Randi Weingarten: Debate? No, Mike Pompeo, tour a school with me and see what teachers really do

Is Weingarten afraid to debate Pompeo because she knows he is right? She is responsible for everything that happened to our children.

Will you let Pompeo choose the school you're going to "tour", Randi? So the country can see what your teacher's union has done to public education?
You have no obligation to demonstrate the truth of your assertion?

If one is making an argument, the proponent has the burden of proof.

I’m sure you don’t see that distinction. Or you choose to pretend otherwise.

Meanwhile, you remain off topic. Here, the topic is Weingarten declining to engage in debate. Just like you.

If one is making an argument, the proponent has the burden of proof.

I’m sure you don’t see that distinction. Or you choose to pretend otherwise.

Meanwhile, you remain off topic. Here, the topic is Weingarten declining to engage in debate. Just like you.
Yours was that I lied.
That's correct...you blithely asserted it....now you are, just as blithely, running from this "obligation" you have to defend it...
I could be mistaken. But I doubt it.

All humans lie. Therefore, you lie.

Unless you’re not even human.

In any event, making an assertion alone is not the same as making an argument.

But I doubt you will ever appreciate or grasp any distinctions.
I could be mistaken. But I doubt it.

All humans lie. Therefore, you lie.

Unless you’re not even human.

In any event, making an assertion alone is not the same as making an argument.

But I doubt you will ever appreciate or grasp any distinctions.
How jiggy, niggie...

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