Ranking Democrat rips Issa (R) a new one.....

There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:
There is nothing scummier than a dimocrap...

Nothing. And I mean NOTHING. Not a Nazi, not a Stalinist, not the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot......


True The Vote Totally Wasn't Politically Targeted, No Sirree Bob....
PS; Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings' Staff Requested, and Received, True the Vote's 990 Forms from the IRS

Ace of Spades HQ

None dare call it political repression.

BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich

Read the whole thing. I would quote it, but you'd think my quote was everything, and it's not.

Also, read this.

Issa Accuses Cummings of Colluding with the IRS | National Review Online

In a letter signed by his five subcommittee chairmen, Issa raises the possibility that Cummings coordinated with the IRS by “surreptitiously” contacting the agency to request information about True the Vote.

E-mails unearthed in the course of Issa’s investigation into the IRS’s inappropriate targeting of right-leaning groups show that in August 2012, a member of Cummings’s staff contacted the IRS asking for any publicly available information on True the Vote. The matter was discussed by IRS officials that included Lois Lerner, the former exempt-organizations chief who retired in the wake of the targeting scandal. One of Lerner’s deputies, Holly Paz, subsequently sent the organization’s 990 forms to Cummings and his staff. The correspondence does not indicate, however, whether the action the IRS took with relation to True the Vote was prompted by the request from Cummings’s office.

Nonetheless, Engelbrecht’s True the Vote received a letter from the IRS with inquiries that agency officials have testified were unprecedented in scope. Cummings’s letter contained questions that closely mirrored those posed by the IRS, and Issa details them in his letter, strongly implying that one was modeled on the other.

Somewhat extraordinary is that Issa is now demanding answers-- from Elijah Cummings.

Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise...

"As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”

Exit question: Re: Cummings's staffers' request for information (derogatory, one assumes) on True the Vote -- Did we find anything?


dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

I am for civilization but also the truth...

We need honesty! Even if it means people need to go to jail for doing something wrong that you support on a lot of issues...What kind of country are we becoming if we can't think about what is right?
That's how the liberals operate.

They shout down all opposition.

They use hypocrisy and lies to deflect anybody who is seeking the TRUTH.

All of them are BOTTOM-FEEDERS.
it wouldn't be so bad if he was spending Repub $$$, like Boehner did defending DoMA, but Firebug is spending taxpayer $$$.

We had a base only a few hundred miles away and could of done something in 7 hours. Sorry, but we don't let shit like this happen.
I am for civilization but also the truth...

We need honesty! Even if it means people need to go to jail for doing something wrong that you support on a lot of issues...What kind of country are we becoming if we can't think about what is right?

dimocrap scum have deluded themselves into believing that what is right is what they believe and if you disagree with them, you are evil.

I'm serious when I say, these are some very sick, very disturbed people.

They surround themselves exclusively with like-minded people, they read nothing but their own press-releases and they won't listen to anything but what they already believe.

We're talking about 1919 Russia here, people. We're talking 1938 Germany. 1960 Cuba.

dimocraps are some seriously sick, seriously deluded people.

I posted a thread the other day proving that they thought lying was an accepted tactic as long as it advanced the cause.

It got moved, of course. Can't have the kiddies learning the truth, can we? :dunno:

Believe what you want. I'm telling you.... You people better wise up before it's too late. And time is drawing to a close
it wouldn't be so bad if he was spending Repub $$$, like Boehner did defending DoMA, but Firebug is spending taxpayer $$$.

Oh please spare me the you care about taxpayer money. Theis adminstration is as corrupt as shit. Rules for radicals is their playbook, cant wait til obama is out
.....for partisan hack, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. Firebug needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on these rw dog & pony shows :blahblah: :talktothehand:

Cummings Slams Issa's 'Embarrassing' Benghazi 'Conspiracy'


Four dead americans and democrats just want to cover it up and have it go away, true patriots........ :thup:

What's a few dead Americans compared to advancing the 'cause'?

Think I'm kidding?

Your mistake if you do.

And you dimocfrap scum? What's gonna happen when you get the governemnt you want?

Are you so stupid to think that YOU will always have control of an over-reaching, all-powerful government?

It's why I call you stupid (you are, of course). What happens when a Stalin gets control? What happens when a Mao or a Castro or a Pol Pot or a Ceausescu or a Chavez/Maduro or Kim Jong Un or some other Totalitarian asswipe takes control?

Do you fucking retards think you can just vote him/her out of Office? Are you THAT fucking stupid?

Unfortunately, I think you are. And then some.

dimocrap scum are tearing down the walls that have protected us from the scourge of big government for over 200 years.

They're too stupid to realize one simple fact -- They won't have control of their Frankenstein Monster for very long.
it wouldn't be so bad if he was spending Repub $$$, like Boehner did defending DoMA, but Firebug is spending taxpayer $$$.

Oh please spare me the you care about taxpayer money. Theis adminstration is as corrupt as shit. Rules for radicals is their playbook, cant wait til obama is out

yeah, that was like 10 vietraqs right? :rolleyes: 4 vs 4,000. Spare me your fauxrage son :eusa_hand:
Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.
Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.

true. People need to vote for anyone BUT those from the two major CORRUPT parties.
Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.

true. People need to vote for anyone BUT those from the two major CORRUPT parties.

People need to vote for honesty that promotes what's right.

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