Rally at Columbia SC state house Tomorrow afternoon “TAKE THE FLAG DOWN”

Over 12,000 already signed up more coming from all over SC, NC, Georgia, Florida and Virginia and maybe more states

Take The Flag Down Rally Planned For Columbia - FITSNews

There is no need to respect a symbol that is as evil and vicious to African-Americans as the Nazi swastika flag is to Jews.
It's only evil to ignorant racist fascists like you. And don't stop with that flag. If representing slave ownership or confederacy are the criteria then remove the American flag because it represents slave owners prior to the civil war. And remove the Crossland colors of red and white from the Maryland state flag and from all of its university's sports teams because that aspect of the flag was used to represent Maryland secessionists.
The list could be endless unless reasonable people stand up to left wing, black-racist and democrat fascist bullying.
Yeah, it may be just a damn flag that's part of our history but so is....

. That flag was carried by Democrats. Nothing to do with the USA.
No matter what you or I think of that flag it is a derisive object.

This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

Awesome! You sure have him figured out!
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
It's an absurd notion that KKK Racists would join the Republican Party when that party freed the slaves and got rid of democrat legislated Jim Crow laws. Name one anti-black law sponsored by The GOP. Democrats haven't changed, only their method for enslaving blacks. It's called the liberal plantation. We've had 6 six year of black democrat presidency and blacks are still no better off thanks to democrats.
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In many people's minds it DOES represent that. And when you leave it full mast in the wake of a massacre of peaceful black people, it sends a message.

People can read what they want into anything. But unlike the Nazi flag the confederate flag was based on the misguided beliefs that were lead astray by the rich democrat aristocrats. What I find amazing is that there are so many today that still buy into the BS that the white aristocrat sold their great grandparents so they would march in to cannon fire.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.
. Horseshit.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Name one anti black law passed by the GOP.
Over 12,000 already signed up more coming from all over SC, NC, Georgia, Florida and Virginia and maybe more states

Take The Flag Down Rally Planned For Columbia - FITSNews

There is no need to respect a symbol that is as evil and vicious to African-Americans as the Nazi swastika flag is to Jews.

I don't get the rally over this flag. Yes it represents slavery and oppression of blacks, but lets all remember....the confederate flag is also a reminder that not only did the south lose the civil war, they got their ass's beat into submission by the north!!
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Name one anti black law passed by the GOP.

Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act02:47
Now, its present and future are in doubt after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Tuesday that key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are no longer valid. The prevailing opinion leaves it to a divided Congress to revise the law, so that it's constitutional in the minds of a majority of justices.
Enjoy your protest


Published on Jun 19, 2015
Dylann Roof bond hearing. CHARLESTON —‘I forgive you.’ Relatives of Charleston church shooting victims address Dylann Roof The relatives of people slain inside the historic African American church in Charleston, S.C., earlier this week were able to confront the accused gunman Friday at his first court appearance. One by one, those who chose to speak at a bond hearing did not turn to anger. Instead, while he remained impassive, they offered him forgiveness and said they were praying for his soul. I forgive you,” Nadine Collier, the daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance, said at the hearing, her voice breaking with emotion. “You took something very precious from me. I will never talk to her again. I will never, ever hold her again. But I forgive you. And have mercy on your soul.”

The people speaking are social conservatives.
Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act02:47
Now, its present and future are in doubt after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Tuesday that key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are no longer valid. The prevailing opinion leaves it to a divided Congress to revise the law, so that it's constitutional in the minds of a majority of justices.
. That's not a law passed by the GOP. It's a SCOTUS decision for the good of all mankind. Democrats hate it because it limits their control of State sovereignty.
It’s Time to Burn the Confederate Flag

Although the Confederate states lost, they were never punished enough and this allowed white attitudes of racial superiority to flourish in the South, even today, 150 years after that war. The flying of the flag is a purposeful affront not only to African-Americans but also to humanity in general.

South Carolina will never willingly take down the flag; the time has come for opponents to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech and burn the Confederate flag—at the state capitol in South Carolina, in front of the White House, in front of Fox News Channel or maybe even outside the Grand Ole Opry.

It s Time to Burn the Confederate Flag Observer

When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that the democrats were suppose to be helping.
So you say the GOP has been like a fairy godmother to black people! Wow! :eek:

Amazing how the overwhelming majority of black people disagree with you! But nvm that there's probably no legitimate reasoning for them to feel that way. :rolleyes:
not valid. The Democrats are like father Christmas to the blacks and see what that has done for them. It brought about extreme poverty and hopelessness.
Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act02:47
Now, its present and future are in doubt after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Tuesday that key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are no longer valid. The prevailing opinion leaves it to a divided Congress to revise the law, so that it's constitutional in the minds of a majority of justices.
. That's not a law passed by the GOP. It's a SCOTUS decision for the good of all mankind. Democrats hate it because it limits their control of State sovereignty.

It was the GOP that took it to the supreme court or made black law makers want to have the courts hear the case....either way, its a GOP blue print...next question?
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
It's an absurd notion that KKK Racists would join the Republican Party when that party freed the slaves and got rid of democrat legislated Jim Crow laws. Name one anti-black law sponsored by The GOP. Democrats haven't changed, only their method for enslaving blacks. It's called the liberal plantation. We've had 6 six year of black democrat presidency and blacks are still no better off thanks to democrats.

Get out the past dude...today's GOP is nothing but the KKK cloaked in a national party. Its been that way, since Reagan took over the democratic south....get with the times.
It’s Time to Burn the Confederate Flag

Although the Confederate states lost, they were never punished enough and this allowed white attitudes of racial superiority to flourish in the South, even today, 150 years after that war. The flying of the flag is a purposeful affront not only to African-Americans but also to humanity in general.

South Carolina will never willingly take down the flag; the time has come for opponents to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech and burn the Confederate flag—at the state capitol in South Carolina, in front of the White House, in front of Fox News Channel or maybe even outside the Grand Ole Opry.

It s Time to Burn the Confederate Flag Observer

Come on now, admit it. You have some of the white superiority in you also. It seems to me that all on the left do, that is why they feel it is their responsibility to keep care of the poor helpless black man. That and wanting their vote. I think most people would be very shocked at how the democrats would treat blacks if they ever stopped voting for democrats.
Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act02:47
Now, its present and future are in doubt after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Tuesday that key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are no longer valid. The prevailing opinion leaves it to a divided Congress to revise the law, so that it's constitutional in the minds of a majority of justices.
. That's not a law passed by the GOP. It's a SCOTUS decision for the good of all mankind. Democrats hate it because it limits their control of State sovereignty.

It was the GOP that took it to the supreme court or made black law makers want to have the courts hear the case....either way, its a GOP blue print...next question?
It's not anti black, no matter what you think. You still don't have a case against republicans and you dismissed what Nixon did for blacks.
Get out the past dude...today's GOP is nothing but the KKK cloaked in a national party. Its been that way, since Reagan took over the democratic south....
Pushing that lie doesn't make it so. The history of black oppression has always been and still remains owed by Democrats and people calling themselves progressives.
Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act02:47
Now, its present and future are in doubt after the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Tuesday that key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are no longer valid. The prevailing opinion leaves it to a divided Congress to revise the law, so that it's constitutional in the minds of a majority of justices.
. That's not a law passed by the GOP. It's a SCOTUS decision for the good of all mankind. Democrats hate it because it limits their control of State sovereignty.

It was the GOP that took it to the supreme court or made black law makers want to have the courts hear the case....either way, its a GOP blue print...next question?

The SCOTS properly ruled, what the law did was discriminatory in and of itself. The country has changed since 1965 the reverse discrimination is no longer needed. The only ones thinking it is still needed are those who use it for their political advantage.

Here read: How Supreme Court Decision on Voting Rights Act is Affecting State Laws - ProPublica (sorry I don't trust CNN)

Shelby County Alabama was the plaintiff because they were in one of the 9 states effected by the law. Interestingly the state was taken over totally by Republicans prior to this decision. Seems to me that the people of Alabama saw the light and obviously didn't need the provision 4 of the 1965 CRA.
Time for a history lesson, or actually a test:


1. What Party was founded as the anti-slavery Party and fought to free blacks from slavery?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

2. What was the Party of Abraham Lincoln who signed the emancipation proclamation that resulted in the Juneteenth celebrations that occur in black communities today?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

3. What Party passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting blacks freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

4. What Party passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting blacks protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, and was the Party of most blacks prior to the 1960’s, including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

5. What was the Party of the founding fathers of the NAACP?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

6. What was the Party of President Dwight Eisenhower who sent U.S. troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools, established the Civil Rights Commission in 1958, and appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

7. What Party, by the greatest percentage, passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950’s and 1960’s?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

8. What was the Party of President Richard Nixon who instituted the first Affirmative Action program in 1969 with the Philadelphia Plan that established goals and timetables?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party

9. What is the Party of President George W. Bush who appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in history and who spent record money education, job training and health care to help black Americans prosper?

[ ] a. Democratic Party

[ ] b. Republican Party


NOTE: All answers are "b."

10. What Party fought to keep blacks in slavery and was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

11. What Party from 1870 to 1930 used fraud, whippings, lynching, murder, intimidation, and mutilation to get the black vote, and passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws which legalized racial discrimination and denied blacks their rights as citizens?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

12. What was the Party of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Harry Truman who rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

13. What was the Party of President Lyndon Johnson, who called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “that [N-word] preacher” because he opposed the Viet Nam War; and President John F. Kennedy who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights law as a Senator, then as president opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after becoming president and the FBI investigate Dr. King on suspicion of being a communist?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

14. What is the Party of the late Senators Robert Byrd who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, Ernest “Fritz” Hollings who hoisted the Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina while governor, and Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals” while blocking their appointments?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

15. What was the Party of President Bill Clinton who failed to fight the terrorists after the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, sent troops to war in Bosnia and Kosovo without Congressional approval, vetoed the Welfare Reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

16. What is the Party of Vice President Al Gore whose father voted against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960’s, and who lost the 2000 election as confirmed by a second recount of Florida votes by the “Miami Herald” and a consortium of major news organizations and the ruling by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission that blacks were not denied the right to vote?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

17. What Party is against school vouchers, against school prayers, and takes the black vote for granted without ever acknowledging their racist past or apologizing for trying to expand slavery, lynching blacks and passing the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that caused great harm to blacks?

[ ] a. Republican Party

[ ] b. Democratic Party

If you answered b to all of the above you did quite well.

HistoryTest National Black Republican Association

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