Ranking Democrat rips Issa (R) a new one.....

If the email records do show that Cummings had communication with Lerner, before the IRS scandal broke, and was encouraging her to break the law and IRS regulations to harass and intimidate his political opponents before a presidential election--and then sat on the investigative committee and bitched and moaned and denigrated the investigation the entire time--he is culpable. Charges are going to be brought against Lerner, and if she was encouraged to break the law by Cummings he is going down.

Cummings isnt smart enough for that. He is a lackey of the obama administration. Note the times Cummings tried to give Issa's investigation a flat tire. He staged the whole fauxrage episode specifically to cover up Lerner's renewed refusal to testify probably after she agreed to.
No, this is bigger than Cummings.
If the email records do show that Cummings had communication with Lerner, before the IRS scandal broke, and was encouraging her to break the law and IRS regulations to harass and intimidate his political opponents before a presidential election--and then sat on the investigative committee and bitched and moaned and denigrated the investigation the entire time--he is culpable. Charges are going to be brought against Lerner, and if she was encouraged to break the law by Cummings he is going down.

Cummings isnt smart enough for that. He is a lackey of the obama administration. Note the times Cummings tried to give Issa's investigation a flat tire. He staged the whole fauxrage episode specifically to cover up Lerner's renewed refusal to testify probably after she agreed to.
No, this is bigger than Cummings.
And it leads to OBAMA...and he is being fiercely being protected by the Party, and the IRS.
There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:
steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News
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There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:
steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Well u hypermoralizing hate spewing rightwingnuts...why were u not concerned when MUCH MORE CARNAGE and TOTAL COVERUP occurred in the previous administration?

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There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:
steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Well u hypermoralizing hate spewing rightwingnuts...why were u not concerned when MUCH MORE CARNAGE and TOTAL COVERUP occurred in the previous administration?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't remember any outrage from them either :dunno:
There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:
steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Well u hypermoralizing hate spewing rightwingnuts...why were u not concerned when MUCH MORE CARNAGE and TOTAL COVERUP occurred in the previous administration?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
If there was total coverup, how do you know about it?

No, this is deflection. Cummings is criminal. Lerner is criminal. Probably half the Dems in Congress need to be in jail. How far up does this go?
.....for partisan hack, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. Firebug needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on these rw dog & pony shows :blahblah: :talktothehand:

Cummings Slams Issa's 'Embarrassing' Benghazi 'Conspiracy'


It's just cover for this:

New IRS emails released by the House Oversight Committee show staff working for Democratic Ranking Member Elijah Cummings communicated with the IRS multiple times between 2012 and 2013 about voter fraud prevention group True the Vote. True the Vote was targeted by the IRS after applying for tax exempt status more than two years ago. Further, information shows the IRS and Cummings' staff asked for nearly identical information from True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht about her organization, indicating coordination and improper sharing of confidential taxpayer information.

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, along with five Subcommittee Chairmen are demanding Cummings provide an explanation for the staff inquiries to the IRS about True the Vote and for his denial that his staff ever contacted the IRS about the group.
BREAKING: Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings - Katie Pavlich
Everytime I see the word yawn in a thread such as this, I can actually feel the fear behind it.
ah look who might be getting a new one ripped...thumbs up for this dots, oh yeah
from what I've been seeing this morning this scandal and COVERUP of it by this administration is going to break wide open
links in article at site

Democrat Elijah Cummings Faces Up to Five Years in Federal Prison

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 10:07 PM

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) could face up to five years in federal prison for obstructing a Congressional proceeding.

On Wednesday, Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and five Subcommittee Chairmen on the committee sent a letter to Ranking Member Cummings demanding an explanation for his staff’s queries from the IRS, why the Minority hid these efforts from the Majority, and why the Ranking Member denied such actions by his staff at a February Subcommittee hearing:

“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” wrote the Chairman and five Subcommittee Chairmen of the Oversight Committee. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”

This is not good news for Cummings.
According to Cornell.edu Cummings could go to prison for five years for obstructing Congressional proceedings.
Via The American Journal:

all of it here
Democrat Elijah Cummings Faces Up to Five Years in Federal Prison | The Gateway Pundit
Ha! Issa referred to Cummings as a minority! He's a Racist!! Off with his head!

Seriously, Cummings is neck deep in this. Anyone paying attention knew this was coming.
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.

ok, you go find how much your party spent on investigation some woman called, Plame and maybe we can compare...since you on the left is all of a sudden worried about money and Issa doing the people work for them by getting to the bottom of scandal..and it's so damn sincere and touching you people sticking for an agency that is accused of abusing their power of the citizens in this country

that's disgusting to watch from all of the people who are government sheep/subjects for a party
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.

ok, you go find how much your party spent on investigation some woman called, Plame and maybe we can compare...since you on the left is all of a sudden worried about money and Issa doing the people work for them by getting to the bottom of scandal..and it's so damn sincere and touching you people sticking for an agency that is accused of abusing their power of the citizens in this country

that's disgusting to watch from all of the people who are government sheep/subjects for a party

and that describes "Dottie" to a tee.....even though she "claims" she isnt....but we can all read the shit she puts up.....
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.

you on the left didn't blink an eyelash over Obama spending 1.5trillion dollars to set up some insurance scam with his Messiah name attached to it and the MAJORITY of the people hate...so save us the faxu outrage about taxpayer $$$$ wasted
Firebug (R) should post a daily tally of the taxpayer $$$ wasted..... errr..... spent on these rw dog & pony shows.

ok, you go find how much your party spent on investigation some woman called, Plame and maybe we can compare...since you on the left is all of a sudden worried about money and Issa doing the people work for them by getting to the bottom of scandal..and it's so damn sincere and touching you people sticking for an agency that is accused of abusing their power of the citizens in this country

that's disgusting to watch from all of the people who are government sheep/subjects for a party

and that describes "Dottie" to a tee.....even though she "claims" she isnt....but we can all read the shit she puts up.....

"Some woman called Phlame" was a highly classified undercover NOC agent in the service of our country during wartime...who was "outed" by Cheny minions as retaliation for her husband revealing that SADDAM was NOT purchasing yellow cake for nuclear development...thereby counter indicating the "mushroom cloud" scenario concocted by W/Cheny/Condi to justify invasion of Iraq...
This deliberately punitive act not only paralyzed an important segment of our covert defense...but resulted in neutralization of other operatives...
Now that's a scandal.
That it was virtually "swept under the rug" by the W administration was also a scandal.
Bengazi was not a scandal; but a tragic incident largely due to lack of adequate funding for the protection our outposts abroad in dangerous areas...There is no evidence that any of Issa's other witch hunts r pursuing "scandals", as much as its politically useful for the GOP to call them that.
Issa kinda reminds me of the old Puritan witchhunters who would dunk a woman to death to determine if she was a witch...only to be deemed innocent if she drowned.

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There's a dead ambassador and three staff members and apparently nobody has to be accountable from the Secretary of State down. :evil:

That may have started when Republicans gave Reagan a pass on 250 dead Marines.

Or when they gave George W. Bush a pass on multiple diplomatic consulate attacks and 3000 dead Americans in the Rubble of the World Trade Center and 4000 American troops.

steven, during the bush years there were 13 attacks on American embassies. Dozens were killed. Did we hear one peep out of you about accountability then? Probably you should learn to do a little research before making yourself look like a fool. Ahhhhh .... but then again ...... you are a member of the gop and making yourself look like a fool is pretty much your goal in life.

Bob Cesca: 13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Well u hypermoralizing hate spewing rightwingnuts...why were u not concerned when MUCH MORE CARNAGE and TOTAL COVERUP occurred in the previous administration?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
If there was total coverup, how do you know about it?

No, this is deflection. Cummings is criminal. Lerner is criminal. Probably half the Dems in Congress need to be in jail. How far up does this go?


You know..like this one?

Darrell Issa Makes Life Difficult for Obama : The New Yorker

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