Rally For Illegal Aliens On 'Closed' National Mall...

Dedicated to Arizona's new immigration law...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE0t9PsL66s]Jesus - YouTube[/ame]
Lets see Americans Citizens try to have a rally on the 'Closed' National Mall. What do you think this President's response would be?

I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."

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Lets see Americans Citizens try to have a rally on the 'Closed' National Mall. What do you think this President's response would be?

I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."

You left this:


nope, dude, you are the victim and you are too fricken stupid to realize it. obama is taking a dump in your kitchen and you just ignore it and continue to worship him---amazing.
An American Citizen can't take a photo of Mount Rushmore, but the National Mall can be opened to please Illegal Aliens. Boy, what a mess we've become.


Obama and his operatives, of course, know exactly what they are doing---manipulating the Partial Shutdown in a way so as to most aggravate the people who are most likely to oppose him anyway.

For example, due to the disastrous state of the education system in Chicago and Detroit, people in those blighted cities--all Obama voters---have likely never even heard of Mount Rushmore, and so aren't apt to be going there.
Something that astounds me about any of these illegal alien lovefests is that for a people who supposedly really, really want to be Americans, want to be Americans to the point they are willing to break the law, there are an awful lot of foreign flags being flown.

Its a Mexican invasion that wants to claim this country as theirs...

Democrats seem to want them to win...
Obama sees America as a bunch of whites who exploited people of color globally, amassing huge wealth at their expense, and he views himself as the equalizer; the redistributer. If people can't see this, then they are very ignorant, stupid, or they are so entrenched in their ideology that they are blind.

Obama feels that these browns have a right to our country, and all that it contains. I say all invaders need a bounty on their heads!

well then he is a racist because they exploited everyone but blood peers!
An American Citizen can't take a photo of Mount Rushmore, but the National Mall can be opened to please Illegal Aliens. Boy, what a mess we've become.


Obama and his operatives, of course, know exactly what they are doing---manipulating the Partial Shutdown in a way so as to most aggravate the people who are most likely to oppose him anyway.

For example, due to the disastrous state of the education system in Chicago and Detroit, people in those blighted cities--all Obama voters---have likely never even heard of Mount Rushmore, and so aren't apt to be going there.

I hear ya. It's more of his old Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizing' shite. He declared War on his fellow Americans on day one. He's very happy destroying the country. It's what he's all about. He's just a petty little tyrant at this point.
I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."

You left this:


nope, dude, you are the victim and you are too fricken stupid to realize it. obama is taking a dump in your kitchen and you just ignore it and continue to worship him---amazing.

The police will mace you then run you over with a tank. Be afraid!!
I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."

You left this:


nope, dude, you are the victim and you are too fricken stupid to realize it. obama is taking a dump in your kitchen and you just ignore it and continue to worship him---amazing.

there's those in that 30% approval that will not care about anything this man does to them or us in this country, so it's a waste of breath on them

it's sad but truth
To you stupid ass whites who put Obama in power: do you know that if this country was 80% black, a white man would never be elected president. If it were 80% hispanic, the same - you are over confident. The black, and brown masses don't give a shit about you. You are an obsticle.

These flagrant lawless supporters are taking a dump on Americans in our national mall sanctioned by our enemies who have infiltrated an trancended to the highest offices in our government. This is an attack on us in our faces - wtf.
You left this:


nope, dude, you are the victim and you are too fricken stupid to realize it. obama is taking a dump in your kitchen and you just ignore it and continue to worship him---amazing.

The police will mace you then run you over with a tank. Be afraid!!

LOL, they will get you first, once they have all of your money and your votes, you are of no value to them.

the dem/libs are treating you like a farmer treats his pigs, feed them garbage and then kill them.

Wake the fuck up while you still can.
the bleeding hearts in this country have no qualms about selling their souls and country out just to prove they are the MOST caring of people

they have no morals, principles or patriotism

they might wake up when they find themselves as a minority in this country, doubtful though..they will go along just to get along...not taking a stand on anything is easier

so they march in lockstep with a party who want to SELL THEM OUT

some sad stuff

Video: 8 Democrat Anarchists Arrested Because They Can’t Accept Our Immigration Laws

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Foreign aid received in millions of US dollars[1] Country 2007 2008
Afghanistan 3964.6 4865.08
Albania 306.09 385.66
Algeria 390.22 315.99
Angola 246.21 368.82
Anguilla 5.27 3.35
Antigua & Barbuda 7.38 8.22
Argentina 101.34 130.5
Armenia 350.06 302.63
Azerbaijan 225.25 235.09
Bangladesh 1514.59 2061.4
Barbados 17.51 4.83
Belarus 83.76 110.18
Belize 21.77 25.22
Benin 474.33 640.83
Bhutan 89.83 86.53
Bolivia 476.75 627.87
Bosnia-Herzegovina 452.54 482.44
Botswana 107.67 716.38
Brazil 321.2 460.36
Brunei .. ..
Burkina Faso 951.13 997.94
Burundi 475.34 508.5
Cambodia 674.52 742.81
Cameroon 1908.33 524.6
Cape Verde 165.17 218.54
Central African Republic 176.81 256.44
Chad 357.58 416.22
Chile 120.71 73.05
China 1486.84 1488.9
Taiwan .. ..
Colombia 722.82 972.01
Comoros 44.49 37.25
Congo, Dem. Rep. 1240.82 1648.32
Congo, Rep. 118.67 466.38
Costa Rica 58.15 66.12
Côte d'Ivoire 171.02 616.51
Croatia 162.91 397.47
Cuba 92.8 127.48
Djibouti 112.43 120.88
Dominica 19.41 21.86
Dominican Republic 123.12 152.64
Ecuador 217.29 230.61
Egypt 1107.16 1348.39
El Salvador 88.07 233.35
Equatorial Guinea 31.36 37.63
Eritrea 158.25 143.12
Ethiopia 2562.51 3327.46
Fiji 50.81 45.25
Gabon 51.18 54.5
Gambia 73.16 93.84
Georgia 380.14 887.71
Ghana 1153.94 1293.3
Grenada 23.05 33.04
Guatemala 454.38 536.03
Guinea 228.08 318.98
Guinea-Bissau 122.32 131.62
Guyana 127.85 165.53
Haiti 701.59 911.81
Honduras 464.34 564.33
India 1384 2107.65
Indonesia 295.68 125.21
Iran 102.36 98.36
Iraq 9185.37 9880.2
Israel 2,500.24 2,423.8
Jamaica 28.08 79.35
Jordan 529.07 742.22
Kazakhstan 204.2 332.55
Kenya 1322.51 1360.44
Kiribati 26.96 26.9
North Korea 99.29 217.69
Kyrgyzstan 274.56 359.93
Laos 396.12 495.6
Lebanon 955.93 1075.93
Liberia 700.79 1250.37
Lesotho 128.78 143.4
Libya 19.41 60.15
Macedonia 200.86 220.54
Madagascar 894.11 841.42
Malawi 742.08 912.67
Malaysia 200.04 158.21
Maldives 37.37 54.26
Mali 1019.84 963.8
Marshall Islands 52.12 53.22
Mauritania 341.89 310.68
Mauritius 68.87 109.65
Mayotte 407.24 475.3
Mexico 113.26 149.01
Micronesia, Federated States of 114.88 94.14
Moldova 266.99 298.75
Mongolia 238.63 246.46
Montenegro 105.72 106.3
Montserrat 36.33 34.74
Morocco 1072.69 1216.87
Mozambique 1778.05 1993.78
Myanmar 197.73 533.5
Namibia 217.42 206.82
Nauru 25.56 31.24
Nepal 608.75 716.31
Nicaragua 840.34 740.72
Niger 541.75 541.75
Nigeria 1956.18 1289.78
Niue 14.77 18.04
Oman -31.3 31.92
Pakistan 2243.75 1539.36
Palau 22.34 42.94
Palestine 1872.3 2592.75
Panama -135.01 28.54
Papua New Guinea 324.45 304.38
Paraguay 107.95 133.54
Peru 259.89 465.52
Philippines 646.52 60.89
Rwanda 722.22 930.6
Samoa 37.47 39.46
São Tomé and Príncipe 35.98 47.03
Senegal 872.07 1057.72
Serbia 838.89 1046.67
Seychelles 8.73 12.08
Sierra Leone 545.29 366.82
Solomon Islands 246.05 224.32
Somalia 384.14 758.26
South Africa 807.33 1124.94
Sri Lanka 612.69 730.43
Saint Helena 44.09 65.95
St. Kitts & Nevis 3.44 46.24
St. Lucia 19.44 19.09
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 65.85 26.81
Yugoslavia (ex) 54.94 51.02
Sudan 2111.51 2383.58
Suriname 150.87 101.5
Swaziland 50.67 67.38
Syria 83.31 136.24
Tanzania 2818.45 2330.72
Thailand -312.07 -620.53
Timor-Leste 278.27 277.54
Togo 121.32 329.64
Tokelau 12.89 21.43
Tonga 30.86 25.71
Trinidad & Tobago 20.8 20.8
Tunisia 321.16 478.82
Turkey 791.89 2023.71
Turkmenistan 28.48 18.13
Tuvalu 11.74 16.62
Uganda 1736.26 1656.76
Ukraine 420.24 617.57
Uzbekistan 169.76 187.25
Vanuatu 56.69 91.67
Venezuela 77.76 59.22
Vietnam 1530.92 1680.76
Wallis and Futuna 117.11 130.53
Yemen 236.17 305.47
Zambia 998.26 1085.91
Zimbabwe 478.67 611.02
North of Sahara, regional 281.05 270.03
South of Sahara, regional 1697.66 2763.45
Africa, regional 1452.84 1321.37
North and Central America, regional 330.94 394.67
South America, regional 188.45 268.21
America, regional 559.77 1228.34
Middle East, regional 1465.67 4992.01
Central Asia, regional 248.58 283.96
South Asia, regional 104.61 156.97
South and Central Asia, regional 194.74 209.65
Far East Asia, regional 197.28 204.56
Asia, regional 989.94 1306.08
Europe, regional 500.83 829.95
Oceania, regional 154.85 363.61
West Indies, regional 68.43 92.41


...but the cons are willing to cut off ailing Americans, the elderly, dead vets, and children.
You can get free healthcare in prison, but not if you're a law abiding citizen.
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Who's paying for this disgrace? I thought we were in the midst of a horrifying 'Shutdown Apocalypse?'
The administration physically kicked doddering old WW2 Veterans off the property and then welcomed thousands of radicals a week later under the same conditions. Anyone want to discuss the Hussein agenda?
The administration physically kicked doddering old WW2 Veterans off the property and then welcomed thousands of radicals a week later under the same conditions. Anyone want to discuss the Hussein agenda?

Yeah, it's very sad. His agenda is pretty in your face-clear.
Just heard they won't fund benefits for our bereaved Military Families.

Mr. President, cancel this disgrace and pay our bereaved Military Families instead. Period, end of story.
You left this:


nope, dude, you are the victim and you are too fricken stupid to realize it. obama is taking a dump in your kitchen and you just ignore it and continue to worship him---amazing.

there's those in that 30% approval that will not care about anything this man does to them or us in this country, so it's a waste of breath on them

it's sad but truth

Repubs are running aroung 10% approval and you still support everything they do. If 30 is sad then 10% must be fucking pitiful. Unlike Mr T tho, I don't pity the fool
The administration physically kicked doddering old WW2 Veterans off the property and then welcomed thousands of radicals a week later under the same conditions. Anyone want to discuss the Hussein agenda?

Of course they have 0 interest in discussing it because they know its inexcusable. Semantics only is all you'll get.

As PROVEN by the post directly above mine.
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To you stupid ass whites who put Obama in power: do you know that if this country was 80% black, a white man would never be elected president. If it were 80% hispanic, the same - you are over confident. The black, and brown masses don't give a shit about you. You are an obsticle.

These flagrant lawless supporters are taking a dump on Americans in our national mall sanctioned by our enemies who have infiltrated an trancended to the highest offices in our government. This is an attack on us in our faces - wtf.

And there you have the real reason the bigot cons are sooooo willing to destroy their own country. This guy blaming the blacks is just like Hitler blaming the Jews.

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