Rank The U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years.

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it

Indeed, it's all about the popular vote isn't it.

That's what being a democratic socialist is all about.

Luckily, the Founding Fathers abhorred democracy and tried to create checks and balances against it like the Electoral College.
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
The military was integrated before the archangel Woodrow Wilson ascended the throne. In typical Democrat fashion, he segregated it again.

It's curious how your turds give FDR a pass for putting the Japanese in concentration camps, but you condemn the Founding Fathers for having slaves.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum
He ended the post war recession, shit for brains
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.
The Democrats cause the great recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush
Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent

Actually, by this time in the Obama Regime, the unemployment rate was UP 1.8% from the time he took office.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum
He ended the post war recession, shit for brains
All postwar recessions end. Not a great accomplishment

But he did set us on a path of speculation and rampant deregulation that led to the Great Depression
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent

Actually, by this time in the Obama Regime, the unemployment rate was UP 1.8% from the time he took office.

Very true.....Massive Recessions are like that
Obama prevented the Great Recession from turning into a Great Depression
Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent
Obama did absolutely nothing to drop the unemployment rate. He had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.
FDR violated the civil rights of Japanese Americans, and tried to pack the USSC
Obammy assaulted the constitution with FBIgate, that makes him the worst by far
Carter and Bush were lame
Reagan was great
Trump is awesome
Kennedy was overrated, but today's Democrats would be calling him a Nazi.
Lincoln ended slavery so he is a great one
I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent

Actually, by this time in the Obama Regime, the unemployment rate was UP 1.8% from the time he took office.

Very true.....Massive Recessions are like that
Obama prevented the Great Recession from turning into a Great Depression
Obammy extended the Great Recession and the Democrats caused it and then blamed Bush for it.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum
He ended the post war recession, shit for brains
All postwar recessions end. Not a great accomplishment

But he did set us on a path of speculation and rampant deregulation that led to the Great Depression

Deregulation leads to depression? Where did you get that theory?
Locking up Japanese had nothing to do with the popular vote and everything to do with fear mongering

Just like building a wall to keep those Mexicans out

Japanese Interment had everything to do with the popular vote. FDR won convincing majorities the vote after the interment plan was imposed. The majority of libs thought the interment was peachy keen and all of the FDR justices on the SCOTUS voted in favor of it. Ditto, BTW, with the FDR Jim Crow Army. Before WWII, America had a very small army, if Roosevelt wanted to , he could have easily ordered integration of the military. But he didn't. FDR didn't allow either Trannies or Homosexuals into the military either
Kind of a disjointed view of American history

FDR had been elected for a third term in 1940 and was not due for re-election until 1944. The interment took place in 1942. No impact on FDR and the popular vote.

The decision to inter Japanese citizens as a threat to security was overwhelmingly bipartisan with a paltry few standing up for the Japanese
Integrating the American military was a decade away
why did they not do the same with Germans and Italians?....

Because they were white

Exactly, and FDR was a racist. Even today, major liberal institutions in California and Massachusetts particularly, discriminate against Orientals to this day.
Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent
what kind of jobs were they?.....part time?....minimum wage?....i guess they were jobs though...
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.
Bush 1
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.
JFK always overrated. Outside of Cuban Missile Crisis he did not have enough time to do anything.
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum

I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent
Obama did absolutely nothing to drop the unemployment rate. He had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.
What does that tell you about the Great Bush Recession of 2008?
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.
JFK always overrated. Outside of Cuban Missile Crisis he did not have enough time to do anything.
LBJ lived out his legacy......including Vietnam
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Let me recommend a book for you, which provides a little better understanding of President Harding's reign in the early 1920's.

"The Illustrious Life and Work of Warren G. Harding" by Thomas H. Russell. Russell wrote his outstanding biography of the great man in 1923, the year of Harding's untimely death in the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

It might give you more of an objective view of the man's greatness. Nowadays, Harding is very the much underrated
Harding was a zéro as President. Il prepared to be President and indifferent once he was elected
The inmates were running the asylum
He ended the post war recession, shit for brains
All postwar recessions end. Not a great accomplishment

But he did set us on a path of speculation and rampant deregulation that led to the Great Depression

Deregulation leads to depression? Where did you get that theory?
See Stock Market Crash of 1929
Massive, unsupported speculation created a boom in the 20s and a bust in the 30s
Herbert Hoover was actually a great humanitarian and saved Belgium after WWI. Made a great Commerce Secretary. Massive public works project in the Hoover Dam

Would have been a good President if not for the ineptitude of Harding and Coolidge
I invite you to read the biography on the life of Warren Gamaliel Harding I cited. President Harding returned our nation to Normalcy after the disastrous Wilson Regime and launched the automotive and consumer electronics ages here in America. While the European allies were dealing with economic disaster, America was rolling in the cash.

Harding was living in a lot more civilized era, he went to Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama in Oct. 1921 and made a major speech against liberal racism. Alabama went big time for Cox the previous year. I can't imagine the people of San Francisco being so cordial today to President Trump.

This Presidential Speech on Race Shocked the Nation…in 1921

Trump reminds me a lot of Harding
Unsuited for the job he was elected to and unmotivated to learn

The stupendous amount of success that both men enjoyed in the Presidency belies your viewpoint. Comparing Trump with Obama, example given. At this point in Obama's reign, unemployment was 9%. HIGHER that what it was when he was immaculated.
Obama dropped the unemployment rate by over five percent

Trump only one percent
Obama did absolutely nothing to drop the unemployment rate. He had the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.
What does that tell you about the Great Bush Recession of 2008?
Nothing. Iraq War puts him in the negative. Obama right down there with him.

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