Ramadan Bomb-a-thon blast wounds 8 soldiers in Thailand

Osmir continues to ignore the data.

How many atrocities are committed by the members of The Religion of Peace as opposed to others?

Please SHOW me!!!

Depends on what you'd like info on. The highest number of child brides can be found in India. The largest international conflict in the world since WWII: located in a predominately Non-Muslim region (Central Africa) and just displaced thousands of people last week; The two rape capitals of the world? South Africa and the DR Congo, both non-Islamic states. The region of the world where genocide is most likely to happen over the next five years? South Sudan.

One of the largest countries for acid attacks? Colombia. We often associate such attacks with places like Pakistan and Afghanistan (and for good reason, they happen there) but they are also prevalent in places like Cambodia, and Uganda as well.

Most conflict in this world has little to do with religion, even if they include religious elements within them. I've noticed that you and your "factual" website have also ignored things like the civil conflict in Central Africa. The Kivu conflict, north eastern Indian separatist movements, witch burnings in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, and Papua New Guinea, etc.

This thread has captured <1% of violence that has actually occurred in the world since Ramadan started.
Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad

But but but but but they told us it's a religion of peace.


A Ramadan blast at a mosque in Iraq seems to have left this lad a bit rattled.

Ramadan Bombathon (thanks to The Religion of Peace)


Terror Attacks and Dead Bodies
In the name of the religion of peace = 102 and 442
In the name of any other religion = 0 and 0
By Islamophobes = 0 and 0

From Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad - Atlas Shrugs
Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad

But but but but but they told us it's a religion of peace.

And about 130 were killed the other day in the DR Congo. Couldn't help but notice that neither you, nor your website, made any effort to track THAT incident.

Wonder why ;)

Oh it's time alright... for our annual Ramadan Bombathon scorecard, which we tally for those critics who ask: "What about other religions?"

Each year, during Islam's holiest month, we keep track of deadly terror attacks that occur in the name of any religion, then categorize and count them. (For good measure, we even throw in killings by "Islamophobes').

See report and read story @ Ramadan Bomb-a-thon blast wounds 8 soldiers in Thailand - Atlas Shrugs and let's not hear the screams of “Islamophobe!” because she provides LINKS!!!

8 soldiers wounded.
How very sad.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and wounded by America's illegal war against an innocent people in Iraq. Since the nutters are always saying the US was based on christianity, I guess that means that christianity isn't the "religion of peace" either.
Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad

But but but but but they told us it's a religion of peace.

And about 130 were killed the other day in the DR Congo. Couldn't help but notice that neither you, nor your website, made any effort to track THAT incident.

Wonder why ;)

Because the other ones killed were in an openly-declared WAR! You don't understand the difference, do you? :cuckoo:
Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad

But but but but but they told us it's a religion of peace.


A Ramadan blast at a mosque in Iraq seems to have left this lad a bit rattled.

Ramadan Bombathon (thanks to The Religion of Peace)


Terror Attacks and Dead Bodies
In the name of the religion of peace = 102 and 442
In the name of any other religion = 0 and 0
By Islamophobes = 0 and 0

From Ramadan Bomb-a-thon: Wave of car bombs kill at least 46 in Baghdad - Atlas Shrugs





Oh it's time alright... for our annual Ramadan Bombathon scorecard, which we tally for those critics who ask: "What about other religions?"

Each year, during Islam's holiest month, we keep track of deadly terror attacks that occur in the name of any religion, then categorize and count them. (For good measure, we even throw in killings by "Islamophobes').

See report and read story @ Ramadan Bomb-a-thon blast wounds 8 soldiers in Thailand - Atlas Shrugs and let's not hear the screams of “Islamophobe!” because she provides LINKS!!!

8 soldiers wounded.
How very sad.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and wounded by America's illegal war against an innocent people in Iraq. Since the nutters are always saying the US was based on christianity, I guess that means that christianity isn't the "religion of peace" either.

While you're making your broad statement, check out Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for details. How many innocent Iraqis were killed by Husein's forces and internecine warfare?

See report and read story @ Ramadan Bomb-a-thon blast wounds 8 soldiers in Thailand - Atlas Shrugs and let's not hear the screams of “Islamophobe!” because she provides LINKS!!!

8 soldiers wounded.
How very sad.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and wounded by America's illegal war against an innocent people in Iraq. Since the nutters are always saying the US was based on christianity, I guess that means that christianity isn't the "religion of peace" either.

While you're making your broad statement, check out Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for details. How many innocent Iraqis were killed by Husein's forces and internecine warfare?

Hussein killed so that makes it okay for us to kill more?
Because the other ones killed were in an openly-declared WAR! You don't understand the difference, do you? :cuckoo:

The conflict in the DR Congo has been the largest international war since WWII. Over 4 million people have died as a result.

Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean that it isn't a serious conflict. I mean, it is understandable that you might not know about it, it has largely been absent from our media with the exception of an occasional story here and there. The last time we, as a country, really followed it with any closeness was in 1998 during and after the Rwandan Genocide. We didn't even seem to care much when Goma fell last year. But it is a very big deal and active conflict, I mean just ask those 130 people who were just killed.

It is such a desperate conflict that it is also the ONLY location in the world where UN peacekeepers are allowed to go on the offensive and have a dedicated strike force just for that purpose.
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[Give 'em to you in one post today

Ramadan Bombathon: Jihad in Egypt, one killed, 17 wounded in bomb attack on police station

"Unknown assailants." Yeah, OK. Jihad unleashed in Egypt, thanks to Obama's unqualified support for the vicious Muslim Brotherhood.

Note the continuing pattern: the big news organizations always have Muslims write up these news stories. Self-enforcing sharia. It's more important not to blaspheme than to get the story right.

"Bomb at Egypt police station kills one, injures 17" By Asma Alsharif and Ahmed Tolba, Reuters, July 23, 2013

More @ Ramadan Bombathon: Jihad in Egypt, one killed, 17 wounded in bomb attack on police station - Atlas Shrugs


Jihad in Thailand, 2 teachers killed, 1 wounded in bomb attack

The jihad in Thailand is almost daily now. Muslims target teachers .... because Western education is bad, unislamic, "sinful."

The slaughter of teachers and doctors et al is epidemic. Obama say, "respect it!"

more @ Ramadan Bombathon: Jihad in Thailand, 2 teachers killed, 1 wounded in bomb attack - Atlas Shrugs

"Rocket Attack in Libya Hits Near Luxury Hotel" By Esam Mohamed Associated Press TRIPOLI, Libya July 23, 2013 (AP)
A rocket-propelled grenade struck a building in Libya's capital Tuesday next to a luxury hotel where the prime minister has an apartment, a military official said. No injuries were immediately reported.

More @ feedly: your news. delivered.


Three Egyptian Jihadis killed by their own bomb :)
Some good news for a change --
Three Egyptian militants killed by their own bomb, security source says By Al Arabiya, Wednesday, 24 July 2013 (thanks to Lookmann)

From Ramadan Bombathon: Three Egyptian Jihadis killed by their own bomb :) - Atlas Shrugs

Devout Muslim Group Opens Fire in Iraq, killing 9 Policemen, Blow up Ambulance rushing to scene
You have to hand it to these savages -- when it comes to killing and inhumanity in the cause of jihad, they think of everything. Not just open firing at everyone and everything at a checkpoint, but blowing up the ambulance rushing to the scene.

From Ramadan Kill-a-thon: Devout Muslim Group opens fire in Iraq, killing 9 policemen, blows up ambulance rushing to scene - Atlas Shrugs

Child sees parents murdered by Muslims in Thailand

In addition to the bombing that I reported on early this morning that killed two teachers and wounded several, our man in Thailand, Chai, writes that the murders have continued throughout the 'holy' Ramadan period. Yesterday it was a village headman. The day before it was a shopkeeper.

From Ramadan Kill-a-thon: Child sees parents murdered by Muslims in Thailand - Atlas Shrugs

You add up the scorecard for yourselves.
I noticed you once again ignored violence elsewhere. A big F-You to the 100 people killed yesterday in Guinea. Guess their lives don't matter to ya, only the ones you think were killed due to Islam ;)
Final scorecard

It speaks for itself – I don't give a hoot what you Religion of Peace apologists have to say!
And just what the hell is "intellectually dishonest" about these FACTS? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that you blatantly ignored every single refutation of them and the exclusion of other violent data for the sole purpose of pushing your agenda / message. It's a highly intellectually dishonest tactic.

You also haven't been able to defend any of your "facts" even in the face of the most mild of criticism.

The website you're using doesn't even list its calculatory methodology, nor is its data publicly available aside from the few stories that they post, nor does it explain the huge exclusion of violent incidents that have occured resulting in the deaths of hundreds that had absolutely nothing to do with Islam (a couple of which I already referenced and which you ignored). The site also makes absolutely no effort to distinguish between political violence, ethnic violence, and religosity. It's about as dishonest as you can get.
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