Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

oh jezze, if these people can't find something to take peoples minds off the horrific things Obama and his comrades have done...lets dig up Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh and now Cheney

they've already jug Reagan claiming he was the start of the down fall of our country...made a Clinton hero of saving us and now THE GREAT Obama is another "savior" of us all

Lets all frikken run out vote in these Government expanding progressive/liberal/Democrats who now tells you what size soda cups you should have, foods you should eat, and don't forget they drop on bombs from drones and any frikken country the feel like WITHOUT congress's approval like Bush had for the Iraq war

This isn't about "let's" this is about "you guys" digging up stuff.

Last I checked? Rand Paul is a Republican..Steppie.

Hot Coco? Sweetie? :smiliehug:
Mother Jones. Another liberal mouthpiece. Getting their bashing started early.

She was the one that said the reason we cannot find the wreckage of the Malaysian flight was due to man made global warming.

You know an idiot like Sallow believes that to be true. :badgrin:

Who is the "she" that said that?

You little fucking faggot.
In a just world that actually gave a shit about the wellbeing of the nation, Dick Cheyney would be hanged.

Fucking chickenhawk.

In a just world you'd be in a mental institution:cuckoo:
Mother Jones. Another liberal mouthpiece. Getting their bashing started early.

She was the one that said the reason we cannot find the wreckage of the Malaysian flight was due to man made global warming.

You know an idiot like Sallow believes that to be true. :badgrin:

Who is the "she" that said that?

You little fucking faggot.

He, she, they, them, us, we.....

What ever.

Go ahead Sallow, try and refute that factcheck.org reported there nothing sinister about Halliburton and Bush and the Iraq War.

Go ahead Sallow, keep on ignoring the number of non-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton under Clinton. Those are facts sallow, not that you care either way.

Hey sallow, keep on believing what mother jones reported about man made global warming and not being able to find the plane wreckage.

We all know you do believe it too.
Dick Cheney is a patriot....unlike the scum we have in the White House now.
In a just world that actually gave a shit about the wellbeing of the nation, Dick Cheyney would be hanged.

Fucking chickenhawk.

In a just world you'd be in a mental institution:cuckoo:

Notice too how these lefties who preach against war (their MORAL PLATITUDES), as though they care, never bring up Halliburton's links to Clinton and non-bid contracts in the 90s?

They never will.

Much like rightwinger, who had never heard of Saul Alinsky until just the other day, these morons did not know, nor care about Halliburton, Clinton and non-bid contracts.

What does that prove? It proves that like every other issue they bring up, they could not actually possibly care any less.
She was the one that said the reason we cannot find the wreckage of the Malaysian flight was due to man made global warming.

You know an idiot like Sallow believes that to be true. :badgrin:

Who is the "she" that said that?

You little fucking faggot.

He, she, they, them, us, we.....

What ever.

Go ahead Sallow, try and refute that factcheck.org reported there nothing sinister about Halliburton and Bush and the Iraq War.

Go ahead Sallow, keep on ignoring the number of non-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton under Clinton. Those are facts sallow, not that you care either way.

Hey sallow, keep on believing what mother jones reported about man made global warming and not being able to find the plane wreckage.

We all know you do believe it too.

Ignore what?

Clinton never invaded Iraq.

Sorta destroys your point.
Who is the "she" that said that?

You little fucking faggot.

He, she, they, them, us, we.....

What ever.

Go ahead Sallow, try and refute that factcheck.org reported there nothing sinister about Halliburton and Bush and the Iraq War.

Go ahead Sallow, keep on ignoring the number of non-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton under Clinton. Those are facts sallow, not that you care either way.

Hey sallow, keep on believing what mother jones reported about man made global warming and not being able to find the plane wreckage.

We all know you do believe it too.

Ignore what?

Clinton never invaded Iraq.

Sorta destroys your point.

No, he only signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, and Hillary voted for it, after she propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush ever took office.

You have no idea about paradigm shifts and how our policies changed post 911. It was entirely different in how we approached terror sponsored nations.

It is still the policy being carried out by your Nobel Peace prize winner with the endless drone attacks.

Not that you care, cause you do not. It has been and remains pathetic too, how you and your dumb retarded types call it an invasion when it was an actual liberation from a tyrant. I know to you Saddam was probably not a tyrant. Then again, if he was, what do you care that the torture chambers were closed. Actual torture too, not waterboarding. Which is not torture.

I still find it funny how pathetic morons on the left that feign outrage over the fact that we water board brown terrorists and that is all you cocksuckers crow about.

Just once I would love for one of you hypocrites to show your concerns over the fact that our very soldiers are water boarded during training. Not that you would care, since they are ALL American and mostly white.

Now, back to the point of the thread. Which was not about a so called "invasion of Iraq." It is about Halliburton. Which, you pathetic, hypocritical, double talking, pieces of steaming shit never bring up in regards to Clinton and non-bid contracts.
No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

I'll see you in the next Michelle Obama cant tell me what to eat thread
Good. Very good that the neo-cons are wetting their beds at the idea of Paul receiving the nomination.
No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

Hmm...the difference here is that this may be an opportunity to get beyond "conspiracy theory" into the realm of truth.. As to exactly WHY we diverted to Iraq in what was supposed to be a hunt for OBL...just when we had that uberterrorist in our sights at Tora Bora...
The Iraq war has cost so much in so many ways ...and it was "sold" to the American people on false premises...don't we deserve to learn the truth about it?

You can't handle the truth. None of you loons would know what to do with the truth, if it was written into stone for your sole benefit.

Many of you stack fiction on top of fiction, until you reach the point that you consider your stack of crap to be the truth.

Dick Cheney did not take this nation to war in Iraq. George Bush and the Congress did. They did the right thing, for the right reason, and that is pure fact. Like him, or loathe him, Dick Cheney is just as entitled to his opinions as you are, and for the most part, his opinions are far superior to yours.

I will offer you some truths to ponder, although I seriously doubt that you will do any pondering.

A free nation cannot successfully combat terrorism without losing the freedom that we desire to retain. You cannot defend against terrorism in a free and open society.

The best defense is a good offense. When you cannot defend your own territory, you need to take the fight to your enemies territory, and force your enemy to defend that territory at the expense of his own desire for the inititive.

When the enemy is determined to include innocent civilians in his war plans, make sure that the available innocent civilians are his own people. Nothing builds a dislike for Al Quada, in the Moslem world, than Al Quada killing and maiming other Moslems.
Clinton and most of congress supported the Iraq war...Saddam had broken the cess fire.

The nation building was one of the stupidest things this nation has ever done, but the war not so much....

The war was one of the stupidest things this nation has done too. I agree on the nation building.
This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

Not it isn't. It's old news. This Halliburton yarn has been around since the first day of the war.
No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11

Well it is a fact that Dubya very quickly ushered members of Osama Bin Laden's family out of the US just hours after the attack on 911. Seems a little odd. Maybe detain them to ask questions?

911 is one of those elephants in the living room. Nobody really wants to 'go there' with some very disturbing and large facts right in front of all of our faces. Dick Cheney and Haliburton, Dubya's zeal to go to war with Iraq and the fake WOMDs that weren't there....lying to Congress.. Imagine if we found out that Cheney and co manufactured 911 with the help of Bin Laden and Bin Laden's duped authentically-earnest suicide pilots that day? Dubya was in business with Osama's brother Salem Bin Laden, "Arbusto Oil". The two families were close, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens. Imagine at once realizing that 911 was the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century, geared to rally the country around Haliburton & Bush familly profits after sacking Iraq?

From a purely business stance it makes sense. Cheney gets rich subcontracting the "war" in Iraq. Bush & co get rich after the oil wells there are American puppet-controlled. Not like they would know about 911 beforehand with all the intelligence we had at the time. Not like they'd stoop to using the US Treasury for what was essentially a hostile corporate takeover of Iraq's sweet crude, right? I mean if all that was true...the US might become very unstable and angry... You'd just have to ask yourselves, "would Dick Cheney stoop to such a thing?". You'd have to research the Bush family too, to discover their longstanding penchant for treasonous behavior. Look up granddaddy Prescott Bush and what he was up to in WWII. He was almost prosecuted for treason. Almost...having money has always gotten the Bush family out of a pickle...

Yes, I'm sure Cheney doesn't like Paul. Live puppets don't work well in a puppet show.
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This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

Well hell, you convinced me. LMAO. Can't refute the facts, attack the source of the fact.
Very good drone. You have learned well.

A lot of liberal posters here do that constantly. I guess it's not acceptable for others, but really, MotherJones? Yikes!
No offense Sallow, but how is this news? Conspiracy theories have raged over 9/11 and Iraq for forever. And they will never go away.

Throw Cheney and Haliburton in the mix and you have a fine kettle of "Alex Jones favorite stew".

Hmm...the difference here is that this may be an opportunity to get beyond "conspiracy theory" into the realm of truth.. As to exactly WHY we diverted to Iraq in what was supposed to be a hunt for OBL...just when we had that uberterrorist in our sights at Tora Bora...
The Iraq war has cost so much in so many ways ...and it was "sold" to the American people on false premises...don't we deserve to learn the truth about it?

You can't handle the truth. None of you loons would know what to do with the truth, if it was written into stone for your sole benefit.

Many of you stack fiction on top of fiction, until you reach the point that you consider your stack of crap to be the truth.

Dick Cheney did not take this nation to war in Iraq. George Bush and the Congress did. They did the right thing, for the right reason, and that is pure fact. Like him, or loathe him, Dick Cheney is just as entitled to his opinions as you are, and for the most part, his opinions are far superior to yours.

I will offer you some truths to ponder, although I seriously doubt that you will do any pondering.

A free nation cannot successfully combat terrorism without losing the freedom that we desire to retain. You cannot defend against terrorism in a free and open society.

The best defense is a good offense. When you cannot defend your own territory, you need to take the fight to your enemies territory, and force your enemy to defend that territory at the expense of his own desire for the inititive.

When the enemy is determined to include innocent civilians in his war plans, make sure that the available innocent civilians are his own people. Nothing builds a dislike for Al Quada, in the Moslem world, than Al Quada killing and maiming other Moslems.

Before the Invasion and destabilization of Iraq, al Qaeda did not have an operational presence in Iraq. Sure they had a base in the Free Kurdish region that was protected by the Northern No-Fly Zone, but they didn't operate in most of Iraq. Iraq didn't suffer from terrorist bombings and suicide attacks on civilians either. That's still going on in Iraq isn't it?

Which came first the Terrorist or the Terrorized?

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Cato Institute
That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

Well hell, you convinced me. LMAO. Can't refute the facts, attack the source of the fact.
Very good drone. You have learned well.

A lot of liberal posters here do that constantly. I guess it's not acceptable for others, but really, MotherJones? Yikes!


So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!"

Scary, if Rand run for office in 2016, he might get a healthy amount of Dems supporting him too... The fear you Dems have is funny.

What will you run against Rand on? The list is shrinking lol.

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