Rap is a poison on our society

Rap is a poison on our society and promotes gang life. This shit teaches children to join gang and disrespect woman...Calling them hoes, sluts and teaching our young men that it is ok to beat them.

This shit makes being a piece of shit look honorably.

This shit should be banned.:evil:

Three quick points:

1. Yes, I agree that a lot of rap is garbage and pushes some pretty crappy values. But there's is good hip hop music out there - a lot of it. Problem is it isn't as popular.

2. Don't condemn just rap; condemn pop music in general. Lady Gaga/Miley Cyrus/etc all promote shitty values. It's not just the rap, it's the singers too.

3. Don't blame the rap artists, blame the rich execs who push this shit for the sole purpose of making a profit. They know kids love it, and they will buy it. Without their media prowess and mounds of $$$'s these talentless rappers would be heard by 10 people instead of 10 million.

Don't be silly Kevin, Matthew cant do that because that means blaming whites. Racism doesn't work that way. Racism dictates that there is a problem with only the race involved not the people. So if he blamed Lady Gaga, get a cross burned on his yard and his KKK card cut in half who will he hang out with then? Huh Smart guy?
Rap is a poison on our society and promotes gang life. This shit teaches children to join gang and disrespect woman...Calling them hoes, sluts and teaching our young men that it is ok to beat them.

This shit makes being a piece of shit look honorably.

This shit should be banned.:evil:

Its amazing you would generalize a whole genre of music based on a sub genre. The largest consumers of this music is white youth. Tell them to stop providing the market and it will die out. I agree that it is poison though.
Rap is a poison on our society and promotes gang life. This shit teaches children to join gang and disrespect woman...Calling them hoes, sluts and teaching our young men that it is ok to beat them.

This shit makes being a piece of shit look honorably.

This shit should be banned.:evil:

Yeah death metal promotes such peaceful loving messages.

Do you boycott the rolling stones ? ;)

[ame=http://youtu.be/oOBP7QMuHHs]The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar - Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

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