Rape is not Violence

This kid I went to high school with banged this chick and tore out her insides. She almost died. I think she is on disability..
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Australian feminist Germaine Greer caused outrage Wednesday when she said rape should be viewed more as ā€œlazy, careless and insensitiveā€ and that the punishment should be lowered.

Now this woman seems to be a really fucked up c**t.
An act of (forcible) rape can occur somewhere within so broad a range of physical and emotional circumstances Ms. Greer's presumptive notion that it will in every example occur as "lazy, careless and insensitive" rather than brutally sadistic and cruel suggests her reference is her own favorite rape fantasy.
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She was most likely talking about the kind of "date rape" where your willingness is stolen, but there is no physical harm. It's still rape, but like everyone has said, rape can be a really different animal from that. Perhaps in context she makes more sense about this?
Rape is penetration without consent. It's illegal and wrong whether or not it is done with violence.

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