Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.

when social security was instituted, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. it is now over 70. they should raise the age to 65 or 67. then they wouldn't need to cut anything. the government should also put the money back into the trust fund that was taken out during bush's tenure.
It's already going to 67.........Magic year for that isn't here yet...............

oh yeah... i forgot about that.

well, that should help. i'm not a believer in making it more difficult for our elderly. so i still wouldn't cut anything.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

You are missing the critical point: the money JUST IS NOT THERE!

So people are expected to work long after they have the ability because the money isn't there?

The alternatives are hyperinflation or default. Yes, I think we are close to that point. The money is not there! If you did not save for your own retirement, you're probably going to work until you keel over.
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

Expecting what you were promised and paid for is selfish?.

When you're the ones who ruined the system put in place to pay for it and now the solution is to rob your kids and grandkids instead of paying the piper?


How did "we" ruin the system? Please elaborate.
One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

You are missing the critical point: the money JUST IS NOT THERE!

So people are expected to work long after they have the ability because the money isn't there?

The alternatives are hyperinflation or default. Yes, I think we are close to that point. The money is not there! If you did not save for your own retirement, you're probably going to work until you keel over.

I see you avoided the question. Good call on your part.
One more time for the slow kid: the money is not there. Even slashing all the bullshit (I say start with 25% across the board, 35% for all military spending, and keep slashing from there), the money IS NOT THERE.
One more time for the slow kid: the money is not there. Even slashing all the bullshit (I say start with 25% across the board, 35% for all military spending, and keep slashing from there), the money IS NOT THERE.

Avoided the question twice. You're on a roll now.
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.

If Social Security were a private sector pension plan those responsible would have been perp walked to prison for a fraction of what politicians have gotten away with. I love how Democrat politicians warn me about the risks of investing part of my social security contributions in the stock market, vs what their spending every last dime of my money then trying to screw me out of any benefits.

It was fresh finally to hear the GOP candidates stand on stage and tell the people sorry, you have been lied to and stolen from your social security money was stolen and spent, you are not going to get what the government promised you.

The Republicans were telling us that--the Democrats keep lying by telling us how safe the program is.

Every year or so SS sends out their little pamphlet showing how much you put into the system since you started working, and how much you would get today if you started to collect.

If you took that history to a reputable investment agent and asked them to calculate what you might be worth today had all that money been invested in a conservative growth account, you would probably flip out.

I have been paying the max into SS for a long time I wish I had even half of that in my accounts vs government wasting every last dime of it.
Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.

If Social Security were a private sector pension plan those responsible would have been perp walked to prison for a fraction of what politicians have gotten away with. I love how Democrat politicians warn me about the risks of investing part of my social security contributions in the stock market, vs what their spending every last dime of my money then trying to screw me out of any benefits.

It was fresh finally to hear the GOP candidates stand on stage and tell the people sorry, you have been lied to and stolen from your social security money was stolen and spent, you are not going to get what the government promised you.

The Republicans were telling us that--the Democrats keep lying by telling us how safe the program is.

Every year or so SS sends out their little pamphlet showing how much you put into the system since you started working, and how much you would get today if you started to collect.

If you took that history to a reputable investment agent and asked them to calculate what you might be worth today had all that money been invested in a conservative growth account, you would probably flip out.

I have been paying the max into SS for a long time I wish I had even half of that in my accounts vs government wasting every last dime of it.
You had better get out of socialist entitlement program if you can, the program is insolvent.

The numbers don't lie
I don't think you understand how it works. They don't just say, okay, we're raising the retirement age from 67 to 70 now and if you're currently 66 you'll have to work four more years. Sorry! Fooled you! No, they would set it at 70 for people born after a certain date who are still well away from retirement age, thus receiving the notice you are asking for.

I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

And how are we greedy, self-centered and selfish? Because we were forced into a Ponzi scheme and only want what was promised to us?

Trust me, if given a choice, I would have never contributed to SS. I would have invested that money in a private account and made sure I would be getting my hard earned money back. In fact, looking over my IRA that I've had the last 20 years, if I could have invested my own money, I would probably retire at 60 because I could afford to; not depend on when government thinks I should retire.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for........... Some day you're going to get old too, and then we'll see if you become selfish and greedy when they want you to work until 73.

If Social Security were a private sector pension plan those responsible would have been perp walked to prison for a fraction of what politicians have gotten away with. I love how Democrat politicians warn me about the risks of investing part of my social security contributions in the stock market, vs what their spending every last dime of my money then trying to screw me out of any benefits.

It was fresh finally to hear the GOP candidates stand on stage and tell the people sorry, you have been lied to and stolen from your social security money was stolen and spent, you are not going to get what the government promised you.

The Republicans were telling us that--the Democrats keep lying by telling us how safe the program is.

Every year or so SS sends out their little pamphlet showing how much you put into the system since you started working, and how much you would get today if you started to collect.

If you took that history to a reputable investment agent and asked them to calculate what you might be worth today had all that money been invested in a conservative growth account, you would probably flip out.

I have been paying the max into SS for a long time I wish I had even half of that in my accounts vs government wasting every last dime of it.
You had better get out of socialist entitlement program if you can, the program is insolvent.

The numbers don't lie

I learned a long time ago the only winning move was to earn money faster than the government can take it away from me. That hit me about age 26 after the Democrats stole my raise every damn year for several years in a row, assholes!
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

Their idea is to lift the cap but not pay anymore out to those who paid the most. That's the way liberalism works: put it on the shoulders of the wealthy.
One more time for the slow kid: the money is not there. Even slashing all the bullshit (I say start with 25% across the board, 35% for all military spending, and keep slashing from there), the money IS NOT THERE.

What money is not there?

When you buy a CD where is your money?
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?

Did you not actually read my posts? Have you been drinking? I have been saying for YEARS that the budget needs to be slashed...but we are at the point I'm not sure it CAN be slashed enough.
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

According to the SS, which I linked to in another thread, they already adjust payback so that those who would receive little receive more and those who paid the most will receive less. A private company would be in jail for doing the same.
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?

Did you not actually read my posts? Have you been drinking? I have been saying for YEARS that the budget needs to be slashed...but we are at the point I'm not sure it CAN be slashed enough.

No budget slashing for two years, thanks to Obama and Boner.
I believe you must be a Baby Boomer because no other generation in this country's history has been as greedy, selfish, and self-centered as yours.

Many persons have 40-50 years of pay-in to SSI. With employer match this can be 200K, 1mil? They will get back 1K-2K/mo. Need to live ten years.......that could be 240K payout at 2K/mo. Hardly greedy. If the buffoons had invested pay-in as they should.........well it would be sustaining.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I agree the retirement age should be raised to 70. If you want to retire before that then that's what your 401k, pensions, and other investment plans are for.

Well people might have saved for it had they known the age would be raised to 70. But what are we supposed to do, increase the age to 70 and yell SURPRISE!

I believe you people never worked a physical job in your life before or are way too young to realize what age does to a body and reflexes.

Hey if you run into me in your truck and we burn alive.....its a win-win. two they don't pay!
One more time for the slow kid: the money is not there. Even slashing all the bullshit (I say start with 25% across the board, 35% for all military spending, and keep slashing from there), the money IS NOT THERE.

There is money THERE. It is coming out of every paycheck every week. Supposedly a bit above what goes out at this very point in time.

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