Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

Big Business pushes the cost of doing business to the consumer.............They don't eat all the taxes they pay..................

They add it to the cost of the product.............and then the people say why is everything going up in price............Dang Rich people and Corps...............TAX THEM TAX THEM................So the Gov't does..............

Then the price goes up again.................and they don't even know that they are paying for their chant anyway..................

You can't fix stupid.............

So, we have

A) Govt gives big business money. Big business puts down prices. This pushes smaller companies out of the way meaning big business has a larger share of the market. This means more money is made by the richer people. But poorer people get lower priced goods, to offset the fact they're paying loads of their money to pay for the taxes to go for paying for the lower goods. So the poor don't save anything, However they've got less chance of making a business successful.

B) Govt doesn't give big business money. Smaller businesses can compete with the larger businesses. This means money is shared more evenly. This means goods cost more, but taxes can be lower.

I find it funny that people who support "smaller government" tend to want bigger military, more populous prisons, govt to tell you who you can marry, govt to tell you what you can smoke. They even want govt to tax people more in order to give to the rich.

Funny old world, isn't it?
Big Business pushes the cost of doing business to the consumer.............They don't eat all the taxes they pay..................

They add it to the cost of the product.............and then the people say why is everything going up in price............Dang Rich people and Corps...............TAX THEM TAX THEM................So the Gov't does..............

Then the price goes up again.................and they don't even know that they are paying for their chant anyway..................

You can't fix stupid.............

So, we have

A) Govt gives big business money. Big business puts down prices. This pushes smaller companies out of the way meaning big business has a larger share of the market. This means more money is made by the richer people. But poorer people get lower priced goods, to offset the fact they're paying loads of their money to pay for the taxes to go for paying for the lower goods. So the poor don't save anything, However they've got less chance of making a business successful.

B) Govt doesn't give big business money. Smaller businesses can compete with the larger businesses. This means money is shared more evenly. This means goods cost more, but taxes can be lower.

I find it funny that people who support "smaller government" tend to want bigger military, more populous prisons, govt to tell you who you can marry, govt to tell you what you can smoke. They even want govt to tax people more in order to give to the rich.

Funny old world, isn't it?
Since I don't believe we should subsidize big business how is that argument for my opinion................

Business should rise or fall on their own and at their own expense...........not through the Taxpayer...................

That is a different subject..............just as paying people not to farm is another BS deal from the Gov't..............

When we tax the hell out of them, AND SMALL BUSINESS.................they pass it on to the buyer............that is reality.........

The same with Tariffs.............they are CONSUMPTION TAXES on the people...................I would much rather get my consumption taxes on those importing goods into our country than taxing our own out of country.
Big Business pushes the cost of doing business to the consumer.............They don't eat all the taxes they pay..................

They add it to the cost of the product.............and then the people say why is everything going up in price............Dang Rich people and Corps...............TAX THEM TAX THEM................So the Gov't does..............

Then the price goes up again.................and they don't even know that they are paying for their chant anyway..................

You can't fix stupid.............

So, we have

A) Govt gives big business money. Big business puts down prices. This pushes smaller companies out of the way meaning big business has a larger share of the market. This means more money is made by the richer people. But poorer people get lower priced goods, to offset the fact they're paying loads of their money to pay for the taxes to go for paying for the lower goods. So the poor don't save anything, However they've got less chance of making a business successful.

B) Govt doesn't give big business money. Smaller businesses can compete with the larger businesses. This means money is shared more evenly. This means goods cost more, but taxes can be lower.

I find it funny that people who support "smaller government" tend to want bigger military, more populous prisons, govt to tell you who you can marry, govt to tell you what you can smoke. They even want govt to tax people more in order to give to the rich.

Funny old world, isn't it?

First off you have to get away from this notion that government gives businesses money. They don't. They can only take less. Unless you believe that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift, government doesn't give you anything.

Next is the fact that business doesn't push out anybody--consumers do. If Walmart opens up in your neighborhood, they don't close down mom and pop, they simply offer a larger variety of products perhaps at a lower cost. Consumers choose Walmart over mom and pop--nobody else. Choice is good. Choice means freedom. The more choices we have in this country, the more freedom we have.

Government never prohibited anybody from getting married. They just decided not to recognize that marriage. If Jim and Sam wanted to marry and found a religion that would marry them, then they simply got married.

Our military is our freedom. The protection of this country is outlined in the US Constitution. It's an obligation that our leaders are charged with. Yes, we need a large and strong military if we are to maintain the leader of all free societies.

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