Rand Paul warns Texas could turn Blue

More minorities, more single people, old people dying, young people turning 18....

Every single demographic indicator is moving in favor of Democrats really.
All the far right and libertarian bull shitting means nothing.

Either we meet minority and women's needs or the GOP goes on the ash heap of history.

Sorry, you're wrong. They tend to be pretty stupid. They pay thousands of dollars to smugglers to get themselves across the border, then risk their lives traveling through unforgiving wilderness before finding their way to wherever they're going, when they could have simply paid a processing fee and filed some paperwork.

Stupid. Pretty damn stupid. The smart Mexicans usually stay put and make a life for themselves at home. Then encourage their cultural trash to illegally invade the US of A.

Sorry SE, normally I like what you say but, dang that was ignorant.

I wish it weren't true, but it is. Live in the area for a few years and you see it first hand every single day. The Mexican government encourages illegal immigration into the US. The aristocracy of their society supports this for two main reasons. The first is because illegals in the US provide a significant contribution to the Mexican economy through remittances. The second is because they see it as a way to alleviate their own "burden" of social "undesirables."

Everything you just said is exactly right but do you not see that is exactly the reason the first isn't happening? It is the smart and the ones willing to take risks that cross the border. What other job application requires one to pay thousands of dollars and risk ones life traveling through unforgiving wilderness?
I would like you to look at what I just posted and then look at your reply and think about that until you figure it out. I included a link for you: Elementary Math

Your inequality BS is Bull Crap.

If family one earns 40k one year and 50k the next... you think they are gonna be pissed at me for hiring them when I earn 350k or a million that year? WTF is wrong with you inequality progressive, math challenged, retards?

Wealth is not ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth. Living on or below the poverty line in TX is 5times better than living on or below the poverty line in California or NY.

It is at times like these that I just stare blankly at the screen at say, "I just don't get it."

"Wealth is not a ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth." SO VOTE FUCKING DEMOCRAT ALREADY!

No shit you don't get it. I'll never vote for a democrat, not unless the dumb as republicans go even further left than your marxist democrat party.
Texas will turn blue. Demographics dictates that. The GOP has many good people trying to turn the party away from the hateful demogoguery of the last decade, but that is going to take time, and they don't have that time.

Everyone points to the Hispanic vote as the reason Texas will turn blue. The tide has turned and it will be difficult to get that vote back

But just as important is the number of people Texas is drawing from other states. Tech and energy jobs are drawing people to Texas. Those people will not change parties just because they now live in Texas. They will bring their political beliefs with them


Just as in Virginia and Florida.
Sorry SE, normally I like what you say but, dang that was ignorant.

I wish it weren't true, but it is. Live in the area for a few years and you see it first hand every single day. The Mexican government encourages illegal immigration into the US. The aristocracy of their society supports this for two main reasons. The first is because illegals in the US provide a significant contribution to the Mexican economy through remittances. The second is because they see it as a way to alleviate their own "burden" of social "undesirables."

Everything you just said is exactly right but do you not see that is exactly the reason the first isn't happening? It is the smart and the ones willing to take risks that cross the border. What other job application requires one to pay thousands of dollars and risk ones life traveling through unforgiving wilderness?

You mean like going to work in Chicago, Detroit, or NYC?
Horseshit. You want the GOP to become Dem lite in order to win, What's the point? If the country wants a huge intrusive govt there is nothing anyone can do about it.

If the country ignores the GOP message of freedom, low taxes, and small government, then the country deserves what happens to it.

The GOP welcomes everyone, but it should not change its principles or kowtow to every minority special interest.

The people can either vote for socialism or for freedom, the majority will decide how the country goes in the future.

Actually, I am content for the Republican Party to stay just the way they are

I am merely commenting that unless they change, they are in jeopardy of losing Texas and Florida and no longer being a credible party on the national level

You're not fooling anyone.

Who is fooling?

I am perfectly happy for the Republican Party to double down on dumb and ignore emerging demographic changes
All the far right and libertarian bull shitting means nothing.

Either we meet minority and women's needs or the GOP goes on the ash heap of history.

The irish were a minority.. what happened? Answer: they got jobs, and turned conservative.

Some of the poor immigrants may be initially swayed by the free ride democrat party,... but when they get jobs and earn a living they soon switch to liberty offered by conservatives over the slavery the democrats force down their throats.

Take a look at the Asian immigrants.. why do you think there's a difference in voting between each ethnic group?

Don't worry, as the poor toss their failed cultures aside they will move to becoming more conservative. Failing democrat families eventually self destruct, or grow up and become conservative families.
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I would like you to look at what I just posted and then look at your reply and think about that until you figure it out. I included a link for you: Elementary Math

Your inequality BS is Bull Crap.

If family one earns 40k one year and 50k the next... you think they are gonna be pissed at me for hiring them when I earn 350k or a million that year? WTF is wrong with you inequality progressive, math challenged, retards?

Wealth is not ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth. Living on or below the poverty line in TX is 5times better than living on or below the poverty line in California or NY.

It is at times like these that I just stare blankly at the screen at say, "I just don't get it."

"Wealth is not a ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth." SO VOTE FUCKING DEMOCRAT ALREADY!

This issue is repeatedly brought up, and I think that it's usually discussed incorrectly. The main thing I see is that people seem to equivocate wealth, money, wealth creation, and money creation. Different things.
Everything you just said is exactly right but do you not see that is exactly the reason the first isn't happening? It is the smart and the ones willing to take risks that cross the border. What other job application requires one to pay thousands of dollars and risk ones life traveling through unforgiving wilderness?

Why would a smart person do that when there are less expensive options available with minimal risk?
the DEMOCRATS WEREN'T THE PARTY THAT PROPOSED CHANGING THE RULES. Mexicans have been coming here to work for nearly 200 fcking years. And you accuse others of simplicity. I'm sorry I even tried with you.

Well of course they're simplistic, bendog. I mean who the heck would pound black tar shingles 50 feet up into the roof of a, to be, $800,000 house in 105 degree weather for barely minimum wage which gets sent to their family and under the threat of deportation. Money needs to go those who put in the 'real work' after all. So simplistic indeed.
Show me one, just one minimum wage roofing job in TX you lying POS. Roofing jobs pay pretty well here in TX.. $17hr to start supervisors making twice that. This in a state where you can live well at the poverty level.

WeHireAliens.com--Illegal Alien Employer Database brought to you by the FIRE Coalition

Roofing company owner pleads guilty to conspiring to smuggle illegal aliens, insurance fraud
USDOJ: US Attorney's Office - Southern District of Ohio
Roofing company owner charged with recruiting and using illegal workers - Top News - InsuranceNewsNet.com
Hiring illegal immigrants part of some industry practices - News - Odessa

That one is from Ohio of course and the first one is just the topic in general. If you care to take the free time the list is probably hundreds long.
If Texas and Florida turn blue (much like projected demographics say they will) then 67 electoral votes go into the Democratic column

That means the Democrats will have 270 votes locked up before the election even starts
It also puts four seats for the Democrats in the Senate and probably another 15-20 in the House

It means the Republicans will no longer be in power at the Federal Level
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You know.....Republicans need to start taking numbers seriously

That is a significant part of the population that refuses to vote Republican. Pretending otherwise does not change anything. If Republicans want to say....Fuck-em they will not vote for us anyway, they do so at their ownperil

That peril is the states of Texas and Florida

Horseshit. You want the GOP to become Dem lite in order to win, What's the point? If the country wants a huge intrusive govt there is nothing anyone can do about it.

If the country ignores the GOP message of freedom, low taxes, and small government, then the country deserves what happens to it.

The GOP welcomes everyone, but it should not change its principles or kowtow to every minority special interest.

The people can either vote for socialism or for freedom, the majority will decide how the country goes in the future.

Actually, I am content for the Republican Party to stay just the way they are

I am merely commenting that unless they change, they are in jeopardy of losing Texas and Florida and no longer being a credible party on the national level

What you are trying to say is that you want the GOP to disappear and for the far left wing of the dem party to control the entire country.

We know who and what you are,,,,,,, and you are NOT a rightwinger. You are FAR left.
Your inequality BS is Bull Crap.

If family one earns 40k one year and 50k the next... you think they are gonna be pissed at me for hiring them when I earn 350k or a million that year? WTF is wrong with you inequality progressive, math challenged, retards?

Wealth is not ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth. Living on or below the poverty line in TX is 5times better than living on or below the poverty line in California or NY.

It is at times like these that I just stare blankly at the screen at say, "I just don't get it."

"Wealth is not a ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth." SO VOTE FUCKING DEMOCRAT ALREADY!

This issue is repeatedly brought up, and I think that it's usually discussed incorrectly. The main thing I see is that people seem to equivocate wealth, money, wealth creation, and money creation. Different things.

That is true but I find the biggest hurdle is 'capitalism' is whatever someone wants it to be to suit their needs at that moment. Kind of like religion.
Well of course they're simplistic, bendog. I mean who the heck would pound black tar shingles 50 feet up into the roof of a, to be, $800,000 house in 105 degree weather for barely minimum wage which gets sent to their family and under the threat of deportation. Money needs to go those who put in the 'real work' after all. So simplistic indeed.
Show me one, just one minimum wage roofing job in TX you lying POS. Roofing jobs pay pretty well here in TX.. $17hr to start supervisors making twice that. This in a state where you can live well at the poverty level.

WeHireAliens.com--Illegal Alien Employer Database brought to you by the FIRE Coalition

Roofing company owner pleads guilty to conspiring to smuggle illegal aliens, insurance fraud
USDOJ: US Attorney's Office - Southern District of Ohio
Roofing company owner charged with recruiting and using illegal workers - Top News - InsuranceNewsNet.com
Hiring illegal immigrants part of some industry practices - News - Odessa

That one is from Ohio of course and the first one is just the topic in general. If you care to take the free time the list is probably hundreds long.

Not sure what is confusing you. Not a single one of those links pointed to anyone making minimum wage.
Well of course they're simplistic, bendog. I mean who the heck would pound black tar shingles 50 feet up into the roof of a, to be, $800,000 house in 105 degree weather for barely minimum wage which gets sent to their family and under the threat of deportation. Money needs to go those who put in the 'real work' after all. So simplistic indeed.
Show me one, just one minimum wage roofing job in TX you lying POS.

I can show you a minimum wage roofing job in New Orleans, if you like. After Katrina, a local contractor reroofed my house, and not one of his workers spoke English. they all spoke Spanish.

You are lying. I also got a new roof after Katrina, the crew that did mine were all hispanic and they made a lot more than minimum wage. They were paid by the job, they did my roof in a day and half. their actual hourly rate was much much more than minimum wage.
It is at times like these that I just stare blankly at the screen at say, "I just don't get it."

"Wealth is not a ZERO SUM. My wealth does not take away YOUR wealth." SO VOTE FUCKING DEMOCRAT ALREADY!

This issue is repeatedly brought up, and I think that it's usually discussed incorrectly. The main thing I see is that people seem to equivocate wealth, money, wealth creation, and money creation. Different things.

That is true but I find the biggest hurdle is 'capitalism' is whatever someone wants it to be to suit their needs at that moment. Kind of like religion.

You say that like you believe freedom, liberty, and religion are bad things.

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