Rance Preebus Get's His RW A$$ Handed To Him By Chris Matthews on Morning Joe

I love the insanity. The Left decides what the questions will be, what the answers are and gets to decide what words mean. Then they get so excited they want to touch themselves when they occasionally can make an argument that they beat a Conservative in a debate.

Chris Matthews get's a tingling sensation running up and down his leg every time he hears President Obama speak which makes him an objective journalist. An absolute buffoon in Kansas makes a horrible comment and is immediately rebuked by every Republican and asked to give up his Senate race even though it means certain defeat for the Republicans...this is obvious proof that all Republicans completely agree with him. Joe Biden says that Republicans want to put people back in shackles and chains which is proof that he is an Elder Statesman making a valid point about Republican policy. A Republican points out the fact that there are more people on welfare now than when President Obama took office which means he played the race card because obviously more people on welfare is code for African Americans are lazy which is all just further proof that all Republicans are racists.

As for Matthews' little performance, if that is your idea of winning a debate then you have a strange way of looking at things. The RNC chair goes on a nice, relaxed morning show probably to talk about the changes to the RNC convention format because of the storm and just to have a friendly interview and next thing you know he's got a rabid ferret across the table wanting to scratch his eyes out for the unforgiveable sin of being a Republican.

How unhinged has he become to think that it's appropriate on a friendly morning talk show to be repeatedly screaming, Insane, insane, insane and Garbage, garbage, garbage at someone. And while he may have gotten some applause from the audience the people on the set with him were cringing every time he opened his mouth. They all tried to calm him down, even Brokaw (I think that was Brokaw) and he just kept getting worse. Even Priebus kept trying to calm him down, telling him fine youg got your monologue in, you've gotten your cheap shots can we move on but Matthews wouldn't let it go. I'd heard from people that he'd lost touch with reality but I thought they were exxaggerating for effect. If President Obama loses they are going to have to lock him in a soft room and give him nothing but dull colors.
Remember when the Democrats were whining about "civility"?

they mean it's only suppose to apply to others
=MarcATL;5882415]What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I resented Matthews statement that a Republican talking about food stamps and welfare is racist. Matthews infers that when a Republican mentions these items they are talking about African-Americans when even a fool knows there are helluva lot more white and brown folks on the dole. I find it demeaning to African-Americans for Matthews to use the race card to make a political point.
So you're going to continue to PRETEND that when all these RW politicos go out to their RW constituents in the podunks and the sticks and continually refer to, talk about and bash those on Welfare that it's well known and accepted in that audience that it's fellow whites they're referring to?

Is that the claptrap you're peddling?


Only to a racist like you.
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Which Democrat politico called Romney a felon?

Don't worry...I'll wait.

Mitt Romney In Bain Defense Calls Obama Criticism 'Disgusting'

Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.. :D

Referring to Obama advisers who suggested Romney might have committed a felony if he filled out federal disclosure forms that were inaccurate or misleading, Romney demanded Obama apologize and told ABC's Jon Karl: "The president needs to take control of these people."

There's simply no evidence of ANY Democrat politico (read politician) calling Romney a felon in that link.



Read this one and try and keep up.

Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony."
"Or," she said, "he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments,” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs.
Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters - POLITICO.com

There's simply no evidence of ANY Democrat politico (read politician) calling Romney a felon in that link.



Read this one and try and keep up.

Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony."
"Or," she said, "he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments,” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs.
Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters - POLITICO.com
Yeah, but that's not a politico...aka a politician.

Which Democrat politician have you found making those claims?
No, I'm not going to pretend it's fellow whites they're referring to. I suspect they're referring to everyone on welfare regardless of ethnicity or race.

Now, will you answer my question directly?
And what was your question sir?

Why is it seemingly impossible for you to imagine that they're referring to those on welfare...EVERYBODY on welfare?

Do you have actual proof that those that stand against welfare are against it only for Black Americans?
No, I'm not going to pretend it's fellow whites they're referring to. I suspect they're referring to everyone on welfare regardless of ethnicity or race.

Now, will you answer my question directly?
And what was your question sir?

Why is it seemingly impossible for you to imagine that they're referring to those on welfare...EVERYBODY on welfare?

Do you have actual proof that those that stand against welfare are against it only for Black Americans?
It's dog-whistle politics sir.
You know it, and I know it.
Don't try to flip it back on me.
They're not referring to other whites, it's all about stopping "those lazy blacks" from sucking off the gubmunt teet and wasting all their hard earn money.

Cut it out! :rolleyes:
And what was your question sir?

Why is it seemingly impossible for you to imagine that they're referring to those on welfare...EVERYBODY on welfare?

Do you have actual proof that those that stand against welfare are against it only for Black Americans?
It's dog-whistle politics sir.
You know it, and I know it.
Don't try to flip it back on me.
They're not referring to other whites, it's all about stopping "those lazy blacks" from sucking off the gubmunt teet and wasting all their hard earn money.

Cut it out! :rolleyes:

So to recap: You have absolutely zero evidence that those who stand against welfare are against it for Blacks only, but not for white folks...but we're all racists because you say so. Got it.

There is just NO WAY it's all about stopping "those lazy recipients". No way, because YOU know what's in the hearts of other men.

Wow, just wow. The hubris is overwhelming.

Rich Lowry vs. Rachel Maddow on Medicare Cuts - YouTube

I just wanted to show the idiot OP what a real punking looks like, Maddow (the genius darling of the left) is a stumbling fool when challenged.....
I saw that episode of Meet The Press, didn't see it like you did, but I can see how your ilk would perceive that as some sort of RW win. Rachel's point was that she doesn't have to answer to that question of defending anything, because as journalist that shouldn't matter.

I agree w/her.

Lowry can claim he got that lil one in, but I see him on other programs regularly and he's usually a slouch and is the one that can't defend his RW nonsense.

She wouldn't answer a simple question, textbook Lakoff and Alinsky all the way.......
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Matthews looks like the racist fool he is thought to be, look how he embarrassed himself. What a nut job!
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Matthews looks like the racist fool he is thought to be, look how he embarrassed himself. What a nut job!

Chrissy can't help it, he's got that obongo tingle going up his ass...
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Matthews looks like the racist fool he is thought to be, look how he embarrassed himself. What a nut job!

Reince Priebus just let Chrissie Pooh hang himself with his own stupidity.
You do realize Chris Matthews couldnt hand anyone their ass, right?
Chris Matthews can't even find his own ass let alone hand anyone else theirs.
Newt Takes it to Chris Matthews on His 'Racist Thinking'

By Geoffrey Dickens
August 27, 2012

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, attacked Newt Gingrich with the same old liberal line about the GOP using racial code words, from Mitt Romney talking about welfare reform to Gingrich calling Barack Obama the "food stamp president." However, the former Speaker of the House wasn't having any of it, as he hit back: "Why do you assume food stamp refers to black? What kind of racist thinking do you have? Wait a second! Why aren’t you being a racist because you assume it refers to black?" (video after the jump)


Read more: Newt Takes it to Chris Matthews on His 'Racist Thinking' | NewsBusters.org
When a mindless Lefty has no way to argue their point, or defend a mistake like Obama, they resort to the race card. When there is nothing racial, they make it up, for instance "code words"

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