Rank The U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years.

How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

1 Reagan
2 Coolidge
3 Eisenhower
4 Bush
5 Bush
6 Harding
7 Kennedy
8 Ford
9 Harding
10 Truman
11 Nixon
12 Obama
13 Johnson
14 Roosevelt
15 Hoover
16 Carter
17 Clinton
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

Of course if Bush had sent his own people to Iraq to bypass the intelligence Agencies to verify the claims.... he would be impeached, like Trump is now, for sending Rudy to Ukraine and bypassing the state department.

Basically it doesn't matter what anyone does, if you are republican it is wrong, and if you are democrat, then it's fine.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time

Mr. Blix, if you'll remember, was well recognized as a Nincompoop, who didn't know shit. It looked like he was trying to "not kill the job" rather than get things done. Further, Blix left Iraq voluntarily before the job was done.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time

Mr. Blix, if you'll remember, was well recognized as a Nincompoop, who didn't know shit. It looked like he was trying to "not kill the job" rather than get things done. Further, Blix left Iraq voluntarily before the job was done.
Blix was respected around the world (except by the RW media)
His conclusions turned out to be accurate......Bush was dead wrong
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time

Since the 2003 ground invasion of Iraq, over 10,000 152 mm artillery shells filled with Sarin Gas, Mustard Gas, and other chemicals have been found and recovered in Iraq. While these shells mostly date from the 1980s during the Iran/Iraq War, Iraq was required to verifiably dispose of all such artillery shells back in 1991. As of 2019, these artillery shells are still being found in various places inside Iraq. While some of the shells or old and eroded, many other are still intact with chemical purity levels in excess of 90%. Such shells could be fired from a 152 mm Large Caliber Weapon. Just one shell could kill over a thousand people in a city under the right conditions.

What's more, whatever Hans Blix thought Saddam had or did not have in 2003, he had no way to predict what Saddam could build or obtain in the years ahead. That's why it was a necessity to remove Saddam in 2003. You can play around with a leader who's actions led to the deaths of 1.7 million people and invaded and annexed another country called Kuwait. His invasion and annexation of Kuwait alone is enough to justify his removal from power.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

The wars during Bush 43 were some of the most necessary wars ever fought in history. No one lied. The economy was strong for 90% of the 43
s years in office. The economic downturn was caused by deregulation that preceded the Bush years. Bush is one of the greatest Presidents the United States ever had. Top 10 in the last 100 years, and at least top 20 since the country began. Trump is by far the worst, and has used the office to benefit himself personally while hurting the country's national security.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Its only been 6 months since I first posted this, but Donald Trump is now definitely the worst President of the last 98 years thanks to his abuse of power in the Ukraine in order to try and get re-elected President in 2020. To risk U.S. national security in order to help himself personally most likely makes him the worst President ever in U.S. history.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Calvin Coolidge
15. Herbert Hoover
16. Warren G. Harding
17. Donald Trump
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time
he also allowed 911 basically by refusing to even meet with his terrorism czar. A total catastrophe. His economy was fueled by giant deficits and a corrupt bubble and bust real estate fiasco that caused a world depression and cost our government 8 trillion dollars under Obama to avert a full-blown depression here and assistance welfare and unemployment for victims. The dupes don't even know about this LOL oh my God poor America
FDR JFK Obama Truman Clinton Carter Eisenhower. Then a mess of Republicans who wrecked the economy every time they got a chance, and lately have run up huge deficits with more bubbles and busts, and have started the worst propaganda machine in our history. George W Bush was the worst president ever until Trump and Reagan has ruined the last 35 years with give away to the rich and started this Middle East covert long-running idiocy and wrecked that whole part of the world. Great job. The country is dying for a Democrat with real control of Congress or the guts to go nuclear on everything. Then we'll see if the GOP has the insanity to repeal Healthcare living wage great infrastructure great vacations daycare cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share again, brainwashed functional morons.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time

Since the 2003 ground invasion of Iraq, over 10,000 152 mm artillery shells filled with Sarin Gas, Mustard Gas, and other chemicals have been found and recovered in Iraq. While these shells mostly date from the 1980s during the Iran/Iraq War, Iraq was required to verifiably dispose of all such artillery shells back in 1991. As of 2019, these artillery shells are still being found in various places inside Iraq. While some of the shells or old and eroded, many other are still intact with chemical purity levels in excess of 90%. Such shells could be fired from a 152 mm Large Caliber Weapon. Just one shell could kill over a thousand people in a city under the right conditions.

What's more, whatever Hans Blix thought Saddam had or did not have in 2003, he had no way to predict what Saddam could build or obtain in the years ahead. That's why it was a necessity to remove Saddam in 2003. You can play around with a leader who's actions led to the deaths of 1.7 million people and invaded and annexed another country called Kuwait. His invasion and annexation of Kuwait alone is enough to justify his removal from power.
Outdated, rusting ordinance that is more of a threat to those storing it than to any other country

The point is we justified invading Iraq and killing 100,000 people on the basis they were developing WMDs (nukes)

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud is what the Bush administration continually told us

Was this “threat” worth 6000 Americans dying for?
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

With the kinds of attacks that President Bush endured, particularly in his last 2 years, I'm surprised that it wasn't messier. Dubya is honored now by the libs because of his attacks on Trump and his relationship with Obama's old lady.

But W was strictly low energy, so it was tougher for him to multitask and get things down in spite of the libs.
Bush 43 brought on his own criticism with his unnecessary wars, lies about WMDs, torture and economic collapse

As bad a president as Trump is, he does not approach Bush 43

W didn't lie about WMD's. He read and believed the intelligence reports of apparatchiks like Taylor and Kent who assured him they were there. President Bush should have probably bypassed them and sent his own people to Iraq to check it out.

W got the intelligence he requested and ignored any that didn’t support his claims

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector told Bush there were no WMDs and could prove it if given more time

Bush invaded before he had time
he also allowed 911 basically by refusing to even meet with his terrorism czar. A total catastrophe. His economy was fueled by giant deficits and a corrupt bubble and bust real estate fiasco that caused a world depression and cost our government 8 trillion dollars under Obama to avert a full-blown depression here and assistance welfare and unemployment for victims. The dupes don't even know about this LOL oh my God poor America
Bush was given a free ride on 9-11
I doubt if Republicans would be so generous if a Democrat had been President
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Its only been 6 months since I first posted this, but Donald Trump is now definitely the worst President of the last 98 years thanks to his abuse of power in the Ukraine in order to try and get re-elected President in 2020. To risk U.S. national security in order to help himself personally most likely makes him the worst President ever in U.S. history.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Calvin Coolidge
15. Herbert Hoover
16. Warren G. Harding
17. Donald Trump
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
He sucked bottom line. Trumps results in 3 years are better than obama's in 8.
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Its only been 6 months since I first posted this, but Donald Trump is now definitely the worst President of the last 98 years thanks to his abuse of power in the Ukraine in order to try and get re-elected President in 2020. To risk U.S. national security in order to help himself personally most likely makes him the worst President ever in U.S. history.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Calvin Coolidge
15. Herbert Hoover
16. Warren G. Harding
17. Donald Trump
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
He sucked bottom line. Trumps results in 3 years are better than obama's in 8.

As much an embarrassment Trump has been as President, he has not approached the damage that Bush accomplished

I dread the thought of what might have happened if a childish reactionary like Trump had been President on 9-11
How would you rank the U.S. Presidents of the last 98 years, from best to worst.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Donald Trump
15. Calvin Coolidge
16. Herbert Hoover
17. Warren G. Harding

Most difficult part for me was ranking Presidents #7 through #10.

Its only been 6 months since I first posted this, but Donald Trump is now definitely the worst President of the last 98 years thanks to his abuse of power in the Ukraine in order to try and get re-elected President in 2020. To risk U.S. national security in order to help himself personally most likely makes him the worst President ever in U.S. history.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower well.
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Calvin Coolidge
15. Herbert Hoover
16. Warren G. Harding
17. Donald Trump
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
He sucked bottom line. Trumps results in 3 years are better than obama's in 8.

As much an embarrassment Trump has been as President, he has not approached the damage that Bush accomplished

I dread the thought of what might have happened if a childish reactionary like Trump had been President on 9-11
Bush hid for how many days while silly Rudy was out there. Bush did not handle 911 well.
Its only been 6 months since I first posted this, but Donald Trump is now definitely the worst President of the last 98 years thanks to his abuse of power in the Ukraine in order to try and get re-elected President in 2020. To risk U.S. national security in order to help himself personally most likely makes him the worst President ever in U.S. history.

01. Franklin Roosevelt
02. Harry S. Truman
03. George H.W. Bush
04. Ronald Reagan
05. George W. Bush
06. John F. Kennedy
07. Bill Clinton
08. Barack Obama
09. Richard Nixon
10. Lyndon Johnson
11. Jimmy Carter
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower well.
13. Gerald R. Ford
14. Calvin Coolidge
15. Herbert Hoover
16. Warren G. Harding
17. Donald Trump
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
He sucked bottom line. Trumps results in 3 years are better than obama's in 8.

As much an embarrassment Trump has been as President, he has not approached the damage that Bush accomplished

I dread the thought of what might have happened if a childish reactionary like Trump had been President on 9-11
Bush hid for how many days while silly Rudy was out there. Bush did not handle 911 well.

Bush reading My Pet Goat while we were under attack was not the wisest reaction. I thought the days after 9-11 were Bush’s finest hours and the world rallied around him.

However, his ignoring the threat of terrorism prior to 9-11 left us vulnerable to attack. His decisions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of people were inexcusable.
This must be YOUR poll, because results say otherwise. And "let me attack the wrong country Bush AND kill the stock market" gets #5? You are high or something...

Saddam needed to be removed and deregulation prior to the Bush administration is to blame for the economic downturn in Bush's last year. For most of the Bush years, unemployment was low.
He sucked bottom line. Trumps results in 3 years are better than obama's in 8.

As much an embarrassment Trump has been as President, he has not approached the damage that Bush accomplished

I dread the thought of what might have happened if a childish reactionary like Trump had been President on 9-11
Bush hid for how many days while silly Rudy was out there. Bush did not handle 911 well.

Bush reading My Pet Goat while we were under attack was not the wisest reaction. I thought the days after 9-11 were Bush’s finest hours and the world rallied around him.

However, his ignoring the threat of terrorism prior to 9-11 left us vulnerable to attack. His decisions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of people were inexcusable.

President Bush continued reading the Goat epic, because he didn't want to freak out the little children he was with. Laden mocked him about it afterwards during his endorsement video of John Kerry in 2004, but it wasn't a terrible decision at all.
The notion that George W Bush would be considered a good President, by any measure, is just breathtaking.

The mess he left behind was historic.

Well it's not like Bush locked up innocent American citizens based on their race and tried to pack the Supreme Court to offset the checks and balances of the Constitution to get his legislation passed that was declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS or even start a second world war by allowing us to think it was a surprise attack despite having the Japanese code broken long before Pearl Harbor and then using he broken Japanese code to defeat the Japanese at Midway 6 months later but I'd say he is due for the memorial thingy in Washington DC, that is, if FDR is sooo worthy of one.

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