Rand Paul To Introduce Amendment Outlawing Obamacare Exemptions For Government Employ

There's a third option that you're missing. There's already a law that prevents Congress from exempting themselves - the ACA itself.

Rand Paul's "law" is a stunt.

Please cite where this can be found in the ACA

Here's the full 2409 page document:


Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

Here's the rub. There has not been an exchange created for members of Congress or federal employees. And failing the introduction of an amendment to include members of Congress and their staffs in ACA, they then stay with the same system under which they are insured now.
Please cite where this can be found in the ACA

Here's the full 2409 page document:


Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

Here's the rub. There has not been an exchange created for members of Congress or federal employees. And failing the introduction of an amendment to include members of Congress and their staffs in ACA, they then stay with the same system under which they are insured now.

Did you not see the amendment to the ACA that forces Congressmen and their staffers to buy their insurance on the exchanges?

None of the exchanges are set up yet. Once they are, Congressmen and their staffers will be the only people in the country forced to use them.
United States Constitution, Article I, Section 9:
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States.

» Rand Paul To Introduce Amendment Outlawing Obamacare Exemptions For Government Employees Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

I think Congress should never exempt themselves from a law,” Paul said. “But then again, I think John Roberts, he loves ObamaCare so much, he should get it. Right now, he’s getting a federal employee subsidy.

“He’s not part of ObamaCare. He makes the rest of America—through, I think, convoluted Constitutional logic—he makes us get ObamaCare, but he’s exempt.” the Senator added.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCziNOtGuZk]Will Sen. Rand Paul vote to defund ObamaCare? - YouTube[/ame]
A constitutional amendment? Well that settles it. He's really lost his marbles.

For years, Republicans have been claiming that Obamacare would cause people to lose their employee healthcare benefits. It's going to be pretty hard for them to make that claim after they vote to discontinue healthcare benefits for over 2 million workers.
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From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees, FedSmith.com, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

Learn more: Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare
What a stupid survey.
Most people would rather have employer sponsored group insurance rather than individual insurance. Individual insurance whether bought on the exchanges or from a brokers is almost always more costly than group insurance and offers less benefits.
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From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees, FedSmith.com, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

Learn more: Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare
What a stupid survey.
Most people would rather have employer sponsored group insurance rather than individual insurance. Individual insurance whether bought on the exchanges or from a brokers is almost always more costly than group insurance and offers less benefits.

Please cite where this can be found in the ACA

Here's the full 2409 page document:


Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

Here's the rub. There has not been an exchange created for members of Congress or federal employees. And failing the introduction of an amendment to include members of Congress and their staffs in ACA, they then stay with the same system under which they are insured now.
The purpose of the Exchanges is to provide a marketplace for individual insurance. It is not intended to replace employee sponsored group health insurance. If 2 million federal employees were forced to buy individual policies this would probably be the beginning of the end of employee group health insurance.
From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees, FedSmith.com, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

Learn more: Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare
What a stupid survey.
Most people would rather have employer sponsored group insurance rather than individual insurance. Individual insurance whether bought on the exchanges or from a brokers is almost always more costly than group insurance and offers less benefits.

Group policies almost always provide better benefits at a lower cost to the employee than individual policies for several reasons.

  • On average, employers pay about 1/3 of the premium.
  • Due to their size, large employers can buy insurance much cheaper than an individual
  • Large group policies have low administrative costs compared to individual policies.

So most people who work for a medium to large size company will get more for their money from their employer's group plan than individual insurance whether they buy it from a broker or through the exchanges.

Although people shopping for individual policies will benefit from increased competition of the exchange market place, most employee offered plans will still be a better deal.
I bet if I bothered you stuff your head right back up your ass and ignore it anyway.

Right on schedule... When asked for specifics......again.
The faux conservative fails to deliver.....again.

I can't even pretend to be surprised anymore.

You sheep are all the same. It's time for me to count you as I catch some sleep.

Fuck you. I've provided you with so goddamned many specifics in so goddamned many threads that I see no fucking point in placating your childish demand that I repeat them. Do some searches on your own time, you'll find all you need. You and your corporatist ilk are selling our nation down the shitter and I'm not going to pretend otherwise.

I get it. You felt the need to chime in and let me know how so many of you have provided specifics yet when asked for those specifics.... Suddenly it's not your job to share your own thoughts. It's somehow my job to figure out what you're thinking.

And you people wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Right here:

As amended, Subtitle D, Part II, Sec. 1312 (d.) (3) (D.)

In your linked file, it's on page 157, starting on line 16.

Here's the rub. There has not been an exchange created for members of Congress or federal employees. And failing the introduction of an amendment to include members of Congress and their staffs in ACA, they then stay with the same system under which they are insured now.

Did you not see the amendment to the ACA that forces Congressmen and their staffers to buy their insurance on the exchanges?

None of the exchanges are set up yet. Once they are, Congressmen and their staffers will be the only people in the country forced to use them.

You can continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.
"None of the exchanges are set up yet."...
First off, yes they have.
Second, there is no exchange for federal employees or members of Congress. And nor is there likely to be one.
Here's the rub. There has not been an exchange created for members of Congress or federal employees. And failing the introduction of an amendment to include members of Congress and their staffs in ACA, they then stay with the same system under which they are insured now.

Did you not see the amendment to the ACA that forces Congressmen and their staffers to buy their insurance on the exchanges?

None of the exchanges are set up yet. Once they are, Congressmen and their staffers will be the only people in the country forced to use them.

You can continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.
"None of the exchanges are set up yet."...
First off, yes they have.
Second, there is no exchange for federal employees or members of Congress. And nor is there likely to be one.

Where did you pull this nonsense out of?

All of the exchanges will open on October 1st. None of them have opened yet.

There are not separate exchanges for different jobs - members of Congress and their staffers will use the Washington D.C. exchange to purchase their insurance.

Starting on Oct. 1st, members of Congress and their staffers will be forced by law to purchase their insurance on the exchanges. It's pretty clearly spelled out in the law.
Does Rand Paul remind anyone else of smartasses you knew 30 years ago in college student govt?


As goofy as Ron Paul could be, he never came off as phony or glib. And, unfortunately - because I'm usually in agreement with his political positions - Rand strikes me as both.
Does Rand Paul remind anyone else of smartasses you knew 30 years ago in college student govt?


As goofy as Ron Paul could be, he never came off as phony or glib. And, unfortunately - because I'm usually in agreement with his political positions - Rand strikes me as both.

Rand Paul is to Ron Paul as Andrew Cuomo is to Mario Cuomo.

Lesser sons of greater fathers.
Did you not see the amendment to the ACA that forces Congressmen and their staffers to buy their insurance on the exchanges?

None of the exchanges are set up yet. Once they are, Congressmen and their staffers will be the only people in the country forced to use them.

You can continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.
"None of the exchanges are set up yet."...
First off, yes they have.
Second, there is no exchange for federal employees or members of Congress. And nor is there likely to be one.

Where did you pull this nonsense out of?

All of the exchanges will open on October 1st. None of them have opened yet.

There are not separate exchanges for different jobs - members of Congress and their staffers will use the Washington D.C. exchange to purchase their insurance.

Starting on Oct. 1st, members of Congress and their staffers will be forced by law to purchase their insurance on the exchanges. It's pretty clearly spelled out in the law.
Correct. However, the Office of Personnel Management said the government would continue its practice of paying up to 75 percent of the premium, as it does for federal workers enrolled in FEHBP but they will not be eligible for the subsidy.
From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees, FedSmith.com, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

Learn more: Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare
What a stupid survey.
Most people would rather have employer sponsored group insurance rather than individual insurance. Individual insurance whether bought on the exchanges or from a brokers is almost always more costly than group insurance and offers less benefits.

Unless you are a Congresscritter and then the Feds pay for it anyway, while the rest of us LOSE our employer provided insurance.
Does Rand Paul remind anyone else of smartasses you knew 30 years ago in college student govt?


As goofy as Ron Paul could be, he never came off as phony or glib. And, unfortunately - because I'm usually in agreement with his political positions - Rand strikes me as both.

Rand Paul is to Ron Paul as Andrew Cuomo is to Mario Cuomo.

Lesser sons of greater fathers.

Wow, you said something I can agree with!

BTW, that is what will likely make Rand a better politician than his father.

And though Rand may seem phony (what's wrong with being glib?) he is not a phony and has burned lots of Senate GOP bridges.
Did you not see the amendment to the ACA that forces Congressmen and their staffers to buy their insurance on the exchanges?

None of the exchanges are set up yet. Once they are, Congressmen and their staffers will be the only people in the country forced to use them.

You can continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.
"None of the exchanges are set up yet."...
First off, yes they have.
Second, there is no exchange for federal employees or members of Congress. And nor is there likely to be one.

Where did you pull this nonsense out of?

All of the exchanges will open on October 1st. None of them have opened yet.

There are not separate exchanges for different jobs - members of Congress and their staffers will use the Washington D.C. exchange to purchase their insurance.

Starting on Oct. 1st, members of Congress and their staffers will be forced by law to purchase their insurance on the exchanges. It's pretty clearly spelled out in the law.

Congress?s Exemption from Obamacare | National Review Online
The Senate this week warned lawmakers and their staff not to sign up for Obamacare’s health exchanges, saying that the administration hasn’t yet finalized the rules for how to keep paying for their premiums.

“Members and staff are advised that they should delay enrolling in health insurance plans until we are able to offer further guidance as to how they should enroll in these insurance plans for 2014,” the Senate disbursing office said in an email to staffers Monday. “Premature enrollment could adversely impact eligibility for the employer premium contribution.”

Internal Senate email warns lawmakers not to sign up for Obamacare yet - Washington Times

Congress, Fearing 'Brain Drain,' Seeks to Opt Out of Participating in Obamacare's Exchanges - Forbes
You can continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.
"None of the exchanges are set up yet."...
First off, yes they have.
Second, there is no exchange for federal employees or members of Congress. And nor is there likely to be one.

Where did you pull this nonsense out of?

All of the exchanges will open on October 1st. None of them have opened yet.

There are not separate exchanges for different jobs - members of Congress and their staffers will use the Washington D.C. exchange to purchase their insurance.

Starting on Oct. 1st, members of Congress and their staffers will be forced by law to purchase their insurance on the exchanges. It's pretty clearly spelled out in the law.

Congress?s Exemption from Obamacare | National Review Online
The Senate this week warned lawmakers and their staff not to sign up for Obamacare’s health exchanges, saying that the administration hasn’t yet finalized the rules for how to keep paying for their premiums.

“Members and staff are advised that they should delay enrolling in health insurance plans until we are able to offer further guidance as to how they should enroll in these insurance plans for 2014,” the Senate disbursing office said in an email to staffers Monday. “Premature enrollment could adversely impact eligibility for the employer premium contribution.”

Internal Senate email warns lawmakers not to sign up for Obamacare yet - Washington Times

Congress, Fearing 'Brain Drain,' Seeks to Opt Out of Participating in Obamacare's Exchanges - Forbes
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, FEHB provides health benefits for all federal employees, their families, and retirees including congress and staff, over 8 million people. The program is heavily subsidies with the government paying 72% to 75% of the premium. Like retirement it's major part of federal employee's compensation.

The OMB said the government would continue to pay 75% of the premium for policies bought by congress and staff off the exchanges. Since the policies offered on the exchanges are individual policies which are more expensive than the group policies, the government will be paying more than if congress continued their current coverage.

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