Rand Paul

Paul's flip flopped on Israel (to get Adelson to not be the enemy) and perpetual war in the ME (to appease the neocons and big oil). The question is whether those are principled compromises that he gives up for a greater good of less govt spying on citizens and immigration reform and the debt? I dunno.
Yes government does things...we agree on that. Do they do anything WELL....meaning do they do these things efficiently and effectively???? OF COURSE NOT.

You are the perfect example of a statist dupe.

Garbage gets picked up, water comes out of the faucet when I turn it on. Roads are paved. Mail gets delivered.

Hey, one more time, if Libertarianism is such a good idea, why don't you guys have ANY country in the world that has ever tried it? I mean, they even try the bad ideas (fascism, communism) to make sure they don't work.
How much proof does it take to convince a liberal that unlimited government is bad?

No amount of proof will sway a hardcore lib...unreasonable people can't understand logic and won't accept reality.

No one has called for unlimited government.

Hmm... But you do consistently slam every attempt to limit government. Six, one half dozen? The other?
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

^^^^^ This. He will help educate the far righters they are not the party, only a small if loud part of it.

Make up your mind Fakey. You invest a lot of strained keymashing selling the idea that Paul IS the extremist far right.
Hmm... But you do consistently slam every attempt to limit government. Six, one half dozen? The other?

No, I just slam the crazy ones, like getting rid of social security or privatizing medicare or the other crazy Randian shit you guys propose.

I also oppose the new policy of letting the Foxes Guard the Henhouse.

Well, I don't read all your posts, so I can't say for sure, but I've never seen you take a position favoring any limits on government power.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

^^^^^ This. He will help educate the far righters they are not the party, only a small if loud part of it.

Make up your mind Fakey. You invest a lot of strained keymashing selling the idea that Paul IS the extremist far right.
Rand has realized that the Far Right's yelling disguises its lack of votes and widespread support. He is moving toward the center a bit to see the reaction, and he is happy to realize that his support grows as he moves center. Economically sound and no neo-con and socially aware. Good combination for a GOP presidential candidate.

Rand will be the logical one to restrain government power where possible for the right reasons.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

^^^^^ This. He will help educate the far righters they are not the party, only a small if loud part of it.

Make up your mind Fakey. You invest a lot of strained keymashing selling the idea that Paul IS the extremist far right.
Rand has realized that the Far Right's yelling disguises its lack of votes and widespread support. He is moving toward the center a bit to see the reaction, and he is happy to realize that his support grows as he moves center. Economically sound and no neo-con and socially aware. Good combination for a GOP presidential candidate.

Rand will be the logical one to restrain government power where possible for the right reasons.

Kasich is making similar moves. They would be a good ticket for the GOP in 2016 in my opinion.
Well, I don't read all your posts, so I can't say for sure, but I've never seen you take a position favoring any limits on government power.

Not at this point in my life. But since we are usually discussing rich people being douchebags and screaming about "Freedom" when the government tells them not to do something, it rarely comes up.
Rand and Kasich might be a very goo team: socially liberal, economically conservative, anti neo-con.

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