Rally at Columbia SC state house Tomorrow afternoon “TAKE THE FLAG DOWN”

Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that war were the people the democrats were suppose to be helping.
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that the democrats were suppose to be helping.
So you say the GOP has been like a fairy godmother to black people! Wow! :eek:

Amazing how the overwhelming majority of black people disagree with you! But nvm that there's probably no legitimate reasoning for them to feel that way. :rolleyes:
if the government can ban a flag

it can ban any free speech
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yeah and the people can HURT you for trying to force them to do something
SO good luck
You know if they even tried Hillary could lose 8 maybe 9 states overnight. SC is older then the United States. SC was here BEFORE federal government. She could lose bad, really really bad.
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that war were the people the democrats were suppose to be helping.

They don't have a clue on any of that. they've been fed how Republicans blaa blaa by their party and that's ALL they know and need
Well a few months ago they were hating on Indiana. Now they have SC in their hate sight. WHAT A LIFE
Guno mad over the death of Christians. You buying into that?
For him, racial hate takes precedence over religious hate. Shooter was white, therefore he has no choice.

The shooter didn't kill them for being Christian you utter moron.
Oh yes he did, he needed UNARMED PEACEFUL PEOPLE.
Think he would have lived pulling that in Detroit?
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that the democrats were suppose to be helping.
So you say the GOP has been like a fairy godmother to black people! Wow! :eek:

Amazing how the overwhelming majority of black people disagree with you! But nvm that there's probably no legitimate reasoning for them to feel that way. :rolleyes:
Your right, there seems to be no reason to hate BUT democrats sought to kill. AND Republicans of BOTH colors sought to form a group to PROTECT the Negro.

Guess those democrats are LYING.
What is taking the Confederate flag down supposed to accomplish? It's nothing more than an appeal to emotion.
if the government can ban a flag

it can ban any free speech
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yo, you sound like your President, Barack "Hussein" Obama II ? I have a pen and phone!!! :banned:

Yo, you sound like-a retahd! Oh! :eek:

Yo, :ahole-1: if you can`t come up with anything to say? Then ZIP IT!!!

Yo you're comin' across like some dumb fuckin' retahd! Take that thumb out ya butthole and go edjacate yourself! Oh!
if the government can ban a flag

it can ban any free speech
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yo, you sound like your President, Barack "Hussein" Obama II ? I have a pen and phone!!! :banned:

Yo, you sound like-a retahd! Oh! :eek:

Yo, :ahole-1: if you can`t come up with anything to say? Then ZIP IT!!!

Yo you're comin' across like some dumb fuckin' retahd! Take that thumb out ya butthole and go edjacate yourself! Oh!
Awe does HIS FREE SPEECH bother you? He HAS every right to state his case his feelings. This IS America remember? Not the islamic states of America you retard.
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yo, you sound like your President, Barack "Hussein" Obama II ? I have a pen and phone!!! :banned:

Yo, you sound like-a retahd! Oh! :eek:

Yo, :ahole-1: if you can`t come up with anything to say? Then ZIP IT!!!

Yo you're comin' across like some dumb fuckin' retahd! Take that thumb out ya butthole and go edjacate yourself! Oh!
Awe does HIS FREE SPEECH bother you? He HAS every right to state his case his feelings. This IS America remember? Not the islamic states of America you retard.
Yo tone down ya feminine instinct for divin' in to defend your fellow retahd! Get ya panties pulled back up ya sissy! Oh!
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.
The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

I would be equally opposed to a rainbow flag flying over a state capital. I would be equally opposed to an Islamic flag flying over a capital building.
The islamic and homo flag have no state history. We ARE a REPUBLIC of states and each state has a history and a flag.
Texas was a country BEFORE a state so would you burn THEIR flag?

Of course not. The flag of that state BELONGS to the CITIZENS of that state and they are the ONLY ones who have the right to dictate its appearance use or display. It is NOT a national issue.

It's not the Texas flag dumbass. It's the confederate battle flag.
if the government can ban a flag

it can ban any free speech
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yeah and the people can HURT you for trying to force them to do something
SO good luck
You know if they even tried Hillary could lose 8 maybe 9 states overnight. SC is older then the United States. SC was here BEFORE federal government. She could lose bad, really really bad.

No she wouldn't.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you know who was perhaps one of the biggest champions for blacks? Richard Nixon. raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ: adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

So if the redneck racists fled the democrats to become Republicans they certainly had zero effect on the republican party, especially Nixon.

It wasn't a Republcian that stood in the school house door, it was a Republican that sent in the national guard to stop him.

It wasn't a Republican that was a life long member of the KKK.

It wasn't a Republican that showed the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation." in the White House.

And it certainly wasn't a republican that started a war on poverty where the only casualties of that the democrats were suppose to be helping.
So you say the GOP has been like a fairy godmother to black people! Wow! :eek:

Amazing how the overwhelming majority of black people disagree with you! But nvm that there's probably no legitimate reasoning for them to feel that way. :rolleyes:
Your right, there seems to be no reason to hate BUT democrats sought to kill. AND Republicans of BOTH colors sought to form a group to PROTECT the Negro.

Guess those democrats are LYING.

Which democrats?
Well a few months ago they were hating on Indiana. Now they have SC in their hate sight. WHAT A LIFE
Guno mad over the death of Christians. You buying into that?
For him, racial hate takes precedence over religious hate. Shooter was white, therefore he has no choice.

The shooter didn't kill them for being Christian you utter moron.
I never said he did, moron. Your reading comprehension needs work.

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