Rand Paul warns Texas could turn Blue

In typical fashion, you changed the context of his remarks.

from the cite:

"“I think having people who are trying to make the party bigger is good,” Paul told CNN’s Peter Hamby on Friday after meeting with Bush. “The party has to be bigger across the country, not only appealing to people of various ethnic background but various economic backgrounds."

Speaking Saturday night at the dinner, Paul stressed that the country’s top immigration priority should be border security but said the party needs to have a “better attitude” when talking about resolving the country’s broken immigration system.

“People who are Hispanic or Latino, they have to believe that we want them in our party, so it is an attitude thing as much as it is policy,” he said.

One of those messages, he said, should be: “If you want to work and you want a job and want to be part of America, we will find a place for you.”

Sen. Rand Paul on Saturday made a prediction that plenty of Democrats would love to see come true, but Republicans hope to avoid: “Texas will be a Democratic state within 10 years if you don't change.”
The Kentucky Republican, who was in Houston at a dinner with GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, continued to push his message for change within the Republican Party, bringing that gospel straight to one of the most reliably red states in the country and his former home

What he said is quite clear and accurate. Your implication is that the GOP must change its principles in order to get minorities into the party------THAT is bullshit.

Hispanics, blacks, asians, and yes, even white people, want freedom and opportunity. They are seeing how the policies of obama and the libs are taking away freedom and opportunity. Minorities are much smarter than you libtards think they are.

In 2012, 9% of Blacks, 26% of asians and 27% of Hispanics voted Republican

Minorities are much smarter than you teatards think they are
The problem is RK, that since the 1800s the border has been more or less open, with families moving back and forth, and mexicans providing labor for western agriculture. Now, suddenly in the last ten years, the gop has declared these people "illegal." Regardless, of policy or anything else, if you piss on someone's family, it usually alienates them.

If you crossed the border into Iran without proper immigration papers, would you be in that country illegally?

Illegal is not an insult, it is a term of law.

you're proof of the gop's innanity
14.4% of Texans live below the poverty line. Texas is fifth in income inequality, after New York, Connecticut, Florida and California. The top 10 of the income is 48% of all the rest. The top 1% is 21% of all the rest. The middle has to decide whether Republican policies are going to get them closer to the 1% or the 14.4%.

A growing divide between rich and poor in Texas | State | News from Fort Worth, Dallas, ...

Also of note from the article:
A common thread in states with the highest inequality is that they have big urban areas, Frank said, noting that wealth is increasingly centered in metro areas.
Steve Murdock, a former Texas state demographer and director of the U.S. Census Bureau, believes the state’s income gap is “a manifestation of racial and ethnic differences, which is a manifestation of education.”
Education is the key to closing the income gap, said Murdock, who has a new book coming out in February, Changing Texas: Implications of Addressing or Ignoring the Texas Challenge, which uses census data to predict how the state will evolve through 2050.

“Historically, education has been among the single best predictors of economic resources — income, wealth and ownership,” he said.

“Part of what we are saying in this book is that if we don’t change educational levels, Texas will be poorer and Texas will be less competitive,” Murdock said.

Educational attainment among the races closely parallels the poverty figures. Non-Hispanic whites in Texas are three times as likely as Hispanics to hold a bachelor’s degree or more, according to the census bureau’s 2010 American Community Survey.
“Getting that minority education rate up is a key. And a lot of it is early childhood education. It’s education from the get-go,” Murdock said.

Frank agrees that the income divide is all about education.

“Education really correlates well with income inequality,” he said. “That’s the education gap we face in Texas, and closing the gap is a real challenge.”

Blah blah blah... and Texas has the lowest cost of living of all the states. Just because we are doing good here does not mean we need over pay for minimum wage or put our welfare enrolls into luxury sky boxes like they do in NY and LA.

I would like you to look at what I just posted and then look at your reply and think about that until you figure it out. I included a link for you: Elementary Math
The problem is RK, that since the 1800s the border has been more or less open, with families moving back and forth, and mexicans providing labor for western agriculture. Now, suddenly in the last ten years, the gop has declared these people "illegal." Regardless, of policy or anything else, if you piss on someone's family, it usually alienates them.

If you crossed the border into Iran without proper immigration papers, would you be in that country illegally?

Illegal is not an insult, it is a term of law.

you're proof of the gop's innanity

and you, my little libtardian friend, are an idiot who is unable to think for himself and is happy being a slave to the government. People like you are destroying the american dream and the country.

You are so stupid that you would make the foolish claim that only republicans use the term illegal. Are you really that ignorant?
Minorities are much smarter than you teatards think they are

Texas will turn blue. Demographics dictates that. The GOP has many good people trying to turn the party away from the hateful demogoguery of the last decade, but that is going to take time, and they don't have that time.

Everyone points to the Hispanic vote as the reason Texas will turn blue. The tide has turned and it will be difficult to get that vote back

But just as important is the number of people Texas is drawing from other states. Tech and energy jobs are drawing people to Texas. Those people will not change parties just because they now live in Texas. They will bring their political beliefs with them

I have news for you, leftwinger: the Mexican population in Texas is not stupid. They're business people, and they will vote for someone whose party platform doesn't make them turn pale. They know they can make more money to send home with Republicans in power, no matter what the caterwaul is from the Democrats. They let the bottom line do the talking. All the lies in the world can't change their attention from that one major detail your party cannot fix because it will not do what it takes to fix the problem. It never has and it never will.

Republicans will gain strength here and kick you pickpockets in the wallet where you hurt the small business owner, as well as the large one.
Sen. Rand Paul on Saturday made a prediction that plenty of Democrats would love to see come true, but Republicans hope to avoid: “Texas will be a Democratic state within 10 years if you don't change.”
The Kentucky Republican, who was in Houston at a dinner with GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, continued to push his message for change within the Republican Party, bringing that gospel straight to one of the most reliably red states in the country and his former home

What he said is quite clear and accurate. Your implication is that the GOP must change its principles in order to get minorities into the party------THAT is bullshit.

Hispanics, blacks, asians, and yes, even white people, want freedom and opportunity. They are seeing how the policies of obama and the libs are taking away freedom and opportunity. Minorities are much smarter than you libtards think they are.

In 2012, 9% of Blacks, 26% of asians and 27% of Hispanics voted Republican

Minorities are much smarter than you teatards think they are

Yes, and many of those who voted for obama and his corrupt minions are regreting it today.

They will not make that same mistake again.

Liberalism is losing, your dream of a socialist utopia in the USA has become a nightmare.
The problem is RK, that since the 1800s the border has been more or less open, with families moving back and forth, and mexicans providing labor for western agriculture. Now, suddenly in the last ten years, the gop has declared these people "illegal." Regardless, of policy or anything else, if you piss on someone's family, it usually alienates them.

Suddenly declared "these people" as "illegal?" Pissing on their families? Bullshit.

Have the republicans been "accused" of pissing on them and suddenly declaring them as illegal, with the Democrats running around saying they are the latino god father? Yes. But we all know that's just a bunch of political lies being made up by the scum bag in chief.

The problem with immigration is we don't have enough legal immigration. The problem with democrats is they want to pay people not to work. Is there a conflict with having poor people coming here and then paying them to not work? yes. Let them come hear to work, not come here to be paid to not work. Pretty damn simple concept.
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The problem is RK, that since the 1800s the border has been more or less open, with families moving back and forth, and mexicans providing labor for western agriculture. Now, suddenly in the last ten years, the gop has declared these people "illegal." Regardless, of policy or anything else, if you piss on someone's family, it usually alienates them.

Suddenly declared "these people" as "illegal?" Pissing on their families? Bullshit.

Have the republicans been "accused" of pissing on them and suddenly declaring them as illegal, with the Democrats running around saying they are the latino god father? Yes. But we all know that's just a bunch of political lies being made up by the scum bag in chief.

The problem with immigration is we don't have enough legal immigration. The problem with democrats is they want to pay people not to work. Is there a conflict with having poor people coming here and then paying them to not work? yes. Let them come hear to work, not come here to be paid to not work. Pretty damn simple concept.

Its a simple concept, but a concept that the liberal mind cannot grasp.
What he said is quite clear and accurate. Your implication is that the GOP must change its principles in order to get minorities into the party------THAT is bullshit.

Hispanics, blacks, asians, and yes, even white people, want freedom and opportunity. They are seeing how the policies of obama and the libs are taking away freedom and opportunity. Minorities are much smarter than you libtards think they are.

In 2012, 9% of Blacks, 26% of asians and 27% of Hispanics voted Republican

Minorities are much smarter than you teatards think they are

Yes, and many of those who voted for obama and his corrupt minions are regreting it today.

They will not make that same mistake again.

Liberalism is losing, your dream of a socialist utopia in the USA has become a nightmare.

You know.....Republicans need to start taking numbers seriously

That is a significant part of the population that refuses to vote Republican. Pretending otherwise does not change anything. If Republicans want to say....Fuck-em they will not vote for us anyway, they do so at their ownperil

That peril is the states of Texas and Florida
I have news for you, leftwinger: the Mexican population in Texas is not stupid.


Sorry, you're wrong. They tend to be pretty stupid. They pay thousands of dollars to smugglers to get themselves across the border, then risk their lives traveling through unforgiving wilderness before finding their way to wherever they're going, when they could have simply paid a processing fee and filed some paperwork.

Stupid. Pretty damn stupid. The smart Mexicans usually stay put and make a life for themselves at home. Then encourage their cultural trash to illegally invade the US of A.
The problem is RK, that since the 1800s the border has been more or less open, with families moving back and forth, and mexicans providing labor for western agriculture. Now, suddenly in the last ten years, the gop has declared these people "illegal." Regardless, of policy or anything else, if you piss on someone's family, it usually alienates them.

Suddenly declared "these people" as "illegal?" Pissing on their families? Bullshit.

Have the republicans been "accused" of pissing on them and suddenly declaring them as illegal, with the Democrats running around saying they are the latino god father? Yes. But we all know that's just a bunch of political lies being made up by the scum bag in chief.

The problem with immigration is we don't have enough legal immigration. The problem with democrats is they want to pay people not to work. Is there a conflict with having poor people coming here and then paying them to not work? yes. Let them come hear to work, not come here to be paid to not work. Pretty damn simple concept.

the DEMOCRATS WEREN'T THE PARTY THAT PROPOSED CHANGING THE RULES. Mexicans have been coming here to work for nearly 200 fcking years. And you accuse others of simplicity. I'm sorry I even tried with you.
Texas will turn blue. Demographics dictates that. The GOP has many good people trying to turn the party away from the hateful demogoguery of the last decade, but that is going to take time, and they don't have that time.

Everyone points to the Hispanic vote as the reason Texas will turn blue. The tide has turned and it will be difficult to get that vote back

But just as important is the number of people Texas is drawing from other states. Tech and energy jobs are drawing people to Texas. Those people will not change parties just because they now live in Texas. They will bring their political beliefs with them

I have news for you, leftwinger: the Mexican population in Texas is not stupid. They're business people, and they will vote for someone whose party platform doesn't make them turn pale. They know they can make more money to send home with Republicans in power, no matter what the caterwaul is from the Democrats. They let the bottom line do the talking. All the lies in the world can't change their attention from that one major detail your party cannot fix because it will not do what it takes to fix the problem. It never has and it never will.

Republicans will gain strength here and kick you pickpockets in the wallet where you hurt the small business owner, as well as the large one.

Well, I will admit that a few Hispanics vote republican because they think that "trickle down" economics has something to do with support for those that crossed the Rio Grande River....
Here is why Ted Cruz won Texas in 2012, at least by the margins that he did...

Candidate (party).......Receipts............Disbursements...Cash on hand.....Debt
Ted Cruz (R).............$9,053,212........$7,600,914.........$1,452,297........$795,000
Paul Sadler (D)..........$139,197...........$108,442...........$30,753.............$12,197

Club for Growth's donations in favor of Ted Cruz Alone outspent Paul Sadler

Ted Cruz actually lost the original Primary to David Dewhurst, but got to run a runoff election because Dewhurst failed to reach 50% of the primary vote.
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14.4% of Texans live below the poverty line. Texas is fifth in income inequality, after New York, Connecticut, Florida and California. The top 10 of the income is 48% of all the rest. The top 1% is 21% of all the rest. The middle has to decide whether Republican policies are going to get them closer to the 1% or the 14.4%.

A growing divide between rich and poor in Texas | State | News from Fort Worth, Dallas, ...

Also of note from the article:

Blah blah blah... and Texas has the lowest cost of living of all the states. Just because we are doing good here does not mean we need over pay for minimum wage or put our welfare enrolls into luxury sky boxes like they do in NY and LA.

I would like you to look at what I just posted and then look at your reply and think about that until you figure it out. I included a link for you: Elementary Math

Your inequality BS is Bull Crap.

If family one earns 40k one year and 50k the next... you think they are gonna be pissed at me for hiring them when I earn 350k or a million that year? WTF is wrong with you inequality progressive, math challenged, retards?

Wealth is not ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth. Living on or below the poverty line in TX is 5times better than living on or below the poverty line in California or NY.
I have news for you, leftwinger: the Mexican population in Texas is not stupid.


Sorry, you're wrong. They tend to be pretty stupid. They pay thousands of dollars to smugglers to get themselves across the border, then risk their lives traveling through unforgiving wilderness before finding their way to wherever they're going, when they could have simply paid a processing fee and filed some paperwork.

Stupid. Pretty damn stupid. The smart Mexicans usually stay put and make a life for themselves at home. Then encourage their cultural trash to illegally invade the US of A.

Sorry SE, normally I like what you say but, dang that was ignorant.
Texas will turn blue. Demographics dictates that. The GOP has many good people trying to turn the party away from the hateful demogoguery of the last decade, but that is going to take time, and they don't have that time.

Everyone points to the Hispanic vote as the reason Texas will turn blue. The tide has turned and it will be difficult to get that vote back

But just as important is the number of people Texas is drawing from other states. Tech and energy jobs are drawing people to Texas. Those people will not change parties just because they now live in Texas. They will bring their political beliefs with them

They must give free stuff to the Mexicans.
As to the "education" issue... Bull Shit. When they first come here they speak Spanish, and their education levels are low, because education sucks in some areas of Mexico.

Then.. once they catch up they are just fine. (100+50)/2 = 75... so what? when they can speak english their grades go up.
I hope he and Hillary win their primaries. I so want to see a debate between the two of them.

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