Rank The U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years.

Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

The Korematsu case was approved by the Roosevelt Supreme Court in 1944. The sole justice appointed by the GOP voted against it.

FDR did win reelection in 1944 , so I guess the people were ok with this outrage
FDR was a failure at the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was sky high double digits even in 1941.

And as far as WWII is concerned, FDR left office without completing the job, forcing his successor to deal with it.
FDR conquered the Great Depression. He was reelected because the people loved him and the job he was doing. Your high unemployment numbers are distorted because you use a system that millions of workers on public works projects as being on "relief", hence, unemployed, even though they were collecting paychecks while building American infrastructure, much of which is still in use today.

The Great Depression was a time of great poverty, and FDR did what he could do to get as many people dependent upon Big Government as he could. That was good for politics, people saw the relief check as their birthright and US productivity sank like a rock.

Big Labor loved the Depression too. Roosevelt's Wagner Act turned over huge portions of the economy over the to the Johnny Friendly types who ran our waterfronts.
People "dependent on big government" powered America with electricity by building dams, turned poverty-stricken regions into manufacturing regions with electricity, roads, and bridges. While doing all that, schools and hospitals were built.
Yeah, lots of poverty stricken regions were turned into industrial regions. Can you name one? We had damns and electricity before the federal government started horning in the business. We also had schools, roads, bridges and hospitals. All FDR did is divert money from one purpose to another.

The industrial regions I'm familiar had electricity for a long time. My great uncle started working for an electric utility in the late teens, and continued on until 1960. Starting long before Roosevelt took power and continuing long after FDR died.

Roosevelt was a real piece of crapola, who didn't like to follow the rules. Were libs aware that Mr. Roosevelt habitually smoked in government buildings, subjecting the WH staff to 2nd hand smoke? He should have been impeached for that. It was known that cigarets were no damn good for many years before FDR moved to Washington. Henry Ford was the one who called them "coffin nails".
Roosevelt also used the New Deal programs to get himself reelected. I mean he used them directly by funneling money into districts that he needed to win just before the election. He showed Obama how it's done.
there were a lot of lynchings on TV in the 1920s

televisions us history - Google Search

"The world's first television stations first started appearing in America in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The first mechanical TV station was called W3XK and was created by Charles Francis Jenkins (one of the inventors of the mechanicaltelevision). That TV station aired its first broadcast on July 2, 1928."

Most American homes did not have a TV until the 1960s.
Spare me, dumbass. Television didn't become a mass marketed consumer good until the 1950s.

Exactly. And during the early days of TV, the news wasn't the big thing. I Love Lucy was very popular, as well as professional wrestling and boxing which adopted well to the small screen.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

I would replace GW Bush & Reagan from your top 5 & replace them with Eisenhower & Obama.

Reagan ran up too much debt. GW took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years while running up the debt, starting two wars, and passing a huge unfunded expansion to Medicare.

I would move GW Bush out of the top ten.

Totally disagree. GW Bush removed the Taliban from power and Saddam from power and replaced those regimes with governments that were not a threat to their neighbors and more responsive to the needs of their people. Probably one of the most important United States national security objectives is protecting the free flow of Persian Gulf Oil(Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar, Bahrain) from any threats, attacks, sabotage, or being overrun and taken as Saddam did in August 1990 to Kuwait. So by removing Saddam from power, the supply of oil and natural gas became safer which is vital to the global economy. The United States had spent a decade trying to contain Saddam in the 1990s, but ultimately, the only solution to the problem and threat he posed was his removal and Bush accomplished that. Afghanistan had been a growing terrorist threat for years prior to the 9/11 attacks. George W. Bush was the first President to decisively deal with Afghanistan and the terrorist threat coming from there.

The recession that happened in 2008 was more the fault of deregulation that occurred prior to Bush coming into office. Average unemployment rate during Bush's 8 years in office was 5.27% which historically is better than most of the other Presidents. Medicare needed to be expanded, but its unfortunate that Bush gave a tax cut to the rich making it harder making the country's budget problems worse. Still, definitely in the top 5. Great accomplishments in Defense Policy, Foreign Policy and National Security. For over 90% of Bush's time in office, the economy was pretty good.

Reagan won the Cold War, rebuilt the United States military into the most advanced fighting force in the world, had strong economic growth, good foreign policy, relatively low unemployment by his second term, boosted the mood and pride people had in the country. Still the only President to win 49 out the 50 states in an election. The 1984 election was amazing. Reagan could have won all 50 states. Reagan only lost Minnesota by 3,750 votes. The country was never more united behind a President than in November 1984 under Reagan. The Red states gave him over 60% of the vote and all the Blue states gave Reagan over 51% of the vote except Minnesota. There was a lot of entitlements that kicked in during the 1980s in a big way and with the cut in the top federal tax rate, naturally the national debt went up. But the debt to GDP ratio was still less than what it was under Bill Clinton. So no, Reagan is definitely in the top 5.
FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it
Very few Americans objected when Southerners lynched black people.

That makes it OK in your book, eh?
Actually, most Americans were appalled
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
you put both bushes in the top 5?....geezus....

Yep. George H.W. Bush presided over the end of the Cold War, removed Manuel Noriega from power in Panama, launched Desert Shield and Desert Storm which successfully restored peace and security to the Persian Gulf at the time, was willing to raise taxes despite the political price to help eventually balance the budget, had the last calendar year, 1992, when all 4 quarters of real GDP growth were above 4%.

George W. Bush successfully defending the United States from terrorism after 9/11, removed the Taliban from power in Afghanistan and replaced it with a better government, removed Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and replaced his regime with a more stable government, no longer a threat to its neighbors, and more responsive to the rights and needs of its people, the Presidency of George W. Bush had one of the lowest average unemployment rates of any President in history.
He did attack the wrong country and turned the Clinton surplus into a deficit. No child left behind, is our children learning. He and I were born in the same hospital so I do have a soft spot for him. Truman probably was under rated- he fired a general like Trump did and caught even more flak.
Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum
FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....
Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....

Because they were white
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921
Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....

Because they were white

Exactly, and FDR was a racist. Even today, major liberal institutions in California and Massachusetts particularly, discriminate against Orientals to this day.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....

Because they were white

Exactly, and FDR was a racist. Even today, major liberal institutions in California and Massachusetts particularly, discriminate against Orientals to this day.
Yea...pretty much so
1942 America was racist
Blacks couldn’t vote or use white facilities
Mexicans had it little better
Jews couldn’t join white clubs

How did you expect 1942 America to respond to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....

Because they were white

Exactly, and FDR was a racist. Even today, major liberal institutions in California and Massachusetts particularly, discriminate against Orientals to this day.
Yea...pretty much so
1942 America was racist
Blacks couldn’t vote or use white facilities
Mexicans had it little better
Jews couldn’t join white clubs

How did you expect 1942 America to respond to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?

With equality and fairness. Like Dubya showed when the Islamonazis attacked us on 9/11.

President Bush didn't sweep up all of the newspaper and incense salesmen the Muslims put on our streets and send them to camps.

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