Raise Retirement age and cut benefits or not?

it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

Their idea is to lift the cap but not pay anymore out to those who paid the most. That's the way liberalism works: put it on the shoulders of the wealthy.

OH, I see. What is this magic MAX PAYOUT per month? I have not seen this figure if it exists now.
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

Their idea is to lift the cap but not pay anymore out to those who paid the most. That's the way liberalism works: put it on the shoulders of the wealthy.

OH, I see. What is this magic MAX PAYOUT per month? I have not seen this figure if it exists now.

No, I think it's a yearly figure, somewhere in the low six digits.
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

Their idea is to lift the cap but not pay anymore out to those who paid the most. That's the way liberalism works: put it on the shoulders of the wealthy.

OH, I see. What is this magic MAX PAYOUT per month? I have not seen this figure if it exists now.

No, I think it's a yearly figure, somewhere in the low six digits.

It is not easy to find. But I did see $2663/mo max if you retire 2015. Not 100% sure......
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?

Did you not actually read my posts? Have you been drinking? I have been saying for YEARS that the budget needs to be slashed...but we are at the point I'm not sure it CAN be slashed enough.

Sure we can, just cut off all those social programs nobody paid into but taxpayers. And think how badly Medicare is broke. I just looked at my paycheck stub, and I realized I put over four times the contribution to SS as I do in Medicare. And let's face it, one major surgery for a senior citizen and that bill could cost us almost a life times worth of Social Security.

So I like your idea. Let's start with Medicare first since that costs us more. When do we pull the plug on those old people already?????
We could have an entire thread to argue WHO stole the SSI money. Who started taking it? Who cleaned it all out? I suppose they are going to say ..........what else? GWB
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?

Did you not actually read my posts? Have you been drinking? I have been saying for YEARS that the budget needs to be slashed...but we are at the point I'm not sure it CAN be slashed enough.

Sure we can, just cut off all those social programs nobody paid into but taxpayers. And think how badly Medicare is broke. I just looked at my paycheck stub, and I realized I put over four times the contribution to SS as I do in Medicare. And let's face it, one major surgery for a senior citizen and that bill could cost us almost a life times worth of Social Security.

So I like your idea. Let's start with Medicare first since that costs us more. When do we pull the plug on those old people already?????

Now we have Medicare, Medicaid and ObamaCare.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.
Bullshit. Less war spending and raise taxes on the rich and corporations.

You cut them you can raise them back. Hillary will show you.
Oh please. Look, you can buy that nonsense all you like.
Do the math..It won't make a dent. And anyone with any kind of intelligence knows this. And it will never happen....BTW, as a side note. On so called war spending. Look no further than the guy that just extended ( again) the time frame of our presence in Afghanistan.
Google "the donor class"...
There you'll find that the wealthy and the big bad corporations have sidled up to the democrat party. They have all decided that it is financially feasible and wise to curry favor with the democrats by donating to dem candidates and liberal causes. IN turn the democrats offer concessions on regulations, tax breaks and of course waivers for things such as Obamacare.
If you think the lobbyists for the donor class haven't already told both Sanders and Clinton the conditions under which they get those donations, you're nuts. And very naive
Umm, Hillary isn't showing us anything....She's not winning this election.
More of the lame old arguments. I won't even here it. How old are you?
Ya know what....Facts kick ass.
And bring out the kind of responses such as yours...."How old are you"....What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Did you do anything to find out about the donor class? Of course not. Finding out the facts would destroy your narrative.
We could have an entire thread to argue WHO stole the SSI money. Who started taking it? Who cleaned it all out? I suppose they are going to say ..........what else? GWB
The Carter Admin decided that taking SS money and placing it in the general fund was a good idea. It also allowed Carter to mask the actual deficit numbers..
We are not looking to raise the retirement age to 70 for those who are 65. We are looking at those who are 35 or younger

Look at the medical improvements since 1980 and then imagine what will be available 35 years from now
Oh then OK. I'm 44
As long as you get yours, everything is fine, huh?

I know you meant that as an insult but I am totally fine with that sentiment.
I did not realize I was posting to anyone except sealy.
Do we touch Medicare and Social Security or not?

With Medicare, it's all about the government giving money to drug companies and rich doctors. We should gradually raise the retirement age, yes. But as far as cutting what Medicare is willing to pay, that would hurt seniors because the greedy doctors and drug companies would stop accepting Medicare. So the only viable thing there is health reform to cut the costs of healthcare paid by all so that what Medicare pays can also go down. Obamacare was supposed to work on that, but because of the toxic Washington environment they rushed out a Democrat only plan rather than working together with Republicans on the healthcare cost issue.

On Social Security, raise the retirement age, and tax benefits to more well off seniors. It's not fair, but there's no alternative. The money seniors put in to social security is gone and the current generation can't sustain the older generation at the current benefit level.

So fixing medicare is much tougher and must be done hand in hand with healthcare reform.

Bottom line: Huckabee, Christie, Bush, everybody had some good ideas. Get together with Democrats and come up with something.

We need to elect somebody who can do that because neither party will win absolute power in 2016.
No you do not raise the retirement age! Nobody wants to work till 70.
Wanting is irrelevant. The current system is not sustainable. Changes have to be made. And that means there will be pain and unpleasantness.

But no pain in the Gold Plated GOVT worker "seperate" pension plan? they get "$10K"/mo for life starting earlier (we get to pay it and shut the hell up with our $1K/mo? I get upset.
I never mentioned federal workers. Who BTW should be taken off the federal system and forced to endure the SS system just like the resat of us.
If it's good enough for the public, it's good enough for those who work for the public.
they already pay in to Social security now, and they also contribute towards their federal pension... and they can also can be part of a 401 k with employer matches if i am not mistaken...

retirement was suppose to be a 3 legged stool

SS retirement
work Pension
personal Savings[/Q
For federal workers, participation in the Social Security system is optional. The primary retirement account is the Federal Employee Retirement System...
You are mistaken. There is no "401k" for federal employees.
For the last time. We do not "pay into" Social Security. SS is a TAX....The only difference is we somehow get some of it back...But it is a tax because the money is taken from us and our employer. After the federal government takes their skim, the remainder goes to various per projects. The left overs are placed into an account and from that so called account comes the monthly check.
What is "work pension"?....
Who told you that thing about the imaginary stool?....
Oh...here's a link that proves you are indeed mistaken.
FERS Information
At some point, the federal retirement age will have to be raised. Liberals are kidding themselves when they holdfast to such an untenable position.

People are healthier, living longer, are leading healthy lives much longer than they did when Social Security was framed in the 1930s. There is little scientific evidence not to raise it.

Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until the next GOP President to do that and that isn't going to happen until 2021 at the earliest.
There is nothing to give. One more time for the REALLY slow kid: the money SIMPLY IS NOT FUCKING THERE The question is irrelevant because (one more time) the money is gone!

One more time for the public school student: The money isn't there for all of our social programs, so shouldn't we eliminate those first before going to a program where people paid into it their entire lives?

Did you not actually read my posts? Have you been drinking? I have been saying for YEARS that the budget needs to be slashed...but we are at the point I'm not sure it CAN be slashed enough.

Sure we can, just cut off all those social programs nobody paid into but taxpayers. And think how badly Medicare is broke. I just looked at my paycheck stub, and I realized I put over four times the contribution to SS as I do in Medicare. And let's face it, one major surgery for a senior citizen and that bill could cost us almost a life times worth of Social Security.

So I like your idea. Let's start with Medicare first since that costs us more. When do we pull the plug on those old people already?????

Now we have Medicare, Medicaid and ObamaCare.

Correct. Commie Care was a trillion dollars alone that increased our already outrageous debt, and they are expecting it to cost a lot more by the time all is said and done.

Only the geniuses on the left would consider starting yet another social program we can't afford when we can't even support the ones we've had for decades. Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures for many states and even driving them in the red.

Because of Medicare's shortfalls, they have been underpaying health providers for years now--sometimes paying only 2/3 of the bill. Health facilities had to recoup that money somewhere so they increased fees on everybody which eventually fell on private insurance who had to keep increasing premiums to the point employers could no longer afford them.

Ronald Reagan said it best "Government is not the solution to our problems--government is the problem."
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

And again, most people who do manual labor jobs won't be able to make it that far. 70 is a good idea for suit and tie people, but not people that do real work.
Ok, then make an exception for those working manual labor.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

And again, most people who do manual labor jobs won't be able to make it that far. 70 is a good idea for suit and tie people, but not people that do real work.
Ok, then make an exception for those working manual labor.

Not that easy as you must already know. Are you "baiting" the common man to reply? And the employers don't want you at 60, white red or blue collar. They want you out. Get two cheaper younger faster cuter less-old-age-AurtherSpooner smell.

What is manual? who decides? is driving 2 hours each way stop and go to sit at desk Manual labor on your hips back and nuts? of course mine are Numb......but all this RINO weight is hard to carry.
Retirement age has already been raised. It's subtle, but it's been there since 1983

One of the greatest acts of cowardice ever.

They raised the retirement age by two years, but it would not take full effect until 2022. Long, long after those bastards were all retired or dead.

And life expectancy has gone up by more than two years since then.

The retirement age should be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

And again, most people who do manual labor jobs won't be able to make it that far. 70 is a good idea for suit and tie people, but not people that do real work.
Ok, then make an exception for those working manual labor.

Okay, but then we have to define what is manual labor and what is not. I mean, I'm a truck driver, so am I considered manual labor? My concern is that I might not be able to operate that vehicle in a safe manor once I do get that age. I won't be as perceptive to a situation that requires immediate action, my reflexes will be slower, my sight might not be as good.

A driving job is in the top ten most dangerous careers to have. It even beats police officers and firemen.
it ain't that easy is it? IF you contribute more........then that person gets bigger payout, right? So if someone pays in up to 1mil.........they get 10K/mo? is there any savings? If the guy get nothing out of it then this is a TAX increase on the wealthy. right?

Maybe they need a MAX payout per month?


Social Security has always been capped,

Benefits Planner: Maximum Taxable Earnings (1937 - 2015)

Third post by me to try to get point across: We all know it SSI pay - In amount is capped (always).

What you get back is based on how much you put in. If you keep paying in up to 1mil then that guy will get a huge monthly check. defeating your purpose, correct? why is this so hard to say?

Give me and EXPERT so explain what i mean. My freakin' RINO hoofs are chapped!

So if you lift this "cap" you may have to adjust payback amount for those persons?

Their idea is to lift the cap but not pay anymore out to those who paid the most. That's the way liberalism works: put it on the shoulders of the wealthy.
You're a truck driver and you're worried about the damn wealthy. Fuck the wealthy. They can afford to pay more tax to sustain thus program that you're counting on being there for you. Sounds like you want me to pay half my salary to keep your pet program afloat while keeping the fat cat's tax rate down at 10%.
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Question: why is not the "right" screaming from the rooftops, "DEMS stole SSI" (Carter started it?).

oh yeah, they had 40 years to fix it but they were too busy handing out raises to themselves. RINO blames both sides. As long as RINO check clear........RINO say anything to keep elected!

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