Ranking Democrat rips Issa (R) a new one.....

There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:

That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....
Cummings is the Administration's point man on the coverup of what happened in Benghazi. His role in that committee is not to search for the truth but to keep the truth from coming out in any way that he can.
steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Well u hypermoralizing hate spewing rightwingnuts...why were u not concerned when MUCH MORE CARNAGE and TOTAL COVERUP occurred in the previous administration?

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If there was total coverup, how do you know about it?

No, this is deflection. Cummings is criminal. Lerner is criminal. Probably half the Dems in Congress need to be in jail. How far up does this go?

WHAT CRIMES R U TALKING ABOUT That allegedly "half the Dems in Congress" r guilty of?

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There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:

That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?
Frankly, I can't see Reagan, Clinton or Obama ignoring a warning like that...or taking 3 months off just 4 months into their presidency...

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That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?

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George W. Bush got more work done from his ranch in Crawford than our current President has ever gotten done from the Oval Office. That liberal talking point has always amused me.

As for Bush "ignoring" warnings about Bin Laden wanting to attack the US? That memo was one of dozens that came across Bush's desk on a regular basis. The truth is that NOBODY saw 9/11 coming. If anyone claims they did...then they are shoveling Grade A bullshit.
There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:

That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

That wasn't the point of my post, Harry.

Republicans don't seem to care one whit about Americans dying when a Republican is President.

Along with the huge numbers of Americans dying during the Bush administration, there were also outright lies about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.

How can anyone take their criticism seriously?
There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:

That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....
Maybe. We will never know. But we do know the following: We know the Clinton people met with the bush people before bush took office and warned him that terrorism would be a major problem for him. We know that several countries also gave warnings to the US that were ignored. We know that Richard Clarke, bush's point man on terrorism, gave a warning about bin Laden being determined to attack America and that bush ignored that warning. And, if I am not mistaken some of those warnings claimed that bin Laden was planning to use planes as missiles. Finally we know that the bush administration did absolutely nothing to try to avoid the attack. If they had taken some action there is a possibility the attack could have been stopped. Of course I realize that regardless of what bush did there was no guarantee that the attack could have been avoided but the fact that they were warned and didn't even make some attempt was criminal. Oh, and Dresden, to put this into perspective imagine if Obama had received the same warnings as bush and imagine he did absolutely nothing which allowed a 9/11 type attack to be successful, would you defend Obama like you are defending bush or would you seek to rip him to shreds? I think we both know the answer to that.
The following is just speculation on my part but it raises an interesting question. The president's schedule is posted on the White House web site. It is posted well in advance of any trips he would be taking. That means that al Qaida had to have access to where bush would be on 9/11. If al Qaida really wanted to strike a blow against America they would have put their plan into effect on 9/10 or 9/12 when bush would have been in Washington. I always thought it strange they would attack Washington when bush was out of town.
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Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?

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George W. Bush got more work done from his ranch in Crawford than our current President has ever gotten done from the Oval Office. That liberal talking point has always amused me.

As for Bush "ignoring" warnings about Bin Laden wanting to attack the US? That memo was one of dozens that came across Bush's desk on a regular basis. The truth is that NOBODY saw 9/11 coming. If anyone claims they did...then they are shoveling Grade A bullshit.

In terms of clearing shrubs?

You betcha!

No cleared shrubs like Bush.

He cleared far more shrubs than Obama ever did.

Doing the work expected of a President?

Not so much.
Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?

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George W. Bush got more work done from his ranch in Crawford than our current President has ever gotten done from the Oval Office. That liberal talking point has always amused me.

As for Bush "ignoring" warnings about Bin Laden wanting to attack the US? That memo was one of dozens that came across Bush's desk on a regular basis. The truth is that NOBODY saw 9/11 coming. If anyone claims they did...then they are shoveling Grade A bullshit.

^ if you consider "clearing brush" important Presidential work. Come on now. :eusa_hand: Get serious.
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.
This is No Dog & Pony show. Wasted taxpayer $$$ is Solendra, shovel ready jobs, $650 million for a useless website, Obamaphones, Bailouts everywhere & Moooches vacations...
It's a never ending transfer of taxpayer dollars to Obama cronies and pals. As long as it's Obama related you'll defend till the end...And we're getting closer to seeing it all come undone. Who are you going to blame then?? :eek:
Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?

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George W. Bush got more work done from his ranch in Crawford than our current President has ever gotten done from the Oval Office. That liberal talking point has always amused me.
And you know this how? You were at the ranch and watched bush work? You had insiders at the ranch who reported bush's work ethic to you?
What has always amused me is how you sheep try to explain everything away about bush and the ranch but will condemn Obama for taking a few days off to go to Cape Cod or some other place. You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

Not necessarily...most presidents don't take the summer off at their ranch just 5 months into office...and ignore a CIA memo presented to them warning that "bin Laden to attack the U.S." just about a month before 9-11....then alert no one and permit NORAD to be occupied w military exercises when they should have been more alert than ever pending that warning..Maybe then someone could have noticed several planes drastically off course and scrambled jets to intercept them..
Some Commander in Chief...and was he ever called out on his negligence?
Frankly, I can't see Reagan, Clinton or Obama ignoring a warning like that...or taking 3 months off just 4 months into their presidency...

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the people who are actually in the field and work to prevent things like this were still there .....they did not go on vacation....sometimes the bad guys win one......
That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....
Maybe. We will never know. But we do know the following: We know the Clinton people met with the bush people before bush took office and warned him that terrorism would be a major problem for him. We know that several countries also gave warnings to the US that were ignored. We know that Richard Clarke, bush's point man on terrorism, gave a warning about bin Laden being determined to attack America and that bush ignored that warning. And, if I am not mistaken some of those warnings claimed that bin Laden was planning to use planes as missiles. Finally we know that the bush administration did absolutely nothing to try to avoid the attack. If they had taken some action there is a possibility the attack could have been stopped. Of course I realize that regardless of what bush did there was no guarantee that the attack could have been avoided but the fact that they were warned and didn't even make some attempt was criminal. Oh, and Dresden, to put this into perspective imagine if Obama had received the same warnings as bush and imagine he did absolutely nothing which allowed a 9/11 type attack to be successful, would you defend Obama like you are defending bush or would you seek to rip him to shreds? I think we both know the answer to that.
The following is just speculation on my part but it raises an interesting question. The president's schedule is posted on the White House web site. It is posted well in advance of any trips he would be taking. That means that al Qaida had to have access to where bush would be on 9/11. If al Qaida really wanted to strike a blow against America they would have put their plan into effect on 9/10 or 9/12 when bush would have been in Washington. I always thought it strange they would attack Washington when bush was out of town.

....which planes should they be watching Ron?.....there are hundreds flying all day long every day.....and in a case like this i would defend Obama because its pretty pathetic to think the President is responsible for every fucking Terrorist attack that happens......the people in the security field were doing their jobs that day just like every other day....sometimes the bad guys win one..... if you have read any of my posts im not a big fan of Bush as a President so dont give me your bullshit on how i am giving Bush a pass....Bush was a shitty President and Leader....and Obama aint much better especially as a Leader....they both suck in that dept....
That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.


Sallow once again.....it would not have mattered who was President....9/11 still would have happened.....

That wasn't the point of my post, Harry.

Republicans don't seem to care one whit about Americans dying when a Republican is President.

Along with the huge numbers of Americans dying during the Bush administration, there were also outright lies about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.

How can anyone take their criticism seriously?

the way i see it Sallow is Republicans defend Republicans and kick Democrats when they can and Democrats defend Democrats and kick Republicans when they can....you see it all day long in these threads and posts.....
ok, you go find how much your party spent on investigation some woman called, Plame and maybe we can compare...since you on the left is all of a sudden worried about money and Issa doing the people work for them by getting to the bottom of scandal..and it's so damn sincere and touching you people sticking for an agency that is accused of abusing their power of the citizens in this country

that's disgusting to watch from all of the people who are government sheep/subjects for a party

and that describes "Dottie" to a tee.....even though she "claims" she isnt....but we can all read the shit she puts up.....

"Some woman called Phlame" was a highly classified undercover NOC agent in the service of our country during wartime...who was "outed" by Cheny minions as retaliation for her husband revealing that SADDAM was NOT purchasing yellow cake for nuclear development...thereby counter indicating the "mushroom cloud" scenario concocted by W/Cheny/Condi to justify invasion of Iraq...
This deliberately punitive act not only paralyzed an important segment of our covert defense...but resulted in neutralization of other operatives...
Now that's a scandal.
That it was virtually "swept under the rug" by the W administration was also a scandal.
Bengazi was not a scandal; but a tragic incident largely due to lack of adequate funding for the protection our outposts abroad in dangerous areas...There is no evidence that any of Issa's other witch hunts r pursuing "scandals", as much as its politically useful for the GOP to call them that.
Issa kinda reminds me of the old Puritan witchhunters who would dunk a woman to death to determine if she was a witch...only to be deemed innocent if she drowned.

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thats great Dr.d...now what the hell did that have to do with what i said?...
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.....for partisan hack, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. Firebug needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on these rw dog & pony shows :blahblah: :talktothehand:

Cummings Slams Issa's 'Embarrassing' Benghazi 'Conspiracy'


Either there's nothing to the "conspiracy" or Issa is too fucking dumb to find it. I say both. Issa is the wealthiest member of Congress. He made his money the old fashioned way, he whored for it.

Issa is an asshole....has been for years....
.....for partisan hack, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. Firebug needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on these rw dog & pony shows :blahblah: :talktothehand:

Cummings Slams Issa's 'Embarrassing' Benghazi 'Conspiracy'


Either there's nothing to the "conspiracy" or Issa is too fucking dumb to find it. I say both. Issa is the wealthiest member of Congress. He made his money the old fashioned way, he whored for it.

one Dem asked for him to release all the transcripts because he's only been releasing "cropped" excerpts that are predictably one-sided. He already got busted for that too :lol:
Cummings is carrying water for team Obama. Shocking. :cuckoo:

The Dems are in the minority in the House. What did Obama say as he rammed Onamcare through with no republican votes or input? ? Oh yeah he said "Fuck you, elections have consequences"......

Democrats better get used to retribution......


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