Rand Paul;Disgusting jellyfish SLAMS voter ID law as "OFFENSIVE"

I respectfully disagree with the body of the OP.

1 Voter id laws are not necessary, nor will they even have an overall effect on voter fraud.

2 Rand Paul is not catering to the left; he understands that these laws are worthless except in preventing some people from voting.

3 Not all conservatives are on-board with every single "conservative" issue.
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Rand Paul;Disgusting jellyfish SLAMS voter ID law as "OFFENSIVE"
Looks like Rand Paul is catering to the left. Conservatives will start distancing themselves from him. Ted Cruz is one of the few potential candidates who will not compromise on his views, I cannot picture Cruz ever turning RINO.

I've said it before..I can support a Ted Cruz Candidacy.. He took a lot of shit for standing up and saying, "NO MORE DEFICIT SPENDING, EVEN IF THE GOVERNMENT shut down." He was right..

Cruz is far right in words, I doubt he would be far right in deeds. The guy is a demagogue, who speaks to people like LGS (who is no lady) and appeals to her (and others) ignorance.

Only a charlatan believes shutting down a government is a good thing, and only a fool agrees.

As for Rand Paul, he will support any position necessary to get the nomination from the Republican Party. He will appear moderate to the moderates and radical to the fringe.

His real face was probably the one he wore before he observed the Republcan Party was seriously considering Bachmann, then Perry, then Trump and even Mr. 999 during the summer of 2012. He also learned from his father's failed campaigns that the truth will never lead to the nominaition, thus he decided to speak selectively to the audience of the day. Who is the Real Rand Paul? A guy who seeks what his dad never could obtain.
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Rand Paul;Disgusting jellyfish SLAMS voter ID law as "OFFENSIVE"
Looks like Rand Paul is catering to the left. Conservatives will start distancing themselves from him. Ted Cruz is one of the few potential candidates who will not compromise on his views, I cannot picture Cruz ever turning RINO.

You won't have to picture it if he actually gets the nomination. You'll be able to watch him do it on TV. Personally, I think the candidate will be a governor, not a senator.
Huckabee is a former governor. He'd get conservatives out to vote, no question.
Looks like Rand Paul is catering to the left. Conservatives will start distancing themselves from him. Ted Cruz is one of the few potential candidates who will not compromise on his views, I cannot picture Cruz ever turning RINO.

You won't have to picture it if he actually gets the nomination. You'll be able to watch him do it on TV. Personally, I think the candidate will be a governor, not a senator.
Huckabee is a former governor. He'd get conservatives out to vote, no question.

He didn't the last time he tried. If he did, he couldn't win. There are several Republican governors our there who might actually win a general election. The problem is that anyone capable of winning a general election is probably not capable of getting the nomination. What the far right seems to have trouble understanding is that they are not the entire country. They are not even that large a minority.
I respectfully disagree with the body of the OP.

1 Voter id laws are not necessary, nor will they even have an overall effect on voter fraud.

2 Rand Paul is not catering to the left; he understands that these laws are worthless except in preventing some people from voting.

3 Not all conservatives are on-board with every single "conservative" issue.

This will be explained away using the handy dandy GOP label maker. Simply make a label that says "RINO" and stick it on any ideas you deem UN conservative
Conservatives always show up to vote. The GOP's problem is getting the moderates to vote for them. There isn't some huge block of conservative voters sitting at home every four years.
You won't have to picture it if he actually gets the nomination. You'll be able to watch him do it on TV. Personally, I think the candidate will be a governor, not a senator.
Huckabee is a former governor. He'd get conservatives out to vote, no question.

He didn't the last time he tried. If he did, he couldn't win. There are several Republican governors our there who might actually win a general election. The problem is that anyone capable of winning a general election is probably not capable of getting the nomination. What the far right seems to have trouble understanding is that they are not the entire country. They are not even that large a minority.
What RINOs need to remember is that conservatives still remain the largest ideological group in the US. Unless the GOP nominee is a conservative, you can bet that conservatives will stay home in large numbers in 2016.
Conservatives always show up to vote. The GOP's problem is getting the moderates to vote for them. There isn't some huge block of conservative voters sitting at home every four years.

Conservatives did indeed stay home in 2012 ...

Bush got over 62 million votes in 2004. Romney got just under 57 million.

Stop right there and let that number sink in. We are a nation where conservatives self identify more than liberals two to one.

Romney led the ticket in votes in every state he won meaning that he appealed to those moderates who are willing to lean conservative just fine, but evangelicals stayed home and so did traditional conservatives in North Florida.

Some people are saying “It is because this time more Hispanics went for Democrats instead of Republicans. This is true, but it is still dwarfed by the fact that five million conservatives stayed home.

Why did 5 million conservatives stay home? | Political Arena
“There’s 180,000 people in Kentucky who can’t vote. And I don’t know the racial breakdown, but it’s probably more black than white because they’re convicted felons. And I’m for getting their right to vote back, which is a much bigger deal than showing your driver’s license,” Paul stated.

Typical conservatard racism. "Oh, them dern African-Americans are all a buncha crimnulls!" What nonsense.

It is not racist to point out an observable fact. Blacks are over-represented in prisons. Rand did not state what he believes to be the cause of this. You would have to provide evidence he believes it is because blacks are inferior before you can throw the Racist flag, mm-kay?
Huckabee is a former governor. He'd get conservatives out to vote, no question.

He didn't the last time he tried. If he did, he couldn't win. There are several Republican governors our there who might actually win a general election. The problem is that anyone capable of winning a general election is probably not capable of getting the nomination. What the far right seems to have trouble understanding is that they are not the entire country. They are not even that large a minority.
What RINOs need to remember is that conservatives still remain the largest ideological group in the US. Unless the GOP nominee is a conservative, you can bet that conservatives will stay home in large numbers in 2016.

You can guarantee the nominee will not be a conservative. The power of the conservative base is overestimated and they are incapable of getting a conservative nominated. All they can do is get the moderate to assume conservative platform points and make him unelectable
Gotta keep the poor people from voting

Bullshit. If poor South Africans can make it to the voting booth with voter ID what the hell is wrong with American poor people?

What does South Africa have to do with the United States?

If you are registered to vote in South Africa, by the way, you don't need an ID to vote if your name is on the registered voter list.
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Conservatives always show up to vote. The GOP's problem is getting the moderates to vote for them. There isn't some huge block of conservative voters sitting at home every four years.

Conservatives did indeed stay home in 2012 ...

Bush got over 62 million votes in 2004. Romney got just under 57 million.

Stop right there and let that number sink in. We are a nation where conservatives self identify more than liberals two to one.

Romney led the ticket in votes in every state he won meaning that he appealed to those moderates who are willing to lean conservative just fine, but evangelicals stayed home and so did traditional conservatives in North Florida.

Some people are saying “It is because this time more Hispanics went for Democrats instead of Republicans. This is true, but it is still dwarfed by the fact that five million conservatives stayed home.

Why did 5 million conservatives stay home? | Political Arena

Your numbers do not add up and do nothing to prove your point

Bush got 62 Million votes and Romney got 57 million because Bush won and Romney lost. The 5 million votes you are talking about are moderates and independents who voted Democratic because Republicans chased them away
Conservatives always show up to vote. The GOP's problem is getting the moderates to vote for them. There isn't some huge block of conservative voters sitting at home every four years.

Conservatives did indeed stay home in 2012 ...

Bush got over 62 million votes in 2004. Romney got just under 57 million.

Stop right there and let that number sink in. We are a nation where conservatives self identify more than liberals two to one.

Romney led the ticket in votes in every state he won meaning that he appealed to those moderates who are willing to lean conservative just fine, but evangelicals stayed home and so did traditional conservatives in North Florida.

Some people are saying “It is because this time more Hispanics went for Democrats instead of Republicans. This is true, but it is still dwarfed by the fact that five million conservatives stayed home.

Why did 5 million conservatives stay home? | Political Arena

That article is full of shit, Romney got nearly 61 million votes. Unless you get to pick and choose where the one million vote difference between him and Bush were, they wouldn't have mattered one bit.
Hell's bells even the Carter Center that monitors elections world wide believes in voter ID. I think it's bigotted of left wingers to treat poor voters in America as if they were stupid.

One Cherokee, One Vote … With Valid ID, Just like Post-Apartheid South Africa Requires
Who knew Cherokees+Elections could be trending hot regarding election integrity this year.

The Carter Center, perhaps the most prestigious of the international election monitoring groups, founded by former President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, with 91 election monitoring experiences in 36 countries, which provides independent expert inspections of the integrity of voter registration and voting protocols around the world, recommended in 1999 that Cherokee voters provide Photo Identification to enhance trust in “the elections process of the Cherokee Nation.”

One Cherokee, One Vote ? With Valid ID, Just like Post-Apartheid South Africa Requires

What you failed to mention is that the Carter Center also recommended doing away with the voter registration process altogether.

The voter simply appears with the blue tribal registration card and a picture ID, casts a ballot and is logged into the system…. Key to this system is a method of ensuring the voter does not vote in several precincts …
Conservatives always show up to vote. The GOP's problem is getting the moderates to vote for them. There isn't some huge block of conservative voters sitting at home every four years.

Conservatives did indeed stay home in 2012 ...

Bush got over 62 million votes in 2004. Romney got just under 57 million.

Stop right there and let that number sink in. We are a nation where conservatives self identify more than liberals two to one.

Romney led the ticket in votes in every state he won meaning that he appealed to those moderates who are willing to lean conservative just fine, but evangelicals stayed home and so did traditional conservatives in North Florida.

Some people are saying “It is because this time more Hispanics went for Democrats instead of Republicans. This is true, but it is still dwarfed by the fact that five million conservatives stayed home.

Why did 5 million conservatives stay home? | Political Arena

Your numbers do not add up and do nothing to prove your point

Bush got 62 Million votes and Romney got 57 million because Bush won and Romney lost. The 5 million votes you are talking about are moderates and independents who voted Democratic because Republicans chased them away

The author of the article Jughead posted should be embarrassed and should remove his article. He jumped the gun before all votes were tallied.
You can guarantee the nominee will not be a conservative. The power of the conservative base is overestimated and they are incapable of getting a conservative nominated. All they can do is get the moderate to assume conservative platform points and make him unelectable

Bush was a "compassionate conservative (wink, wink) a liberal in conservative clothing thereby making himself electable.

No one can considered himself/herself electable at this point in time who threatens the welfare gravy train.

In some states, the requirements for Voter ID were stricter than the requirements for the ID you need to do all those other things Voter ID retards like to fallaciously believe justifies the need for Voter ID. And so it is entirely possible for a person to have an ID that allows them to do all those other things and still not be able to vote.

That is why several states placed injunctions against Voter ID until the people of those states had time to get the stricter IDs required. Even a Republican judge in Pennsylvania realized he had to reverse himself once he studied the facts.

Those pesky facts keep getting in the way of Voter ID retards. Facts like Voter ID not preventing the types of fraud which occur. Facts like states that have Voter ID still have problems with voter fraud.

No one, after years of my asking for such evidence, has ever presented a case of voter fraud which could only have been prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

Rand is absolutely right. When you have a government program which does not achieve its stated aims, and wastes taxpayer money, then it probably has an entirely different purpose than what its proponents were claiming they wanted it for.

The only achievement to Voter ID's credit to date is that it has managed to piss off a lot of people, and wasted gobs of taxpayer money. This is not how you win friends or votes.
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Voter ID laws are a solution searching for a problem. Voter fraud is microscopic in America. But Conservatives, seeking to suppress the votes of Americans who will never vote a Conservative ticket, will champion voter ID as a solution to a problem that does not exist.

It's odd that Conservatives think that banning assault weapons is an infringement on their rights while gleefully suppressing the most basic right American citizens enjoy: the right to vote. Conservatives will deny women their right to their very own bodies while actively suppressing the right to vote. Conservatives will say that folks do not have a right to basic health care, but suppress the right to vote.

Who is it that claims to love America so much? Conservatives? They might love America, but they hate Americans.
Voter ID laws are a solution searching for a problem. Voter fraud is microscopic in America. But Conservatives, seeking to suppress the votes of Americans who will never vote a Conservative ticket, will champion voter ID as a solution to a problem that does not exist.

It's odd that Conservatives think that banning assault weapons is an infringement on their rights while gleefully suppressing the most basic right American citizens enjoy: the right to vote. Conservatives will deny women their right to their very own bodies while actively suppressing the right to vote. Conservatives will say that folks do not have a right to basic health care, but suppress the right to vote.

Who is it that claims to love America so much? Conservatives? They might love America, but they hate Americans.

There are plenty of Voter ID retards who do not believe the right to vote exists. They are opposed to universal suffrage.
Do you need to show ID to get Obamacare? How about a welfare check? SNAP? Section 8?


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