Rand Paul To Introduce Amendment Outlawing Obamacare Exemptions For Government Employ

Yup and the fact that Unions and others are trying to get either exempted or subsidized by the taxpayers should tell everyone everything they need to know about Obamacare.

Its a disaster and now, since they know whats in it, they know its a disaster.

Well TOO FUCKING BAD. The unions were very instrumental in getting the kenyan elected, as well as many other democraps, now they can SUFFER for it.

Problem is that if they win subsidies then we the taxpayer will carry the freight.

That POS bill is a trainwreck.
The dems and odumbo OWN it.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Of course it is..

The law isn't meant to affect people who ALREADY have healthcare.

It's meant to affect people who DON'T!
Just when Europe is starting to elect more and more CONSERVATIVES and turning away from FAILED SOCIALISM, the left and obama here are RAMMING the SAME FAILED SOCIALIST agenda Europe is getting away from, down our throats HERE in America!

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Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Of course it is..

The law isn't meant to affect people who ALREADY have healthcare.

It's meant to affect people who DON'T!

And yet, that's exactly what's happening. The law effected Congressional staffers and they didn't like it...so Obama bailed them out with taxpayer money.

Another example of basing laws and regulations on intentions rather than results.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Taxpayers have always paid for Congress' healthcare.

There's nothing in Grassley's amendment that changes Congress' compensation package, just where they can get the insurance from.
United States Constitution, Article I, Section 9:
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States.

» Rand Paul To Introduce Amendment Outlawing Obamacare Exemptions For Government Employees Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

I think Congress should never exempt themselves from a law,” Paul said. “But then again, I think John Roberts, he loves ObamaCare so much, he should get it. Right now, he’s getting a federal employee subsidy.

“He’s not part of ObamaCare. He makes the rest of America—through, I think, convoluted Constitutional logic—he makes us get ObamaCare, but he’s exempt.” the Senator added.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCziNOtGuZk]Will Sen. Rand Paul vote to defund ObamaCare? - YouTube[/ame]
Hard to disagree. Good for the goose,...
Actually, congress is not the one who is doing it. Having a vote like that will kill anyone's chances for re-election if they voted yes for the ACA.

Instead, President Obama is using that little clause in the law to allow for the subsidies to congress and their staffers...the clause that gives him the sole right to grant exemptions and subsidies to those he deems worthy of them.

Passing laws that are not first read have serious consequences.

Which law was not read?
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
-Benjamin Franklin

Stupid Quotes - BrainyQuote

And rightwinger excels at remaining willfully ignorant as well as stupid.

He asks questions as if his ignorance and stupidity somehow disproves what he pretends he has never heard of.

THAT is born stupidity that most people grow out of, like you know eventually when a child that closing your eyes does not mean that the bully has gone away. People like rightwinger close their eyes to reality when they don't like it and pretend it isn't there like a retarded five year old.
Hmm, the Libtards can't answer then.

1) If they disagree with Rand Paul, it's because they'll have to admit Obamacare sucks.

2) If they agree with Rand Paul, well, then they'd be siding with their #1 sworn enemy.

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Of course it is..

The law isn't meant to affect people who ALREADY have healthcare.

It's meant to affect people who DON'T!

But it WILL affect people who have health care, jack ass.

Insurance costs are going to sky rocket, and this is only the beginning. The insurance companies will have to raise their rates much more, but they will roll it out a bit at a time.

I think the intent was to make private insurance so expensive, employers drop it, employees drop it, and eventually the insurance companies start going out of business except for a few well behaved insurance companies that will be part of the Democrat PArty Plantation/Patronage system.
Just when Europe is starting to elect more and more CONSERVATIVES and turning away from FAILED SOCIALISM, the left and obama here are RAMMING the SAME FAILED SOCIALIST agenda Europe is getting away from, down our throats HERE in America!


It is worse than all that. Obama has been violating the law on multiple occasions by ignoring the letter of the law, choosing to enforce whatever he wants and protecting h is friends while inflicting his incompetent programs on everyone else. And if you get too far out of line; the SWAT teams come out.

We may be looking at a dictator in the early stages of tearing down this Republic, just like his buddy Chavez of Venezuela did..
There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Taxpayers have always paid for Congress' healthcare.

There's nothing in Grassley's amendment that changes Congress' compensation package, just where they can get the insurance from.

that is a lie and it has been well demonstrated and documented, but still you persist in lying over and over.

The ACA is supposed to remove employee subsidies with exceptions, and Congress DID NOT meet those exceptions, till Obama with a stroke of the pen exempted them from the costs.

I don't give a shit if you think nothing has changed for Congresscritters, IT HAS FOR EVERYONE ELSE, dumbass.
Bullshit. Congress is now making taxpayers pay for their healthcare and that of their staffers, which is exactly the opposite of what everyone agreed was the intent of the law you're referencing in the ACA...and you know it.

Taxpayers have always paid for Congress' healthcare.

There's nothing in Grassley's amendment that changes Congress' compensation package, just where they can get the insurance from.

that is a lie and it has been well demonstrated and documented, but still you persist in lying over and over.

The ACA is supposed to remove employee subsidies with exceptions, and Congress DID NOT meet those exceptions, till Obama with a stroke of the pen exempted them from the costs.

I don't give a shit if you think nothing has changed for Congresscritters, IT HAS FOR EVERYONE ELSE, dumbass.

Not for me, or anyone else I know. I buy private insurance, since I'm self-employed. The exchanges will make it cheaper for me to buy insurance. My girlfriend has insurance from her job, which won't be changing once "Obamacare" comes into effect. Same with everyone else I know.

What, exactly, is changing for "EVERYONE ELSE"?
Taxpayers have always paid for Congress' healthcare.

There's nothing in Grassley's amendment that changes Congress' compensation package, just where they can get the insurance from.

that is a lie and it has been well demonstrated and documented, but still you persist in lying over and over.

The ACA is supposed to remove employee subsidies with exceptions, and Congress DID NOT meet those exceptions, till Obama with a stroke of the pen exempted them from the costs.

I don't give a shit if you think nothing has changed for Congresscritters, IT HAS FOR EVERYONE ELSE, dumbass.

Not for me, or anyone else I know. I buy private insurance, since I'm self-employed. The exchanges will make it cheaper for me to buy insurance. My girlfriend has insurance from her job, which won't be changing once "Obamacare" comes into effect. Same with everyone else I know.

What, exactly, is changing for "EVERYONE ELSE"?

Why should I bother answering when it has been stated repeatedly?

You are a troll, so fuck off you little liar.
that is a lie and it has been well demonstrated and documented, but still you persist in lying over and over.

The ACA is supposed to remove employee subsidies with exceptions, and Congress DID NOT meet those exceptions, till Obama with a stroke of the pen exempted them from the costs.

I don't give a shit if you think nothing has changed for Congresscritters, IT HAS FOR EVERYONE ELSE, dumbass.

Not for me, or anyone else I know. I buy private insurance, since I'm self-employed. The exchanges will make it cheaper for me to buy insurance. My girlfriend has insurance from her job, which won't be changing once "Obamacare" comes into effect. Same with everyone else I know.

What, exactly, is changing for "EVERYONE ELSE"?

Why should I bother answering when it has been stated repeatedly?

You are a troll, so fuck off you little liar.

Repeating the same talking points, and reposting the same image file won't change the fact that you clearly don't understand what you're talking about. All it does it highlight the fact that everything that you "know" about this you've learned from talking points.

Repeatedly posting a random out of context quote from the law (nearly 700 pages away, in an entirely different section of the law, from the actual relevant amendment) helpfully prepared for you by David Vitter's press secretary doesn't "answer" any of the questions I've brought up.
It's amazing to see yet another thread about a law that so many people think they hate yet can't state why and when they do it's completely and utterly wrong.

This is the face of the modern day republican. Ignorant, angry, confused and easily misled.
It's amazing to see yet another thread about a law that so many people think they hate yet can't state why and when they do it's completely and utterly wrong.

This is simply a lie. Many of us have been very explicit about what he hate about this law. You don't want to hear it because you don't want face what you're supporting, you don't want to acknowledge what you're doing to our nation.
It's amazing to see yet another thread about a law that so many people think they hate yet can't state why and when they do it's completely and utterly wrong.

This is simply a lie. Many of us have been very explicit about what he hate about this law. You don't want to hear it because you don't want face what you're supporting, you don't want to acknowledge what you're doing to our nation.

Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to share your specific gripes though. I bet I have more actual gripes with the law based on reality than any of you faux conservatives who are crying your eyes out in this thread.
It's amazing to see yet another thread about a law that so many people think they hate yet can't state why and when they do it's completely and utterly wrong.

This is simply a lie. Many of us have been very explicit about what he hate about this law. You don't want to hear it because you don't want face what you're supporting, you don't want to acknowledge what you're doing to our nation.

Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to share your specific gripes though. I bet I have more actual gripes with the law based on reality than any of you faux conservatives who are crying your eyes out in this thread.

I bet if I bothered you stuff your head right back up your ass and ignore it anyway.
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This is simply a lie. Many of us have been very explicit about what he hate about this law. You don't want to hear it because you don't want face what you're supporting, you don't want to acknowledge what you're doing to our nation.

Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to share your specific gripes though. I bet I have more actual gripes with the law based on reality than any of you faux conservatives who are crying your eyes out in this thread.

I bet if I bothered you stuff your head right back up your ass and ignore it anyway.

Right on schedule... When asked for specifics......again.
The faux conservative fails to deliver.....again.

I can't even pretend to be surprised anymore.

You sheep are all the same. It's time for me to count you as I catch some sleep.
Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to share your specific gripes though. I bet I have more actual gripes with the law based on reality than any of you faux conservatives who are crying your eyes out in this thread.

I bet if I bothered you stuff your head right back up your ass and ignore it anyway.

Right on schedule... When asked for specifics......again.
The faux conservative fails to deliver.....again.

I can't even pretend to be surprised anymore.

You sheep are all the same. It's time for me to count you as I catch some sleep.

Fuck you. I've provided you with so goddamned many specifics in so goddamned many threads that I see no fucking point in placating your childish demand that I repeat them. Do some searches on your own time, you'll find all you need. You and your corporatist ilk are selling our nation down the shitter and I'm not going to pretend otherwise.
I have a better idea

Why don't they make the Govt employee Health Benefits available to everyone?

Rand Paul already has it

Can't do it...Not without dramatically increasing premiums or deductibles.
One single payer cannot insure 100% of the cost to provide 315 million people.
It's impossible.
It's a nice theory, but a system that large would cost 10's of trillions of dollars and that money HAS to come from somewhere.
What is needed is an open market for health insurance. Save for the type of regulations required to protect consumers, get government out of it completely..
When I was much younger medical insurance was much cheaper and the coverage was more than adequate.
We had two different types of insurance . One through Blue Cross which covered regular doctor visits and other minor stuff. Blue Shield was also known as "major medical"..This was for things like child birth, surgery, and hospitalization.
Many of the most routine treatments and visits, most folks paid cash.
I remember when I was 15, I needed to get a physical to get my working papers....The physical cost me $25. Today a routine physical exam cost ten or 15 times that amount if the patient uses insurance.
The problem we have here is far too many people have been led to believe that medical care should be free of ANY out of pocket expense.
That cannot work. That's explained above.
In fact, we'd all be better of without insurance except for major stuff. As mentioned in the "major medical" above.
We should not need to take out our insurance card just because we go to the doctor for a sore throat.
$250. Of which the doctor may get $40 for a nurse to take blood pressure and temperature, then sit and wait for the doc to come in and stick a tongue depressor in the patient's yapper. It's absurd.

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