Rank The U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years.

1. Jefferson is at the top of my list. He stood alone against the Alien and Sedition Acts that made it illegal to speak out against those in government. Imagine, they just got done fighting for such things as freedom of speech, yet they pulled that crap.

Luckily he was able to nix most of it, but what was left FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans.

I'll have to think more about the rest of the list, but without Jefferson, the US would have been a far darker place to say the least.
Jefferson was over 98 years ago
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Warren Gamaliel Harding did a fantastic job returning America to normalcy. I'd definitely put Harding into the top 5.

President Harding launched a great boom in the 1920's, reduced taxes, a record of excellence.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Warren Gamaliel Harding did a fantastic job returning America to normalcy. I'd definitely put Harding into the top 5.

President Harding launched a great boom in the 1920's, reduced taxes, a record of excellence.
One of the most inept Presidents in history
He had no interest in the job or monitoring what was being done in his name
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Warren Gamaliel Harding did a fantastic job returning America to normalcy. I'd definitely put Harding into the top 5.

President Harding launched a great boom in the 1920's, reduced taxes, a record of excellence.
One of the most inept Presidents in history
He had no interest in the job or monitoring what was being done in his name

Actually, President Harding had a lot of interest and was returning from a tremendous trip to Alaska when he keeled over dead in San Francisco.

In 1921, he was the first President to address the issue of Civil Rights, delivering a major speech in favor of it in ultraliberal Birmingham Alabama, Alabama was a deep blue state that when 2-1 in favor of the liberal Cox.

The fact that a few people who were in the cabinet were found to be corrupt doesn't mean he was ineffectual at all
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Warren Gamaliel Harding did a fantastic job returning America to normalcy. I'd definitely put Harding into the top 5.

President Harding launched a great boom in the 1920's, reduced taxes, a record of excellence.
I think you mean Calvin Coolidge
FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it
Very few Americans objected when Southerners lynched black people.

That makes it OK in your book, eh?
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

FDR was a failure at the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was sky high double digits even in 1941.

And as far as WWII is concerned, FDR left office without completing the job, forcing his successor to deal with it.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Warren Gamaliel Harding did a fantastic job returning America to normalcy. I'd definitely put Harding into the top 5.

President Harding launched a great boom in the 1920's, reduced taxes, a record of excellence.
I think you mean Calvin Coolidge

No, I mean President Harding. The Harding Memorial is in Marion , Ohio. Coolidge was a good president too.
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died

FDR was also one of the biggest racists as he locked up innocent Americans based upon race and he viewed the Constitution with contempt with his court packing scheme.

Then Congress had to limit terms for President to try and avoid all the corruption seen during his reign.

Very, very few Americans objected when FDR interred the Japanese

Even the Supreme Court approved it
Very few Americans objected when Southerners lynched black people.

That makes it OK in your book, eh?

President Harding was opposed to lynching and publicly expressed his opposition even in liberal cities like Birmingham AL.

Of course, southern liberals in the 1920's were a lot less crazy than modern California libs who burn the university down if conservatives invade their safe space
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

No we weren’t.
Maybe eighth at best
FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

No we weren’t.
Maybe eighth at best
WE had the biggest economy, numskull. America had more cars by far than any other country. Ford produced 20 million model 'T's by the time production stopped in 1927. Ford invented mass production.

All FDR did is switch our factories over from producing cars to producing tanks and airplanes.
FDR???!! LOL!!! 20% Unemployment first 2 terms. Surrendered Europe to Communism! LOL What a joke!
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

FDR was a failure at the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was sky high double digits even in 1941.

And as far as WWII is concerned, FDR left office without completing the job, forcing his successor to deal with it.
FDR conquered the Great Depression. He was reelected because the people loved him and the job he was doing. Your high unemployment numbers are distorted because you use a system that millions of workers on public works projects as being on "relief", hence, unemployed, even though they were collecting paychecks while building American infrastructure, much of which is still in use today.
Greatest modern President, may be the best of all time

Saved the US and then saved the world
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

FDR was a failure at the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was sky high double digits even in 1941.

And as far as WWII is concerned, FDR left office without completing the job, forcing his successor to deal with it.
FDR conquered the Great Depression. He was reelected because the people loved him and the job he was doing. Your high unemployment numbers are distorted because you use a system that millions of workers on public works projects as being on "relief", hence, unemployed, even though they were collecting paychecks while building American infrastructure, much of which is still in use today.

The Great Depression was a time of great poverty, and FDR did what he could do to get as many people dependent upon Big Government as he could. That was good for politics, people saw the relief check as their birthright and US productivity sank like a rock.

Big Labor loved the Depression too. Roosevelt's Wagner Act turned over huge portions of the economy over the to the Johnny Friendly types who ran our waterfronts.
Very few Americans objected when Southerners lynched black people.

Not true.

As soon as it was on TV, there was an orchestrated effort to snuff it out. White Northerners did react to film of black voters attacked by dogs. But until it was proven, it was "rumor..."
He destroyed the US. He's the worst president of all time.

Destroyed it?

We were the most powerful nation on earth when he died
We were the most powerful nation on Earth before he took office.

FDR was a failure at the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was sky high double digits even in 1941.

And as far as WWII is concerned, FDR left office without completing the job, forcing his successor to deal with it.
FDR conquered the Great Depression. He was reelected because the people loved him and the job he was doing. Your high unemployment numbers are distorted because you use a system that millions of workers on public works projects as being on "relief", hence, unemployed, even though they were collecting paychecks while building American infrastructure, much of which is still in use today.

The Great Depression was a time of great poverty, and FDR did what he could do to get as many people dependent upon Big Government as he could. That was good for politics, people saw the relief check as their birthright and US productivity sank like a rock.

Big Labor loved the Depression too. Roosevelt's Wagner Act turned over huge portions of the economy over the to the Johnny Friendly types who ran our waterfronts.
People "dependent on big government" powered America with electricity by building dams, turned poverty-stricken regions into manufacturing regions with electricity, roads, and bridges. While doing all that, schools and hospitals were built.

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