Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

YES GOP. YES, please have this fight haha!!!

The Democrats suck. But I'd love nothing more than to see the Republican Party rot in hell!
And for what its worth, I'm ok with some isolationism.

No reason on Earth why our military needs to have bases in over 70 countries.

Protect US, our homeland, our people.
I am trying to keep score...help me out.

The GOP Establishment vs. The TP vs. The Libertarian vs. The Neo Conservatives

Now, do I have that right, or are the Neo Conservative actually the Establishment GOP.:rolleyes:

The GOP is becoming the Baskin Robbins of the Dysfunctional Political World.

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

And EXACTLY what I and others (including you>) have been saying since the git go. Those "secret" energy meeting that Cheney had before the invasion. What was that all about. Never found out.

And of course, on here I have seen it written quite a few times that profit was the motive for the war. But the fucked up right wingers on here vehemently deny that any of THEIR politicians would ever be that duplicitous.

I am starting to like Rand Paul. There, I said it.

But I hate Dick Cheney. Why won't he just fuckin die?
And for what its worth, I'm ok with some isolationism.

No reason on Earth why our military needs to have bases in over 70 countries.

Protect US, our homeland, our people.

I'm not okay with Isolationism.

But I see your point about the bases..that's really not necessary in alot of cases.

However, the US has the largest and most capable military in the world.

I have no problem with it saving lives and protecting people from abusive regimes.

We just have to get clear what that means.

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

And EXACTLY what I and others (including you>) have been saying since the git go. Those "secret" energy meeting that Cheney had before the invasion. What was that all about. Never found out.

And of course, on here I have seen it written quite a few times that profit was the motive for the war. But the fucked up right wingers on here vehemently deny that any of THEIR politicians would ever be that duplicitous.

I am starting to like Rand Paul. There, I said it.

But I hate Dick Cheney. Why won't he just fuckin die?

There are some things I like about Rand Paul and on the whole I think it's helpful that he's in congress, for no other reason than he adds a dissenting voice. Without that, there is no challenge to policy and no way to find flaws that are meaningful.

That said, I would never want this guy to be President and don't subscribe to his vision of the United States at all.

His views on race are horrible as is his views on regulation. I also believe in a strong social safety net, something which he does not.

But I agree with him on his views of personal privacy and this particular point.

Cheney was and is..a horrible man.

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

This comes with a video.

You may want to check it out before commenting.

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

Well hell, you convinced me. LMAO. Can't refute the facts, attack the source of the fact.
Very good drone. You have learned well.
Ah...the truth about the Iraq debacle emerging FROM WITHIN the GOP..exposing the self serving narcissism of Cheny..his egregious lies and his contempt for the American people while using our government to serve his nefarious ends....Machiavelli would be proud.
Love it
Stay tuned

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This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

And EXACTLY what I and others (including you>) have been saying since the git go. Those "secret" energy meeting that Cheney had before the invasion. What was that all about. Never found out.

And of course, on here I have seen it written quite a few times that profit was the motive for the war. But the fucked up right wingers on here vehemently deny that any of THEIR politicians would ever be that duplicitous.

I am starting to like Rand Paul. There, I said it.

But I hate Dick Cheney. Why won't he just fuckin die?

There are some things I like about Rand Paul and on the whole I think it's helpful that he's in congress, for no other reason than he adds a dissenting voice. Without that, there is no challenge to policy and no way to find flaws that are meaningful.

That said, I would never want this guy to be President and don't subscribe to his vision of the United States at all.

His views on race are horrible as is his views on regulation. I also believe in a strong social safety net, something which he does not.

But I agree with him on his views of personal privacy and this particular point.

Cheney was and is..a horrible man.

You're correct. But I voted for Ross Perot. So I like the outside underdog. Especially one who takes on Dick Cheney. And he (Paul) would never be elected but at least he keeps talking sense on some issues. The only Repub with any sense at all from what I can tell.
Ah...the truth about the Iraq debacle emerging FROM WITHIN the GOP..exposing the self serving narcissism of Cheny..his egregious lies and his contempt for the American people while using our government to serve his nefarious ends....Machiavelli would be proud.
Love it
Stay tuned

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I know what you mean. It's a better Tuesday than I thought it would be already.
In a just world that actually gave a shit about the wellbeing of the nation, Dick Cheyney would be hanged.

Fucking chickenhawk.
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What???? A politician pushes for war to benefit himself and his buddies....WHAT!!! Really!!!


Nothing new here and certainly not exclusive to the R party.

This kind of thing has gone on for a long time. I suspect it started with Dishonest Abe....who started a war to benefit Republican interests in the northeast.
No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.
There were probably a half-dozen or more reasons why we went to war with Iraq.

All or most of them being bullshit.

This was merely one of them.

Something that's been generally known by the American Public for some years now.

Old, old, old news.

Resurrected for half-a-second by a GOP splinter-group mouthpiece.

Nothing likely to help save the Dems in November 2014 or November 2016, though.

Next slide, please.
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No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

Hmm...the difference here is that this may be an opportunity to get beyond "conspiracy theory" into the realm of truth.. As to exactly WHY we diverted to Iraq in what was supposed to be a hunt for OBL...just when we had that uberterrorist in our sights at Tora Bora...
The Iraq war has cost so much in so many ways ...and it was "sold" to the American people on false premises...don't we deserve to learn the truth about it?

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No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

In terms of discussing 9/11 and what it spawned?

Time and distance has solidified some of the elements.

A. The Saudis wanted to US to attack Iraq and/or Iran.
B. The Saudis financed Al Qaeda and had a hand in directing their agents.
C. The PNAC had an agenda that included attacking Iraq.
D. The Bush administration was populated with folks from the PNAC.
E. After 9/11 and invasion of Afghanistan; the Bush administration linked Iraq to 9/11.

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