Raphael Warnock’s church pays $1000s monthly for his home while ‘evicting the poor from theirs’

Such a nice man. And such a hypocrite.

Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock’s (D-GA) church reportedly tried to evict tenants during the pandemic while he raked in a $120,000 pastoral salary and a $7,417 monthly housing allowance from the church on top of his Senate salary. Warnock’s church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, attempted to evict eight tenants from an Atlanta apartment building the nonprofit owns for as little as $28.55 in overdue rent, according to financial documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Financial statements from 2021 show Ebenezer Baptist Church is doing quite well financially, with liquid assets of more than $1.2 million.

Columbia Tower at MLK Village in downtown Atlanta, a facility that caters to the “chronically homeless” and those with “mental disabilities,” has found itself sued a dozen times during the pandemic. One of the latest lawsuits shows a tenet [sic] was asked to vacate the apartment building for $4,900 due in back rent, a sum that is nearly half of Warnock’s pastoral monthly housing allowance.

Columbia Tower resident Phillip White told the Free Beacon he was served an eviction notice in September for past-due- rent of $192. Last year, he was also served an eviction notice for just $179 for past-due rent. The eviction notice was allegedly dropped after paying outstanding rent and $325 in fees.

“They treat me like a piece of shit. They’re not compassionate at all,” White said, a 69-year-old black Vietnam veteran.

Meanwhile, Warnock received a large $120,000 salary and a $7,417 monthly housing allowance from the church during this time. Perhaps more ironic is Warnock’s rhetoric during the pandemic in which he warned that families could be evicted.
He also slammed his political opponents for not going along with federal housing pandemic subsidies as “clearly only concerned with serving their own interests.”


Such a nice man. And such a hypocrite.

Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock’s (D-GA) church reportedly tried to evict tenants during the pandemic while he raked in a $120,000 pastoral salary and a $7,417 monthly housing allowance from the church on top of his Senate salary. Warnock’s church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, attempted to evict eight tenants from an Atlanta apartment building the nonprofit owns for as little as $28.55 in overdue rent, according to financial documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Financial statements from 2021 show Ebenezer Baptist Church is doing quite well financially, with liquid assets of more than $1.2 million.
Columbia Tower at MLK Village in downtown Atlanta, a facility that caters to the “chronically homeless” and those with “mental disabilities,” has found itself sued a dozen times during the pandemic. One of the latest lawsuits shows a tenet [sic] was asked to vacate the apartment building for $4,900 due in back rent, a sum that is nearly half of Warnock’s pastoral monthly housing allowance.
Columbia Tower resident Phillip White told the Free Beacon he was served an eviction notice in September for past-due- rent of $192. Last year, he was also served an eviction notice for just $179 for past-due rent. The eviction notice was allegedly dropped after paying outstanding rent and $325 in fees.
“They treat me like a piece of shit. They’re not compassionate at all,” White said, a 69-year-old black Vietnam veteran.
Meanwhile, Warnock received a large $120,000 salary and a $7,417 monthly housing allowance from the church during this time. Perhaps more ironic is Warnock’s rhetoric during the pandemic in which he warned that families could be evicted.
He also slammed his political opponents for not going along with federal housing pandemic subsidies as “clearly only concerned with serving their own interests.”


Well surprise, surprise, surprise! (In my best Gomer Pyle voice)
Theologians began protection-racketism during the Neolithic, which included incantations in crypts and graves. Other forms of shelter were certainly not overlooked for exploitation as hominids migrated out of Africa and Theo eyed opportunities.
Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Your ancestors were there. What did they observe?

There was a Deep State that fed them misinformation
The main stream media told them Jesus was Fake News
There was a Deep State that fed them misinformation
The main stream media told them Jesus was Fake News

Didn't your ancestors give Jesus a fair and open trial?

I know if I was blind and someone gave me my sight back, I sure as heck would go to the "court" and say

"Hey, I have no idea who this guy's bio daddy is, but he gave me my sight back. This guy."

Why did NOBODY do that?
Matthew 7: 22-23

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Didn't your ancestors give Jesus a fair and open trial?

I know if I was blind and someone gave me my sight back, I sure as heck would go to the "court" and say

"Hey, I have no idea who this guy's bio daddy is, but he gave me my sight back. This guy."

Why did NOBODY do that?
The Judge was part of the Deep State
The whole Jesus thing was an “inside job”

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