Rand Paul To Introduce Amendment Outlawing Obamacare Exemptions For Government Employ

For what? Making him and his party look like idiots by introducing a totally meaningless piece of legislation? This took time and resources and doesn't do anything other than mislead (read it: LIE) to brainless minions who swallowed his BS hook, line and sinker.

Biker bad ass, have you not been keeping up with current events? The last time I checked these federal workers cried for momma because they thought they were too special to be treated like normal serfs. Let them rot.

When was that?

It was settled back in '09, when Dems called Grassley's bluff.

'09 was probably the last time he checked. And he tells ME to keep up. :lol:
There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Please cite where this can be found in the ACA

Here's the full 2409 page document:


Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

And you're sure there's no exemptions or privileges in this megalithic bill?
From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees, FedSmith.com, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

Learn more: Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare


The lucrative amounts of money that federal employees are paid will allow them to purchase their own private health insurance and op-tout of Obamacare exchanges.
Please cite where this can be found in the ACA

Here's the full 2409 page document:


Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

And you're sure there's no exemptions or privileges in this megalithic bill?

Dude, the exemptions were not in the bill, they are being discussed recently and the subsidy (or financial exemption from the laws obligations) is what is being added for tax payers to pay for, and all without Congressional action. All it took was for Obama to say this is how it will be and the feds are jumping to his orders, the Constitution and law be damned.

Read these two articles for the whole story.

Congress?s Obamacare Waiver | National Review Online

Obamacare includes a provision that should cost each member of Congress and each staffer $5,000 to $11,000 per year. Needless to say, the ruling class was not pleased.

Congress wasn’t about to try to exempt itself from this provision explicitly, though. If John Q. Congressman voted to give himself an Obamacare waiver that his constituents don’t get, he wouldn’t be John Q. Congressman much longer. What’s an aristocrat to do?...

On August 1, he ignobly obliged the aristocracy by decreeing we peasants give each member and staffer $5,000 or $11,000, depending on whether they want self-only or family coverage. It’s good to be king.

The president’s supporters, like courtesans of old, are trying to quell a peasant uprising by denying there were any special favors. The denials ring hollow.

Obamacare imposes two costs on members of Congress and their staff. First, it kicks them out of their current health plans, leaving them to buy coverage on Obamacare’s health-insurance “exchanges.” Second, it makes no provision for the federal government to keep paying $5,000 or $11,000 toward the cost of their insurance as the Treasury does today.

The second cost is by far the larger one; it amounts to a pay cut of $5,000 or $11,000. Many staffers were threatening to quit or retire early.

When the president’s supporters claim that Congress isn’t being exempted, they mean that Obama didn’t exempt them from Cost No. 1. Which is true. But he did exempt them from Cost No. 2.

DC?s Fight Over ObamaCare Exemption Gets Dirty | FrontPage Magazine

Last Wednesday, while Americans remained distracted by Syria, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) began an effort to bring Washington, D.C.’s aptly described ruling class down to the same level as the people they represent. In return for allowing his fellow senators to continue proposing amendments to an energy efficiency bill on which they have begun deliberations, Vitter is demanding a floor vote on his amendment to end an exemption to ObamaCare for Congress and their staff members. The exemption allows them to continue receiving employer subsidies to pay for their health insurance. ”My amendment is not related to this [energy] bill but I have to bring it up now because it’s very time sensitive since [ObamaCare] will go into effect on Oct. 1,” he said on the Senate floor. “I think this is a special exemption for Washington.”

“Washington” is fighting back. Sources have told Politico that a bipartisan effort is being made by Republican and Democrat staffers and aides to ensure Vitter’s amendment never gets a vote, or that it is defeated if it does. Furthermore, Senate Democrats, angry that Vitter is trying to attach his amendment to an unrelated bill (as if that hasn’t happened innumerable times before), are considering three incredibly childish amendments aimed at getting even with Vitter, along with anyone who supports him.

The law as written gives no provision for the feds to pay an employer subsidy but rather than having Congress revise the law, Obama just issued a decre through the OPM which followed der Fuerer's orders.

Obama is now effectively a dictator.
Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

And you're sure there's no exemptions or privileges in this megalithic bill?

Dude, the exemptions were not in the bill, they are being discussed recently and the subsidy (or financial exemption from the laws obligations) is what is being added for tax payers to pay for, and all without Congressional action. All it took was for Obama to say this is how it will be and the feds are jumping to his orders, the Constitution and law be damned.

Read these two articles for the whole story.

Congress?s Obamacare Waiver | National Review Online

Obamacare includes a provision that should cost each member of Congress and each staffer $5,000 to $11,000 per year. Needless to say, the ruling class was not pleased.

Congress wasn’t about to try to exempt itself from this provision explicitly, though. If John Q. Congressman voted to give himself an Obamacare waiver that his constituents don’t get, he wouldn’t be John Q. Congressman much longer. What’s an aristocrat to do?...

On August 1, he ignobly obliged the aristocracy by decreeing we peasants give each member and staffer $5,000 or $11,000, depending on whether they want self-only or family coverage. It’s good to be king.

The president’s supporters, like courtesans of old, are trying to quell a peasant uprising by denying there were any special favors. The denials ring hollow.

Obamacare imposes two costs on members of Congress and their staff. First, it kicks them out of their current health plans, leaving them to buy coverage on Obamacare’s health-insurance “exchanges.” Second, it makes no provision for the federal government to keep paying $5,000 or $11,000 toward the cost of their insurance as the Treasury does today.

The second cost is by far the larger one; it amounts to a pay cut of $5,000 or $11,000. Many staffers were threatening to quit or retire early.

When the president’s supporters claim that Congress isn’t being exempted, they mean that Obama didn’t exempt them from Cost No. 1. Which is true. But he did exempt them from Cost No. 2.

DC?s Fight Over ObamaCare Exemption Gets Dirty | FrontPage Magazine

Last Wednesday, while Americans remained distracted by Syria, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) began an effort to bring Washington, D.C.’s aptly described ruling class down to the same level as the people they represent. In return for allowing his fellow senators to continue proposing amendments to an energy efficiency bill on which they have begun deliberations, Vitter is demanding a floor vote on his amendment to end an exemption to ObamaCare for Congress and their staff members. The exemption allows them to continue receiving employer subsidies to pay for their health insurance. ”My amendment is not related to this [energy] bill but I have to bring it up now because it’s very time sensitive since [ObamaCare] will go into effect on Oct. 1,” he said on the Senate floor. “I think this is a special exemption for Washington.”

“Washington” is fighting back. Sources have told Politico that a bipartisan effort is being made by Republican and Democrat staffers and aides to ensure Vitter’s amendment never gets a vote, or that it is defeated if it does. Furthermore, Senate Democrats, angry that Vitter is trying to attach his amendment to an unrelated bill (as if that hasn’t happened innumerable times before), are considering three incredibly childish amendments aimed at getting even with Vitter, along with anyone who supports him.

The law as written gives no provision for the feds to pay an employer subsidy but rather than having Congress revise the law, Obama just issued a decre through the OPM which followed der Fuerer's orders.

Obama is now effectively a dictator.

Yup. I read that already.

The Dems fucked themselves and staffers along with the rest of the country. Thats what happens when you don't read a bill and vote it in.
Exemptions should be banned for everyone, this bill isn't even close to the one the congress passed.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

1) That does not compute.

2) Since the law already does that, Rand is siding with his #1 sworn enemy.
Good job Mr. Paul.

For what? Making him and his party look like idiots by introducing a totally meaningless piece of legislation? This took time and resources and doesn't do anything other than mislead (read it: LIE) to brainless minions who swallowed his BS hook, line and sinker.

I am curious. What media do you use to keep up with current events?

Last week, Obama used his right to amend the ACA (a right granted to him IN the law), and he allowed members of congress and their staffs the right to collect subsidy payments to allow them to pay the increase in the cost of their plans.

You need to get your news elsewhere.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Actually, congress is not the one who is doing it. Having a vote like that will kill anyone's chances for re-election if they voted yes for the ACA.

Instead, President Obama is using that little clause in the law to allow for the subsidies to congress and their staffers...the clause that gives him the sole right to grant exemptions and subsidies to those he deems worthy of them.

Passing laws that are not first read have serious consequences.
There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Actually, congress is not the one who is doing it. Having a vote like that will kill anyone's chances for re-election if they voted yes for the ACA.

Instead, President Obama is using that little clause in the law to allow for the subsidies to congress and their staffers...the clause that gives him the sole right to grant exemptions and subsidies to those he deems worthy of them.

Passing laws that are not first read have serious consequences.

Which law was not read?
How bout the whole bill that none of the Dems bothered to read before they passed it.
Exemptions should be banned for everyone, this bill isn't even close to the one the congress passed.

That is PRECISELY it... NO companies, NO government employees, NO ONE PERIOD should be exempt from this disaster. If the fucking law is THAT GOOD, then EVERYONE... E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E should be ON IT.

The simple fact that so many entities have already gained exemption is proof positive that odumbocare is nothing more than a massive government take over of 1/6th of the economy, which is ALREADY evident that it will FUCK UP in GRAND FASHION. All odumbocare does is ENSURE that BEFORE Barry leaves office, this nation's economy WILL IMPLODE, and that is precisely what the kenyan and his puppet master, George Soros wants, they've wanted it all along.
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Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Actually, congress is not the one who is doing it. Having a vote like that will kill anyone's chances for re-election if they voted yes for the ACA.

Instead, President Obama is using that little clause in the law to allow for the subsidies to congress and their staffers...the clause that gives him the sole right to grant exemptions and subsidies to those he deems worthy of them.

Passing laws that are not first read have serious consequences.

Which law was not read?
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
-Benjamin Franklin

Stupid Quotes - BrainyQuote
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Exemptions should be banned for everyone, this bill isn't even close to the one the congress passed.

That is PRECISELY it... NO companies, NO government employees, NO ONE PERIOD should be exempt from this disaster. If the fucking law is THAT GOOD, then EVERYONE... E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E should be ON IT.

Yup and the fact that Unions and others are trying to get either exempted or subsidized by the taxpayers should tell everyone everything they need to know about Obamacare.

Its a disaster and now, since they know whats in it, they know its a disaster.
Exemptions should be banned for everyone, this bill isn't even close to the one the congress passed.

That is PRECISELY it... NO companies, NO government employees, NO ONE PERIOD should be exempt from this disaster. If the fucking law is THAT GOOD, then EVERYONE... E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E should be ON IT.

Yup and the fact that Unions and others are trying to get either exempted or subsidized by the taxpayers should tell everyone everything they need to know about Obamacare.

Its a disaster and now, since they know whats in it, they know its a disaster.
Well TOO FUCKING BAD. The unions were very instrumental in getting the kenyan elected, as well as many other democraps, now they can SUFFER for it.
Exemptions should be banned for everyone, this bill isn't even close to the one the congress passed.

No other law has had so many exemptions. A Law should not have any exemptions.

A law should be enforced equally for all the people otherwise it is not a just law.
That is PRECISELY it... NO companies, NO government employees, NO ONE PERIOD should be exempt from this disaster. If the fucking law is THAT GOOD, then EVERYONE... E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E should be ON IT.

Yup and the fact that Unions and others are trying to get either exempted or subsidized by the taxpayers should tell everyone everything they need to know about Obamacare.

Its a disaster and now, since they know whats in it, they know its a disaster.

Well TOO FUCKING BAD. The unions were very instrumental in getting the kenyan elected, as well as many other democraps, now they can SUFFER for it.

Problem is that if they win subsidies then we the taxpayer will carry the freight.

That POS bill is a trainwreck.

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