Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

...The trouble started on July 30 1942 when the New York Herald-Tribune ran an article entitled "Hitler's Angel Has $3m in US Bank". UBC's huge gold purchases had raised suspicions that the bank was in fact a "secret nest egg" hidden in New York for Thyssen and other Nazi bigwigs. The Alien Property Commission (APC) launched an investigation.

There is no dispute over the fact that the US government seized a string of assets controlled by BBH - including UBC and SAC - in the autumn of 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy act. What is in dispute is if Harriman, Walker and Bush did more than own these companies on paper....

... Homer Jones, the chief of the APC investigation and research division sent a memo to the executive committee of APC recommending the US government vest UBC and its assets. Jones named the directors of the bank in the memo, including Prescott Bush's name, and wrote: "Said stock is held by the above named individuals, however, solely as nominees for the Bank voor Handel, Rotterdam, Holland, which is owned by one or more of the Thyssen family, nationals of Germany and Hungary. The 4,000 shares hereinbefore set out are therefore beneficially owned and help for the interests of enemy nationals, and are vestible by the APC," according to the memo from the National Archives seen by the Guardian....

... Jones recommended that the assets be liquidated for the benefit of the government, but instead UBC was maintained intact and eventually returned to the American shareholders after the war. Some claim that Bush sold his share in UBC after the war for $1.5m - a huge amount of money at the time - but there is no documentary evidence to support this claim. No further action was ever taken nor was the investigation continued, despite the fact UBC was caught red-handed operating a American shell company for the Thyssen family eight months after America had entered the war and that this was the bank that had partly financed Hitler's rise to power.

The most tantalising part of the story remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC) and Auschwitz. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

There is much, much more detail in this UK article written from archived US documents surrouding the events. I suggest you read it before promoting or discussing anything Bush/Cheney related.

Prescott's son Bush Sr. & Cheney are old CIA buddies going way back to the Kennedy/Johnson administrations...right around the time of the Kennedy assassination and the Vietnam War. To give you an idea of the dates when they were in power in covert ops.
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A Chris Christie/Rand Paul ticket in 2016 would be UNBEATABLE. The dems could run a Bill Clinton/Jesus ticket in 2016 and still lose to Christie/Paul..
Who the fuck would believe a racist POS like Rand Paul about anything? ..... :eusa_whistle:
Who the fuck would believe a racist POS like Rand Paul about anything? ..... :eusa_whistle:
The UK's Guardian and researchers who wrote the article in the link at the top of this page. That's who. When all else fails, look at the facts..
He, she, they, them, us, we.....

What ever.

Go ahead Sallow, try and refute that factcheck.org reported there nothing sinister about Halliburton and Bush and the Iraq War.

Go ahead Sallow, keep on ignoring the number of non-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton under Clinton. Those are facts sallow, not that you care either way.

Hey sallow, keep on believing what mother jones reported about man made global warming and not being able to find the plane wreckage.

We all know you do believe it too.

Ignore what?

Clinton never invaded Iraq.

Sorta destroys your point.

No, he only signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, and Hillary voted for it, after she propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush ever took office.

You have no idea about paradigm shifts and how our policies changed post 911. It was entirely different in how we approached terror sponsored nations.

It is still the policy being carried out by your Nobel Peace prize winner with the endless drone attacks.

Not that you care, cause you do not. It has been and remains pathetic too, how you and your dumb retarded types call it an invasion when it was an actual liberation from a tyrant. I know to you Saddam was probably not a tyrant. Then again, if he was, what do you care that the torture chambers were closed. Actual torture too, not waterboarding. Which is not torture.

I still find it funny how pathetic morons on the left that feign outrage over the fact that we water board brown terrorists and that is all you cocksuckers crow about.

Just once I would love for one of you hypocrites to show your concerns over the fact that our very soldiers are water boarded during training. Not that you would care, since they are ALL American and mostly white.

Now, back to the point of the thread. Which was not about a so called "invasion of Iraq." It is about Halliburton. Which, you pathetic, hypocritical, double talking, pieces of steaming shit never bring up in regards to Clinton and non-bid contracts.

Seems you are frothing from the mouth again..fagboi.

Not sure if it's from your inane post or the cum you just gobbled.

In any case..the point remains, President Bill Clinton never invaded Iraq. And he was under a great deal of pressure, from the nutters, to do so.

He didn't send our military to slaughter almost 500K people who were innocent.

He didn't lie to congress about the reasons to do so.

He also didn't use Halliburton after they were involved in criminal activity.

CorpWatch*:*Ongoing Investigations Into Haliburton as of April 2005

That would be Bush and the PNAC cowboys.

You got that?
A Chris Christie/Rand Paul ticket in 2016 would be UNBEATABLE. The dems could run a Bill Clinton/Jesus ticket in 2016 and still lose to Christie/Paul..

I'm still hoping for Paul/Cruz..or better yet?

Palin/Bachmann! :D
Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11

Well it is a fact that Dubya very quickly ushered members of Osama Bin Laden's family out of the US just hours after the attack on 911. Seems a little odd. Maybe detain them to ask questions?

911 is one of those elephants in the living room. Nobody really wants to 'go there' with some very disturbing and large facts right in front of all of our faces. Dick Cheney and Haliburton, Dubya's zeal to go to war with Iraq and the fake WOMDs that weren't there....lying to Congress.. Imagine if we found out that Cheney and co manufactured 911 with the help of Bin Laden and Bin Laden's duped authentically-earnest suicide pilots that day? Dubya was in business with Osama's brother Salem Bin Laden, "Arbusto Oil". The two families were close, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens. Imagine at once realizing that 911 was the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century, geared to rally the country around Haliburton & Bush familly profits after sacking Iraq?

From a purely business stance it makes sense. Cheney gets rich subcontracting the "war" in Iraq. Bush & co get rich after the oil wells there are American puppet-controlled. Not like they would know about 911 beforehand with all the intelligence we had at the time. Not like they'd stoop to using the US Treasury for what was essentially a hostile corporate takeover of Iraq's sweet crude, right? I mean if all that was true...the US might become very unstable and angry... You'd just have to ask yourselves, "would Dick Cheney stoop to such a thing?". You'd have to research the Bush family too, to discover their longstanding penchant for treasonous behavior. Look up granddaddy Prescott Bush and what he was up to in WWII. He was almost prosecuted for treason. Almost...having money has always gotten the Bush family out of a pickle...

Yes, I'm sure Cheney doesn't like Paul. Live puppets don't work well in a puppet show.

A truther everyone.

Hey, are you calling for the impeachment of Obama for killing Bin Laden and endless drone strikes and not calling for an investigation of all of the utter bullshit you claim?
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Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11

Well it is a fact that Dubya very quickly ushered members of Osama Bin Laden's family out of the US just hours after the attack on 911. Seems a little odd. Maybe detain them to ask questions?

911 is one of those elephants in the living room. Nobody really wants to 'go there' with some very disturbing and large facts right in front of all of our faces. Dick Cheney and Haliburton, Dubya's zeal to go to war with Iraq and the fake WOMDs that weren't there....lying to Congress.. Imagine if we found out that Cheney and co manufactured 911 with the help of Bin Laden and Bin Laden's duped authentically-earnest suicide pilots that day? Dubya was in business with Osama's brother Salem Bin Laden, "Arbusto Oil". The two families were close, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens. Imagine at once realizing that 911 was the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century, geared to rally the country around Haliburton & Bush familly profits after sacking Iraq?

From a purely business stance it makes sense. Cheney gets rich subcontracting the "war" in Iraq. Bush & co get rich after the oil wells there are American puppet-controlled. Not like they would know about 911 beforehand with all the intelligence we had at the time. Not like they'd stoop to using the US Treasury for what was essentially a hostile corporate takeover of Iraq's sweet crude, right? I mean if all that was true...the US might become very unstable and angry... You'd just have to ask yourselves, "would Dick Cheney stoop to such a thing?". You'd have to research the Bush family too, to discover their longstanding penchant for treasonous behavior. Look up granddaddy Prescott Bush and what he was up to in WWII. He was almost prosecuted for treason. Almost...having money has always gotten the Bush family out of a pickle...

Yes, I'm sure Cheney doesn't like Paul. Live puppets don't work well in a puppet show.

A truther everyone.

Hey, are you calling for the impeachment of Obama for killing Bin Laden and endless drone strikes and not calling for an investigation of all of the utter bullshit you claim?

Well if the elephant in the living room has merit, killing Bin Laden would be the downing of one of the traitors in that ring, so no, I wouldn't be calling for the impeachment of Obama for that.
Now, why would someone like him do that, check out something before commenting.
If they did and found out that Mother Jones reported it correctly. Then they might have to admit to it being correct on other stories.
WOW! What a revelation.


This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.

That is a lie!
'Mother Jones'? Why would anyone believe anything in that Union rag?

This comes with a video.

You may want to check it out before commenting.
Well it is a fact that Dubya very quickly ushered members of Osama Bin Laden's family out of the US just hours after the attack on 911. Seems a little odd. Maybe detain them to ask questions?

911 is one of those elephants in the living room. Nobody really wants to 'go there' with some very disturbing and large facts right in front of all of our faces. Dick Cheney and Haliburton, Dubya's zeal to go to war with Iraq and the fake WOMDs that weren't there....lying to Congress.. Imagine if we found out that Cheney and co manufactured 911 with the help of Bin Laden and Bin Laden's duped authentically-earnest suicide pilots that day? Dubya was in business with Osama's brother Salem Bin Laden, "Arbusto Oil". The two families were close, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens. Imagine at once realizing that 911 was the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century, geared to rally the country around Haliburton & Bush familly profits after sacking Iraq?

From a purely business stance it makes sense. Cheney gets rich subcontracting the "war" in Iraq. Bush & co get rich after the oil wells there are American puppet-controlled. Not like they would know about 911 beforehand with all the intelligence we had at the time. Not like they'd stoop to using the US Treasury for what was essentially a hostile corporate takeover of Iraq's sweet crude, right? I mean if all that was true...the US might become very unstable and angry... You'd just have to ask yourselves, "would Dick Cheney stoop to such a thing?". You'd have to research the Bush family too, to discover their longstanding penchant for treasonous behavior. Look up granddaddy Prescott Bush and what he was up to in WWII. He was almost prosecuted for treason. Almost...having money has always gotten the Bush family out of a pickle...

Yes, I'm sure Cheney doesn't like Paul. Live puppets don't work well in a puppet show.

A truther everyone.

Hey, are you calling for the impeachment of Obama for killing Bin Laden and endless drone strikes and not calling for an investigation of all of the utter bullshit you claim?

Well if the elephant in the living room has merit, killing Bin Laden would be the downing of one of the traitors in that ring, so no, I wouldn't be calling for the impeachment of Obama for that.

And why the endless drone strikes and why has he not called for an investigation into the never ending bullshit you are claiming
A Chris Christie/Rand Paul ticket in 2016 would be UNBEATABLE. The dems could run a Bill Clinton/Jesus ticket in 2016 and still lose to Christie/Paul..

I'm still hoping for Paul/Cruz..or better yet?

Palin/Bachmann! :D
Make it Bachmann/Palin rather than Palin/Bachmann and you might get some takers.

They'd look better on a postage stamp than the competition, anyway.

They could always run on an Eye-Candy platform.
Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War
By Angelo Young, International Business Times
20 March 13

he accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decade-long Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels.

Private or publicly listed firms received at least $138 billion of U.S. taxpayer money for government contracts for services that included providing private security, building infrastructure and feeding the troops.

Ten contractors received 52 percent of the funds, according to an analysis by the Financial Times that was published Tuesday.

The No. 1 recipient?

Houston-based energy-focused engineering and construction firm KBR, Inc. (NYSE:KBR), which was spun off from its parent, oilfield services provider Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL), in 2007.

The company was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding from competing firms, such as a $568-million contract renewal in 2010 to provide housing, meals, water and bathroom services to soldiers, a deal that led to a Justice Department lawsuit over alleged kickbacks, as reported by Bloomberg.

Who were Nos. 2 and 3?

Agility Logistics (KSE:AGLTY) of Kuwait and the state-owned Kuwait Petroleum Corp. Together, these firms garnered $13.5 billion of U.S. contracts.

As private enterprise entered the war zone at unprecedented levels, the amount of corruption ballooned, even if most contractors performed their duties as expected.

According to the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the level of corruption by defense contractors may be as high as $60 billion. Disciplined soldiers that would traditionally do many of the tasks are commissioned by private and publicly listed companies.

Even without the graft, the costs of paying for these services are higher than paying governement employees or soldiers to do them because of the profit motive involved. No-bid contracting - when companies get to name their price with no competing bid - didn't lower legitimate expenses. (Despite promises by President Barack Obama to reel in this habit, the trend toward granting favored companies federal contracts without considering competing bids continued to grow, by 9 percent last year, according to the Washington Post.)

Even though the military has largely pulled out of Iraq, private contractors remain on the ground and continue to reap U.S. government contracts. For example, the U.S. State Department estimates that taxpayers will dole out $3 billion to private guards for the government's sprawling embassy in Baghdad.

Nah, Cheney wouldn't want his old buddies at his old company to take care of ole Dick when the dust was all settled. NO way. People are not like that. Especially people like a Dick Cheney.
A Chris Christie/Rand Paul ticket in 2016 would be UNBEATABLE. The dems could run a Bill Clinton/Jesus ticket in 2016 and still lose to Christie/Paul..

I'm still hoping for Paul/Cruz..or better yet?

Palin/Bachmann! :D
Make it Bachmann/Palin rather than Palin/Bachmann and you might get some takers.

They'd look better on a postage stamp than the competition, anyway.

They could always run on an Eye-Candy platform.

The AWG spank it platform

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.
Oh yes, the Cheneys are going after Rand Paul for this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp0mV2N_v4Y]Rand Paul Accuses Dick Cheney Of Lying Us Into Iraq So Halliburton Would Profit - YouTube[/ame]
Just another left wing propaganda thread. Mother Jones. Where's the Mike Savage rebuttal for balance?

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.
There were probably a half-dozen or more reasons why we went to war with Iraq.

All or most of them being bullshit.

This was merely one of them.

Something that's been generally known by the American Public for some years now.

Old, old, old news.

Resurrected for half-a-second by a GOP splinter-group mouthpiece.

Nothing likely to help save the Dems in November 2014 or November 2016, though.

Next slide, please.

Saving Democrats from what?

Right now, Democrats aren't in a bad position for 2014.

Looks like they will keep the Senate and possibly make some gains in the House.

Republicans are doing a fine job of shooting themselves in the kneecap.

55 votes to repeal ObamaCare and the Ryan budget assure that as well.

And 2016?

Say hello to another President Clinton.


Eh... it's more likely Democrats lose ground in the mid-term. Why? Because that's what the American people do in mid-terms. There have been three exceptions since the Civil War but other than those, the party in the White House always loses ground in a mid-term, regardless which President.

Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO.

Speaking at a private Las Vegas gathering of Republican funders and activists on March 29, Cheney blasted what he termed isolationists within the GOP. "One of the things that concerns me first about the [2016] campaign, that I'm worried about," Cheney said, "is what I sense to be an increasing strain of isolationism, if I can put it in those terms, in our own party." He didn't name names, but he didn't have to—at least, in one case. He obviously had Rand Paul in mind. And Cheney, who also approvingly talked about bombing Iran, chided the unmentioned Paul and other less hawkish GOPers for having not learned the supposed lessons of 9/11.
WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit | Mother Jones

This is a huge rebuke of the Bush administration and a line in the sand between the Libertarian and Neo Conservative wings of the Republican Party.

It's also pretty devastating.
Oh yes, the Cheneys are going after Rand Paul for this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp0mV2N_v4Y]Rand Paul Accuses Dick Cheney Of Lying Us Into Iraq So Halliburton Would Profit - YouTube[/ame]

There's something about ♪ ... an Aqua Buddha man... ♬

He's right though.

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