RAndi Rhodes


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
What ever happened to this genious. She didnt hack it at AirAmerica and not MSNBC? I thought she was a moderate that really gave both sides. (/sarcasm font, for the liberals)
Did she ever get over her problem with alcohol ?

I have no idea, did she go all Kitty Dukakis on us?

I just remember that incident several years ago, where she spent the afternoon in a sports bar, then walked outside and fell on her face.
Remember how they all immediately claimed that she was attacked by a right winger ?
By the next day the truth came out.

I remember listening to her after she healed up and got back to work, she sat right there and claimed she didn't know what happened. She opened her show with "What Happened To Me ?"

I just thought to myself, "gee let's see, you spent the afternoon in a bar then walked outside and fell face first on the concrete Gosh I wonder what it could have been ?" Lol !
LOL She was attacked by a right winger, I love the media, they use that EVERY TIME and it's never true. I remember when the fashion guy died in Miami and they tried to blame us for that too (not to mention Giffords as well) About the only right winger I know that attacked people was Ted Bundy, and I cheered when he was executed, litteraly.
Ahh yes, here's the story right here:

Randi Rhodes: “I Was Watching Football At An Irish Bar”

The face of Air America host Randi Rhodes has had it rough the last couple of days. It lost some teeth; it bruised its eye. First it was reported that Rhodes had been mugged while walking her dog, perhaps by a right wing conspiracy. Then it came out that she wasn't in fact mugged but had imbibed 14 Bloody Marys instead and that that might have had something to do with how her face made the intimate acquaintance of the sidewalk. And now she clarifies—in such a vague and flippant way that we assume that she blacked out and is struggling to come to terms with her alcoholism, which is, judging from this audio clip from her show, not going very well.

"I was watching football at an Irish bar and I went outside to smoke, a cigarette. The next thing I knew I was on the ground face down and bleeding from my mouth and my eyeball. I don't know if someone mugged me from behind or if I had just fainted (I hadn't eaten anything all day) but I can tell you my fall was not broken by my hands, it was broken by my face and a steel grate on the concrete...I think of it as the perfect smoky eye but there is only one."

Giggles! Not knowing at all what had happened, Rhodes wrote Air America saying she had been mugged, that her teeth had been knocked out and that she had to go to the dentist.

Imagine her surprise when she woke up in the morning to see that reports that she had been mugged and that her teeth had been knocked out were splashed across the news world. But since she had a black eye and missing teeth (not to mention a killer hangover) she decided not to comment and let the story grow.

Her doctors couldn't find any physical explanation for why she had fainted. Perhaps someone had hit her from behind and then disappeared. Perhaps the Liquor Fairy did it.

Randi Rhodes: "I Was Watching Football At An Irish Bar"
Ahh yes, here's the story right here:

Randi Rhodes: “I Was Watching Football At An Irish Bar”

The face of Air America host Randi Rhodes has had it rough the last couple of days. It lost some teeth; it bruised its eye. First it was reported that Rhodes had been mugged while walking her dog, perhaps by a right wing conspiracy. Then it came out that she wasn't in fact mugged but had imbibed 14 Bloody Marys instead and that that might have had something to do with how her face made the intimate acquaintance of the sidewalk. And now she clarifies—in such a vague and flippant way that we assume that she blacked out and is struggling to come to terms with her alcoholism, which is, judging from this audio clip from her show, not going very well.

"I was watching football at an Irish bar and I went outside to smoke, a cigarette. The next thing I knew I was on the ground face down and bleeding from my mouth and my eyeball. I don't know if someone mugged me from behind or if I had just fainted (I hadn't eaten anything all day) but I can tell you my fall was not broken by my hands, it was broken by my face and a steel grate on the concrete...I think of it as the perfect smoky eye but there is only one."

Giggles! Not knowing at all what had happened, Rhodes wrote Air America saying she had been mugged, that her teeth had been knocked out and that she had to go to the dentist.

Imagine her surprise when she woke up in the morning to see that reports that she had been mugged and that her teeth had been knocked out were splashed across the news world. But since she had a black eye and missing teeth (not to mention a killer hangover) she decided not to comment and let the story grow.

Her doctors couldn't find any physical explanation for why she had fainted. Perhaps someone had hit her from behind and then disappeared. Perhaps the Liquor Fairy did it.

Randi Rhodes: "I Was Watching Football At An Irish Bar"

That bitch was mean too, I'd love to have gotten on her show, I love that confrontation. I guess it goes back to 1996 when I was in the abortion showdown at the 96 convention. AWESOME Fun!!!!
She absolutely is a pompous bitch who think she has the answer to everything.
I talked to a guy that went on her Alaska cruise some years back, and even though he was a big fan he said she acted like a primadonna the whole time, said it was really disgusting.
She is on Sirius XM and 32 other little stations, I listened to her the day after Bush was re-elected and she was doom, gloom, hated filled BS, wanting to go punch him out and asking who else wanted to go with her. Funny how no one said anything about it, but I may have been the only one listen to her that day.
She absolutely is a pompous bitch who think she has the answer to everything.
I talked to a guy that went on her Alaska cruise some years back, and even though he was a big fan he said she acted like a primadonna the whole time, said it was really disgusting.

Wait a liberal with a little fame, acting like a spoiled brat? And she accused every republican of that behavior, she's a lib and loves the old projection trick.
She is on Sirius XM and 32 other little stations, I listened to her the day after Bush was re-elected and she was doom, gloom, hated filled BS, wanting to go punch him out and asking who else wanted to go with her. Funny how no one said anything about it, but I may have been the only one listen to her that day.

Yep and I remember her whining that the same thing that happened in Florida in 2000, had now happened in Ohio. She was claiming that once again the election had been stolen.
Gotta admit, it was hillarious to hear her cry.
yeah I love Randy Rhodes, but that's why I put the I in. But yeah he died waay too soon and we lost a great one.
What ever happened to this genious. She didnt hack it at AirAmerica and not MSNBC? I thought she was a moderate that really gave both sides. (/sarcasm font, for the liberals)

unless you are a conservative corporate cocksucker there is no room for anyone on the "liberal controlled media"....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM1EXREFAZY]Randi Rhodes Destroys a right wing loon on 1150 AM Radio - YouTube[/ame]

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