Ranking Democrat rips Issa (R) a new one.....

Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.

true. People need to vote for anyone BUT those from the two major CORRUPT parties.

This is a dimocrap scumbag voter-suppression maneuver.

Yes, there are INCREDIBLE differences.

No, Republicans are not perfect.

Yes, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

Here it is people..... Whenever you hear SHIT like this, what you're hearing is either a dimocrap scumbag using this as a voter suppression mantra or a disillusioned and confused libertarian using it.

Republicans don't like government. We don't like politicians. We don't even like our own politicians.

dimocrap scum LOVE government. They will vote themselves your money in a fucking heartbeat.

If they can convince you that "They're All The Same" and you stay home....?

Guess who gets elected?

People who say shit like this are lying scum or gullible nincompoops
What more proof is needed? Lois Lerner needs to have her sorry ass perp walked all the way to Leavenworth prison.

There is nothing scummier than a dimocrap...


dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

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Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.

true. People need to vote for anyone BUT those from the two major CORRUPT parties.

People need to vote for honesty that promotes what's right.

You mean somebody like Mitt Romney?

He got beat by the lyingest, scummiest, no good motherfucker to ever hold the Office.

You wanna think about why politics has gone to shit in this Country?

Look to the dimocrap party.

"If you like your insurance....."

Even as bad a candidate as Mittens was, he beats the lying cocksucker in chief if he doesn't lie about obamacare.

The entire election hinged on that lie.

So don't EVER accuse Republicans of being dishonest. EVER.

dimocraps are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever live.

Did you not see my post on Cummings coordinating with Lois Lerner?

Say What?!?!!?!?!?! :eek: :eek:

I'd start a thread on it, but it would get moved to ---- Whatever. Current Events or something. :dunno:
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago one the Democrat sheep started a thread asking for CIVILITY?

As you see they just demand it from others and let jerks like this little man go off on some screeching rude as hell hissy fit....

How do you proudly stand up for this and condone this type of behavior and not feel shame you associate with these people in your party?
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How do you proudly stand up for this and condone this type of behavior and not feel shame you associate with these people in your party?

Politics has become a spectator sport with my team versus your team. It's okay when my team acts out because it means your team loses in the process.
I am for civilization but also the truth...

We need honesty! Even if it means people need to go to jail for doing something wrong that you support on a lot of issues...What kind of country are we becoming if we can't think about what is right?

dimocrap scum have deluded themselves into believing that what is right is what they believe and if you disagree with them, you are evil.

I'm serious when I say, these are some very sick, very disturbed people.

They surround themselves exclusively with like-minded people, they read nothing but their own press-releases and they won't listen to anything but what they already believe.

We're talking about 1919 Russia here, people. We're talking 1938 Germany. 1960 Cuba.

dimocraps are some seriously sick, seriously deluded people.

I posted a thread the other day proving that they thought lying was an accepted tactic as long as it advanced the cause.

It got moved, of course. Can't have the kiddies learning the truth, can we? :dunno:

Believe what you want. I'm telling you.... You people better wise up before it's too late. And time is drawing to a close
That sounds a lot like the thinking of a certain group of individuals who strap bombs to their ass to advance their cause. In fact, that's exactly what they think.
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We had a base only a few hundred miles away and could of done something in 7 hours. Sorry, but we don't let shit like this happen.

Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack | neurope.eu

Why wasn't Benghazi the "mission"???
1) Why was Americans dying in Benghazi less important then standing around at Tripoli Airport?
2) WHO gave the orders that the mission was to be performed in Tripoli and NOT BENGHAZI?

But it doesn't seem to be a problem in spending $400,000 for this sculpture of a Camel!!!
Think this will sway Pakastani minds and hearts?

How do you proudly stand up for this and condone this type of behavior and not feel shame you associate with these people in your party?

Politics has become a spectator sport with my team versus your team. It's okay when my team acts out because it means your team loses in the process.

wrong, republicans actually criticise their politicians, democrats dont. They lock in a group and that group just pulls d. Repunlicans have a word, rino, that we usemagainst republicans we dont like, wjt0ats,the democrat word? Theyve never disagreed
It's about time ...maybe Issa's new asshole will work better than the one he uses now for his mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's about time ...maybe Issa's new asshole will work better than the one he uses now for his mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you approve of our troops sitting on their hands and knee's, while our people got slaughtered? Do you know we had 7 hours to do something?

how long did the attack last? :eusa_whistle: I'll wait for your answer.
.....for partisan hack, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. Firebug needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on these rw dog & pony shows :blahblah: :talktothehand:

Cummings Slams Issa's 'Embarrassing' Benghazi 'Conspiracy'


House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has accused the panel's top Democrat of prompting the Internal Revenue Service in 2012 to target a conservative organization applying for non-profit status.

Issa said records obtained last week from the IRS show communications from the office of ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., about True the Vote, a Texas-based, non-profit conservative group that aims to prevent voter fraud.

The communications at one point involved Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official whom Issa's panel is poised to hold in contempt of Congress on Thursday for refusing to provide testimony about her involvement in targeting conservative groups.

If the email records do show that Cummings had communication with Lerner, before the IRS scandal broke, and was encouraging her to break the law and IRS regulations to harass and intimidate his political opponents before a presidential election--and then sat on the investigative committee and bitched and moaned and denigrated the investigation the entire time--he is culpable. Charges are going to be brought against Lerner, and if she was encouraged to break the law by Cummings he is going down.
boy oh boy, there must really be something Democrats don't want us to find out about, eh?

this man Cummings should be kicked out of office..this isn't the first time he's pulled something like this

they are now trying to shut down this investigation with any dirty trick they can think up

How frikken long did they investigate the Valery Plame thing? and that wasn't NEARLY as serious as this dereliction of duty that got an innocent civilian killed...you sure didn't hear the left whining about how that was a witch hunt and worrying over how much it was costing

call you reps and demand they get to the bottom of this...this whole administration has been in one scandal after another and then trying to cover them up...Bill Clinton was impeached for this very thing..
wake the hell up people and hold these people accountable
That's how the liberals operate.

They shout down all opposition.

They use hypocrisy and lies to deflect anybody who is seeking the TRUTH.

All of them are BOTTOM-FEEDERS.

You're living in a fantasy world. The opposition hasn't been shut down. It's running wild and free like dogs off a leash. They hold hearings where they posture by making statements meant to cast suspicion on public official without any hard evidence. They run to microphones on TV and on the radio where they make statements unsupported with any proof. They send out fundraising letters where they make additional unsupported claims as a way raising campaign contributions.
Do you really think the next Dem president is going to be some shining example of morality or will they keep doing more of what Obama does? Do you think Republican presidents don't play the same political fuck-fuck games?

The whole lot of them suck. A pox on both their houses.

true. People need to vote for anyone BUT those from the two major CORRUPT parties.

when are you going to start?.....for someone who claims what you just did....why the fuck are you ALWAYS defending the Democrats and bad mouthing the Republicans...every fucking thread you put up is a "BAD' Republican thread and of course nothing bad said about the Democrats.....you vote a straight Democrat ticket,i know it,you know it and 90% of the people here know it.....your phony "Dottie".....would someone quote me so the forum whiner can see it please....then we can watch her whine some more about how mean i am....
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How do you proudly stand up for this and condone this type of behavior and not feel shame you associate with these people in your party?

Politics has become a spectator sport with my team versus your team. It's okay when my team acts out because it means your team loses in the process.

wrong, republicans actually criticise their politicians, democrats dont. They lock in a group and that group just pulls d. Repunlicans have a word, rino, that we usemagainst republicans we dont like, wjt0ats,the democrat word? Theyve never disagreed
The proper TERM is Repubicans.

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