Rally at Columbia SC state house Tomorrow afternoon “TAKE THE FLAG DOWN”

What pure unadulterated bullshit.

Which Republican today is railing against civil rights? or defending the Confederacy? And roflmao what is wrong with trying to win the votes of social conservatives?

You really have to stop snorting the Draino, child.
Uh, go to Drudge Report, click on any article, and read the comments.

Oh, bah, you fall for astroturfers pretending to be the opposition to make them look bad?

Maybe you are as dumb as a sack of bricks after all.
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.
The flag in question is on a fixed poll and cannot be lowered.

If you look closely the flag, if this is the one in question, is not fixed on a pole.

It's a 'fixed" pole....

Notice NO lines going down the pole?
Source... South Carolina law forbids removal of Confederate flag from capitol and it s padlocked in place

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
No matter what you or I think of that flag it is a derisive object.

This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

the left here bitching over a flag would be circling the wagons for him then
If you look closely the flag, if this is the one in question, is not fixed on a pole.

It's a 'fixed" pole....

Notice NO lines going down the pole?
Source... South Carolina law forbids removal of Confederate flag from capitol and it s padlocked in place

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.

Here is an example of one: Vanguard Series 30ft Satin pole

Now say that was a fixed pole, how do you suppose they get the flag up there in the first place?

It is PADLOCKED. Do you know what that freaking word means you dribbling stupid whining piss bucket?

That means that you can UNLOCK it to raise it or lower it. Obviously the government of South Carolina has not decided to lower the flags to half mast.

For F*&#s sake, you libtards are just mind numbingly stupid!

Well if you followed the course of the discussion it was implied that the flag could not be lowered because it was fixed. That is not true.

If it were fixed I would suggest using a flame thrower and just burning the damn flag in place.
So YOU would DESTROY another persons property because it offends YOU? How do you differ from Islamic State then?

What "person" owns that flag? You are missing the point, it does not offend me, I think those who defend it are wrong but personally I can take it or leave it. But it is derisive and I am thinking that is why a lot of people demand it stays. I am not speaking for your intentions but I really believe those demanding their way only want it so they can have some power over someone else.
In my opinion the flag does not represent hatred and evil. It does represent a fight to keep people in slavery but at the time that was not really considered hatred or evil. at least by those owning the slaves. I believe you are applying what you think today on what happened 200 years ago.
In many people's minds it DOES represent that. And when you leave it full mast in the wake of a massacre of peaceful black people, it sends a message.

People can read what they want into anything. But unlike the Nazi flag the confederate flag was based on the misguided beliefs that were lead astray by the rich democrat aristocrats. What I find amazing is that there are so many today that still buy into the BS that the white aristocrat sold their great grandparents so they would march in to cannon fire.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.
Uh, go to Drudge Report, click on any article, and read the comments.

Oh, bah, you fall for astroturfers pretending to be the opposition to make them look bad?

Maybe you are as dumb as a sack of bricks after all.
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.
If you look closely the flag, if this is the one in question, is not fixed on a pole.

It's a 'fixed" pole....

Notice NO lines going down the pole?
Source... South Carolina law forbids removal of Confederate flag from capitol and it s padlocked in place

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
No matter what you or I think of that flag it is a derisive object.

This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

I would be equally opposed to a rainbow flag flying over a state capital. I would be equally opposed to an Islamic flag flying over a capital building.
Uh, go to Drudge Report, click on any article, and read the comments.

Oh, bah, you fall for astroturfers pretending to be the opposition to make them look bad?

Maybe you are as dumb as a sack of bricks after all.
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.
If you look closely the flag, if this is the one in question, is not fixed on a pole.

It's a 'fixed" pole....

Notice NO lines going down the pole?
Source... South Carolina law forbids removal of Confederate flag from capitol and it s padlocked in place

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
No matter what you or I think of that flag it is a derisive object.

This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

the left here bitching over a flag would be circling the wagons for him then
Wow. If that post didn't prove that Stephanie is a lunatic, then I don't know what will.
In many people's minds it DOES represent that. And when you leave it full mast in the wake of a massacre of peaceful black people, it sends a message.

People can read what they want into anything. But unlike the Nazi flag the confederate flag was based on the misguided beliefs that were lead astray by the rich democrat aristocrats. What I find amazing is that there are so many today that still buy into the BS that the white aristocrat sold their great grandparents so they would march in to cannon fire.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Oh, bah, you fall for astroturfers pretending to be the opposition to make them look bad?

Maybe you are as dumb as a sack of bricks after all.
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

the left here bitching over a flag would be circling the wagons for him then
Wow. If that post didn't prove that Stephanie is a lunatic, then I don't know what will.

whatever little one, I feel the same about you.
People can read what they want into anything. But unlike the Nazi flag the confederate flag was based on the misguided beliefs that were lead astray by the rich democrat aristocrats. What I find amazing is that there are so many today that still buy into the BS that the white aristocrat sold their great grandparents so they would march in to cannon fire.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Over 12,000 already signed up more coming from all over SC, NC, Georgia, Florida and Virginia and maybe more states

Take The Flag Down Rally Planned For Columbia - FITSNews

There is no need to respect a symbol that is as evil and vicious to African-Americans as the Nazi swastika flag is to Jews.

Agreed. However, lets not kid ourselves. Taking down a the confederate flag will do zero to lessen hatred or hasten bridging the racial chasm that has been there since time immortal. It's a step in the right direction that should have been taken over a century ago, of course, but white people are not embittered by the flag nor are black people oppressed by the symbol in this day and age.

It's a display of stupidity by people who should know better than to cast any such light on a lousy period of our history.
Wow you come so close to making a point and then your ODS takes over and you inject politics and knee jerk blame Democrats. Fine I'll go there, in case you haven't noticed, it is REPUBLICANS who embrace the flag and the confederacy now. How do you feel about that?
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
wow, these poor peoples deaths have you all hot and bothered doesn't it? now you're going to hate on the people living there. man you should stop while you're ahead
Racist Democrats never decided to switch parties and go with the Party who freed the slaves and outlawed Jim Crowe laws. That's idiotic thinking on your part and you're not alone.
When I was a kid growing up I was very proud to be part of a republican family. I didn't know anything about politics, but my parents were feircely republican. My family is Cuban you see, and view the Democrats as evil. But then I lived through the Bush Presidency, and I saw the hatred and vitriol that is the foundation of the modern GOP.

So I connected the dots, and I imagine that's what Democrats during the civil rights movement must have been like; hateful, bitter people. Then if you look at the states and counties that once railed against the civil rights movement, somehow they are all republican dominated now. I can't believe that somehow that's just a coincidence.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Republicans gave an option to Southern Democrats who hated the federal government for cramming integration down their throat. When Reagan declared war on the federal government it was music to the ears of Southerns. They deserted the Democratic Party in droves to vote the Republican party that promised to dismantle welfare, affirmative action, and even civil rights laws which they once supported. You need only look at the political map to see the results.

Yet none of that happened, boy did they get ripped off. The reason the south turn red is hatred for democrats that think their stuff don't stink.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
wow, these poor peoples deaths have you all hot and bothered doesn't it? now you're going to hate on the people living there. man you should stop while you're ahead
There are lot's of good people in South Carolina. What's the old saying? The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Not one of you libs here looks like you have a sense of honor for these people who died, their families suffering or for the people living in that state. but you all did the same with Indiana. so carry on looking the fools

go to the protest over some FLAG while they having their funerals that will show them
Oh, bah, you fall for astroturfers pretending to be the opposition to make them look bad?

Maybe you are as dumb as a sack of bricks after all.
The social conservatives who are part of the republican base are some scary people. They have a lot of hate in their hearts, and there are a lot of prominent conservative mouthpieces fomenting that hate.
It's people like you with all the hate.

The reason you don't see a line going down the pole is because the line is INSIDE the pole. That is how most modern flag pole are so they can be locked up.
This is a perfect example of the libtards inability to think clearly. 'No matter what you or I think'.....obviously would include some of us that honor that flag, now wouldn't it? The author makes no distinction of who his target for 'you' is, he just makes this universal assumption that everyone agrees with him.

Look, Freewill, you craven, gutter crawling scumbag, YOU donot define what is derisive and what isn't. You are just another leftwing ass hole whose beliefs will be derided by everyone by the end of the century just like all the leftwing assholes of a century ago are derided today by almost everyone, to include most leftists, even the retards like you.

So go ingest fecal matter and smoke in bed, loser

First of all the biggest insult you slung is implying I am a liberal. I am thinking that the real liberals must be laughing their ass off at you, they may even be insulted.

Second, you are acting as stupidly as those who marched into cannon fire over a stupid flag that the rich slave owners convinced them they should do. Yeah those guys were damn brave to march in to canister fire but their cause was far from honorable, whether or not they or you realized it.

Honor the flag all you want in the confines of your home, no one will care. But why must you and your ilk flaunt something so derisive in people's faces? By ignoring people who are offended by the flag you are doing exactly what the rich aristrocrats were doing by keep men in bondage. You think they gave a crap about slavery? Fuk no they didn't care any more then you apparently care. But what if one of their daughters were taken and sold into slavery, do you think they then would give a crap? You damn well know they would.

And if you have read what I posted i said nothing really bad about the battle flag except for what it represents. And to me it represents the rich convincing the poor to fight and die for the rich so they can make a boat load of money off the back of slaves. And if you wish to continue being fooled then that is your business, keep it to yourself.
Is this not an issue for the citizens of that state? It IS their right yes?

Put it up for a referendum and if the people decide yes, then go for it. Until then, I suggest taking it down.

Here's someone else that likes the flag. Which on his personal car is his right, in my opinion.


You all would prefer he had gay pride flag and screaming Allah Akbra

I would be equally opposed to a rainbow flag flying over a state capital. I would be equally opposed to an Islamic flag flying over a capital building.
The islamic and homo flag have no state history. We ARE a REPUBLIC of states and each state has a history and a flag.
Texas was a country BEFORE a state so would you burn THEIR flag?

Of course not. The flag of that state BELONGS to the CITIZENS of that state and they are the ONLY ones who have the right to dictate its appearance use or display. It is NOT a national issue.
Enjoy your protest


Published on Jun 19, 2015
Dylann Roof bond hearing. CHARLESTON —‘I forgive you.’ Relatives of Charleston church shooting victims address Dylann Roof The relatives of people slain inside the historic African American church in Charleston, S.C., earlier this week were able to confront the accused gunman Friday at his first court appearance. One by one, those who chose to speak at a bond hearing did not turn to anger. Instead, while he remained impassive, they offered him forgiveness and said they were praying for his soul. I forgive you,” Nadine Collier, the daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance, said at the hearing, her voice breaking with emotion. “You took something very precious from me. I will never talk to her again. I will never, ever hold her again. But I forgive you. And have mercy on your soul.”

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