Rance Preebus Get's His RW A$$ Handed To Him By Chris Matthews on Morning Joe

Someone with your bona fides should know!

PLUS, frankly, the Morning Schmoe logo ought to serve as a clue, too:


Actually Joe was not a bad congressman, he served Pensacola and Florida well. It wasnt unitl he started hanging out with Mika Brzezinski, that he started to become a buffoon.

I don't dispute that. But he DOES tend to pander, now, to the left.
Did the Chrissy throw a hissy fit..

poor dear still trying to keep those tingles running up his leg
What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I already noted what I disliked about Chrissy's bullshit.

His complaint about the Mitt quip concerning not being asked for a birth certificate was WAY the fuck prissified and pretty dishonest. The only thing wrong with that quip by Mitt was that it was kind of lame.

The Chrissy complaint that the claim that Pres. Obama had done away with the work part of welfare was supposedly "dishonest" was itself dishonest. Again, the President passed the option along to the States, which means that he is doing away with the work part of welfare (or at least has a hand in that clusterfuck bullshit decision).

Accordingly, your wild rapturous applase for chrissy is quite misplaced AS IS your over-the-top praise of Chrissy for lacing into Preibus. He didn't. Chrissy just made more dishonest lib noise. Typical of Chrissy, the partisan hack shill, faux newsman.
What the heck does all this blabber have to do with the fact that Romney's joke was racist or not?

That's what the hubbub is all about.

Yet, here you are, obfuscating the issue throwing in this, that and the third, trying to muddy the waters just to try to get away with it.

I think that Chris was spot on, the joke was racist.

If it wasn't, then please explain what the joke was, what exactly was funny about the joke that is.
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.
Romney said "they gonna put y'all back in chains" ? I thought that was crazy Joe?..... :dunno:
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.

Yep, anytime Matthews debates anyone with half a brain, it reminds me of De La Hoya's fight against Bernard Hopkins.... :thup:
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.
I'm not big boxing fan, but very apt analogy. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh6_j9d-gtc&feature=related]Rich Lowry vs. Rachel Maddow on Medicare Cuts - YouTube[/ame]

I just wanted to show the idiot OP what a real punking looks like, Maddow (the genius darling of the left) is a stumbling fool when challenged.....
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.
I'm not big boxing fan, but very apt analogy. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

In other words, you don't know shit about boxing or debates, spot on... :thup:
What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I already noted what I disliked about Chrissy's bullshit.

His complaint about the Mitt quip concerning not being asked for a birth certificate was WAY the fuck prissified and pretty dishonest. The only thing wrong with that quip by Mitt was that it was kind of lame.

The Chrissy complaint that the claim that Pres. Obama had done away with the work part of welfare was supposedly "dishonest" was itself dishonest. Again, the President passed the option along to the States, which means that he is doing away with the work part of welfare (or at least has a hand in that clusterfuck bullshit decision).

Accordingly, your wild rapturous applase for chrissy is quite misplaced AS IS your over-the-top praise of Chrissy for lacing into Preibus. He didn't. Chrissy just made more dishonest lib noise. Typical of Chrissy, the partisan hack shill, faux newsman.
What the heck does all this blabber have to do with the fact that Romney's joke was racist or not?

That's what the hubbub is all about.

Yet, here you are, obfuscating the issue throwing in this, that and the third, trying to muddy the waters just to try to get away with it.

I think that Chris was spot on, the joke was racist.

If it wasn't, then please explain what the joke was, what exactly was funny about the joke that is.

That's just ridiculous. Hardly worthy of a reply.

There is simply no logical or honest way to FIND anything "racist" in Mitt's quip.

The very "complaint" is fraudulent.

I'm not obfuscating anything. The claim by Chrissy is dishonest. No surprise.
I already noted what I disliked about Chrissy's bullshit.

His complaint about the Mitt quip concerning not being asked for a birth certificate was WAY the fuck prissified and pretty dishonest. The only thing wrong with that quip by Mitt was that it was kind of lame.

The Chrissy complaint that the claim that Pres. Obama had done away with the work part of welfare was supposedly "dishonest" was itself dishonest. Again, the President passed the option along to the States, which means that he is doing away with the work part of welfare (or at least has a hand in that clusterfuck bullshit decision).

Accordingly, your wild rapturous applase for chrissy is quite misplaced AS IS your over-the-top praise of Chrissy for lacing into Preibus. He didn't. Chrissy just made more dishonest lib noise. Typical of Chrissy, the partisan hack shill, faux newsman.
What the heck does all this blabber have to do with the fact that Romney's joke was racist or not?

That's what the hubbub is all about.

Yet, here you are, obfuscating the issue throwing in this, that and the third, trying to muddy the waters just to try to get away with it.

I think that Chris was spot on, the joke was racist.

If it wasn't, then please explain what the joke was, what exactly was funny about the joke that is.

That's just ridiculous. Hardly worthy of a reply.

There is simply no logical or honest way to FIND anything "racist" in Mitt's quip.

The very "complaint" is fraudulent.

I'm not obfuscating anything. The claim by Chrissy is dishonest. No surprise.

That's what I thought....ya got buppkiss.
What the heck does all this blabber have to do with the fact that Romney's joke was racist or not?

That's what the hubbub is all about.

Yet, here you are, obfuscating the issue throwing in this, that and the third, trying to muddy the waters just to try to get away with it.

I think that Chris was spot on, the joke was racist.

If it wasn't, then please explain what the joke was, what exactly was funny about the joke that is.

That's just ridiculous. Hardly worthy of a reply.

There is simply no logical or honest way to FIND anything "racist" in Mitt's quip.

The very "complaint" is fraudulent.

I'm not obfuscating anything. The claim by Chrissy is dishonest. No surprise.

That's what I thought....ya got buppkiss.

Hardball with Chris Matthews

That shit didn't fly with Newt either.
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.

I fondly remember when Bachmann caught his ire ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bT01mC9xSA]Bachmann Wants McCarthy-Like Witch Hunt For Anti-Americans - YouTube[/ame]​
boy oh boy, and they accuse conservatives of idolizing Limbaugh

they remember Chrissy, fondly:lol:
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Hahahahahaha.. Wait.. You're serious?!?!

=MarcATL;5882415]What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I resented Matthews statement that a Republican talking about food stamps and welfare is racist. Matthews infers that when a Republican mentions these items they are talking about African-Americans when even a fool knows there are helluva lot more white and brown folks on the dole. I find it demeaning to African-Americans for Matthews to use the race card to make a political point.
Chris Matthews debating style sometimes seems analogous to Oscar de la Hoya (my favorite boxer) in the ring. When he smells blood he goes in with dazzling combinations, much too fast for his opponent to quickly recover. I enjoy them both for that same reason.

I fondly remember when Bachmann caught his ire ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bT01mC9xSA]Bachmann Wants McCarthy-Like Witch Hunt For Anti-Americans - YouTube[/ame]​

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :badgrin: :lol:

Yeah...I remember that well.

You gotta give it to Michelle, she is a sexy lil minsk tho. Dumb as a box of rocks and dangerous as a neutron bomb, but she's damn sexy with her tiny self.

Hey, there's Stephanie...she's kinda sexy too.
=MarcATL;5882415]What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I resented Matthews statement that a Republican talking about food stamps and welfare is racist. Matthews infers that when a Republican mentions these items they are talking about African-Americans when even a fool knows there are helluva lot more white and brown folks on the dole. I find it demeaning to African-Americans for Matthews to use the race card to make a political point.
So you're going to continue to PRETEND that when all these RW politicos go out to their RW constituents in the podunks and the sticks and continually refer to, talk about and bash those on Welfare that it's well known and accepted in that audience that it's fellow whites they're referring to?

Is that the claptrap you're peddling?

Not a single person on that stage agreed with Matthews rude attack and YOu think Priebus got his ass handed to him? and doesn't Willie have socks on?

ya know what? Chris matthews can cry us a fucking river.
1. Chris was on THEIR turf, aka the depths of the RW dungeon of the convention
2. The audience was mostly to all Republican due to 1.
3. He DID receive applause from at least 1/3rd of the audience.
4. Stop lying.
...when all these RW politicos go out to their RW constituents..., talk about and bash those on Welfare that it's well known and accepted in that audience that it's fellow whites they're referring to?

Why is it seemingly impossible for you to imagine that they're referring to those on welfare...EVERYBODY on welfare?

Do you have actual proof that those that stand against welfare are against it only for Black Americans?

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