...................In that way there would be more people to pay for those getting the program...............Perhaps the younger generation needs to get into bed more often and have more kids...................

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.......................

The system needed 10 or more to contribute to the system to maintain the money............It now has 3............Simple math tells you that it will lose money and eventually be unsustainable......................

It isn't just SS that's the problem. It is Gov't Pensions which are another time bomb...........Do 20 get half pay for life.................That is unsustainable..............Perhaps the real problem of the past and now is that we've allowed corrupt CAREER politicians to screw this country...............but we keep electing them anyway.................They are the ones to blame as are the ones who continue to believe the Gov't is the answer to everything.................It needs to be limited.........or it will destroy us from within........................

This needs to end...........and the sooner the better.............and get busy in bed buddy........LOL
Social Security - Just Facts


* A 2010 report by the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration found that 71,688 of these checks (totaling $18,000,000) were sent to people who were deceased and thus ineligible to receive the payments. This included:

  • 63,481 people whose deaths had been reported to the Social Security Administration.[163]
  • roughly 8,000 dead people who were born before the oldest living person in the United States.[164]
  • a deceased person who was born in 1873 and was supposedly 136 years old.[165]
  • a man who had been deceased for 34 years, left the United States before the Social Security Act was passed, and had never participated in the program.[166] [167]
* A random audit of 50 such cases found that 26 of the payments had been returned. The stimulus act did not provide authority to reclaim payments issued to the deceased, and thus, the Social Security Administration or Treasury did not pursue collection of unreturned payments.[168]

Government is inefficient, and incompetent.................a large portion of the problem is cases like the one above..........as they crank out checks to dead people................

As we give new arrivals benefits to our welfare system when they are not even citizens.................Who have never paid a dime into the system...................The system needs to audited............so we can figure out who is abusing the system................and END IT.............Not to mention deal with our border problem that is making it even harder to pay the bills........................

If we could end most of the waste and fraud.............we could end a lot of this discussion............then we may be talking less money to fix it.............
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

You are missing the critical point: the money JUST IS NOT THERE!
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

You are missing the critical point: the money JUST IS NOT THERE!

So people are expected to work long after they have the ability because the money isn't there?

Our country is now 18 trillion in the hole, and nobody tells people on food stamps, welfare, HUD or people getting child vouchers for daycare that the money just isn't there.

If we are to give anybody anything, shouldn't it be to the people that worked their entire lives to put into the system instead of those who didn't put in anything?
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.

when social security was instituted, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. it is now over 70. they should raise the age to 65 or 67. then they wouldn't need to cut anything. the government should also put the money back into the trust fund that was taken out during bush's tenure.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.

when social security was instituted, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. it is now over 70. they should raise the age to 65 or 67. then they wouldn't need to cut anything. the government should also put the money back into the trust fund that was taken out during bush's tenure.
It's already going to 67.........Magic year for that isn't here yet...............
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.

If Social Security were a private sector pension plan those responsible would have been perp walked to prison for a fraction of what politicians have gotten away with. I love how Democrat politicians warn me about the risks of investing part of my social security contributions in the stock market, vs what their spending every last dime of my money then trying to screw me out of any benefits.

It was fresh finally to hear the GOP candidates stand on stage and tell the people sorry, you have been lied to and stolen from your social security money was stolen and spent, you are not going to get what the government promised you.

The Republicans were telling us that--the Democrats keep lying by telling us how safe the program is.

Every year or so SS sends out their little pamphlet showing how much you put into the system since you started working, and how much you would get today if you started to collect.

If you took that history to a reputable investment agent and asked them to calculate what you might be worth today had all that money been invested in a conservative growth account, you would probably flip out.

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