Randi Weingarten: Debate? No, Mike Pompeo, tour a school with me and see what teachers really do

Is Weingarten afraid to debate Pompeo because she knows he is right? She is responsible for everything that happened to our children.

"Our children"?

The Village's?

WTF happened to yours?

Mine graduated, was admitted to a top ranked engineering program, distinguished herself and is now gainfully employed.
As always, racism and income inequality are the two big issues to blame for what has happened to America's schools and the school children.

Nah, fascist indoctrination.
"Our children"?

The Village's?

WTF happened to yours?

Mine graduated, was admitted to a top ranked engineering program, distinguished herself and is now gainfully employed.
With equity that means nothing unless real improvements are made.
"I know you are......"

Man! You are the dullest of the dull.

Just admit you’ve got nothing.

Come back with a new username someday when your balls finally drop and you feel up to at least trying to support your claims. Until then, you remain utterly worthless. 👍
Man! You are the dullest of the dull.

Just admit you’ve got nothing.

Come back with a new username someday when your balls finally drop and you feel up to at least trying to support your claims. Until then, you remain utterly worthless. 👍
Because you've been boring me for several days?
Then find something else to do til that moment..
Or — and try to follow along here —


I’ll expose your idiocy any time I wish.

You offer so many opportunities.

Meanwhile, GFY. 🤣😂

EDIT: Weingarten runs from a debate. Lol. So much like the 5th Horses’sAss.
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Or — and try to follow along here —


I’ll expose your idiocy any time I wish.

You offer so many opportunities.

Meanwhile, GFY. 🤣😂

EDIT: Weingarten runs from a debate. Lol. So much like the 5th Horses’sAss.

As I understand it, your argument is Don't Say Don't Say Gay..

Is that fair.
As I understand it, your argument is Don't Say Don't Say Gay..

Is that fair.
Your “understanding” is as non-existent as your IQ.

You can say “don’t say gay” all you wish. The point is that the legislation says no such thing.
Your “understanding” is as non-existent as your IQ.

You can say “don’t say gay” all you wish. The point is that the legislation says no such thing.
It may not literally say "don't say gay"

But whom are you idiots trying to kid?
It may not literally say "don't say gay"

But whom are you idiots trying to kid?
It says no such thing. Not literally and not figuratively. Not at all.

And you and your fellow libtards are the idiots — as well as being inveterate lying sacks of shit.

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