Rapture anyday now!

The post Rapture world does not seem so bad. I still have electricity and I flushed the toilet and it worked

Then let us go forth with hard learned lessons from the past.

If you are going to shave your head you might as well wax your back or wear a shirt for christ sake.

With a nod to Marko Rodin, no doubt.[/QUOTE===============LAST DAYS MOCKERS,SCOFFERS!!! AND YOU?? Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. 4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.”

5 They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. 6 Then he used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood. 7 And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
2 PETER 3:3-7
Then let us go forth with hard learned lessons from the past.

If you are going to shave your head you might as well wax your back or wear a shirt for christ sake.

With a nod to Marko Rodin, no doubt.[/QUOTE===============LAST DAYS MOCKERS,SCOFFERS!!! AND YOU?? Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. 4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.”

5 They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. 6 Then he used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood. 7 And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
2 PETER 3:3-7

I have a question for you GISM. I know you are up on this stuff

In a post Rapture world is it still 2014 or do we reset to 0?
. . .It should be quite a sight

The sight of nearly 4 million Koreans (North and South) floating upward, or the look on GISMYS's face upon discovering that only the Cheondoists had it right?
you do realize how many Christians there are in Korea, right?.....

Prior to the rapture, followers of Cheondoism (a faith with Christian influences at its roots) made up around 12% of the populations of North Korea and South Korea respectively. As of 12:43 PM (EST), any so-called "Christians" left behind in the Koreas apparently followed the wrong paths and are now in the same boat as the rest of us.

I say it's time to come together for humanity's sake ...and to start rowing that boat towards a better future for the whole of mankind.
You know..................Nietzche once said that "God is everything, or He is nothing".

I take this to mean that there is a little bit of God in each of us, and a little bit of Him in just about everything in the world.

Now..................if Nietzche is right.................there is a certain amount of God in ALL religions.

Why do Christians insist that their view of God is the only right one? What about the Jews (after all, Jesus was a good Jewish boy), or the Buddhists, or the Taoists, Hindus or any other religion?

Nope, the problem isn't the belief in God, the problem is that most religions let their interpretation and dogma stand in for who they think God is.

God news for you all.....................it's not going to be just the Christians that are "saved".
You know..................Nietzche once said that "God is everything, or He is nothing".

I take this to mean that there is a little bit of God in each of us, and a little bit of Him in just about everything in the world.

Now..................if Nietzche is right.................there is a certain amount of God in ALL religions.

Why do Christians insist that their view of God is the only right one? What about the Jews (after all, Jesus was a good Jewish boy), or the Buddhists, or the Taoists, Hindus or any other religion?

Nope, the problem isn't the belief in God, the problem is that most religions let their interpretation and dogma stand in for who they think God is.

God news for you all.....................it's not going to be just the Christians that are "saved".
Maybe Nietzche was just drunk.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Jesus comin' soon - just like it says inna Bible...
Ghostly Figure In Photo A Sign From God? Pastor Thinks So
February 6, 2014 — A pastor and his wife believe a ghostly figure that appeared in the background of a photograph is a sign from a higher power.
CBS2’s Stacey Butler reports that a man named Radu, who didn’t want to appear on-camera, took a photo of a co-worker two weeks ago at an Irvine warehouse. The picture, which Radu said he did not retouch, showed a veiled woman in the corner behind the co-worker. “I can clearly see the face. I can even see long hair. I can see, like a veil that covers all the way to the floor,” said Daniela, the wife of Pastor Danny Goia.

Goia and his wife said Radu is a new member of First Romanian Pentecostal Church in Anaheim. They said Radu and his wife recently were baptized and then married on the same day. “The next day was when this photo was taken,” Daniela said. Daniela said she believes the image is an angel protecting Radu.

The couple also believes it’s a message from God. “God is trying to reveal to the people before something major will happen,” Goia said. On Thursday, the pastor showed the image to a small gathering during a church service. “God wants to say, ‘Hey, get ready. Get well with me because something good is gonna come soon,’” Goia said.

Granny says, "Dat's right - Jesus comin' soon - just like it says inna Bible...
Ghostly Figure In Photo A Sign From God? Pastor Thinks So
February 6, 2014 — A pastor and his wife believe a ghostly figure that appeared in the background of a photograph is a sign from a higher power.
CBS2’s Stacey Butler reports that a man named Radu, who didn’t want to appear on-camera, took a photo of a co-worker two weeks ago at an Irvine warehouse. The picture, which Radu said he did not retouch, showed a veiled woman in the corner behind the co-worker. “I can clearly see the face. I can even see long hair. I can see, like a veil that covers all the way to the floor,” said Daniela, the wife of Pastor Danny Goia.

Goia and his wife said Radu is a new member of First Romanian Pentecostal Church in Anaheim. They said Radu and his wife recently were baptized and then married on the same day. “The next day was when this photo was taken,” Daniela said. Daniela said she believes the image is an angel protecting Radu.

The couple also believes it’s a message from God. “God is trying to reveal to the people before something major will happen,” Goia said. On Thursday, the pastor showed the image to a small gathering during a church service. “God wants to say, ‘Hey, get ready. Get well with me because something good is gonna come soon,’” Goia said.

the oldest photo trick there is!
a sheet !
GASupervisor: "You've been warned before about being seen"
GA39873:"It's okay Rafael, they're busy watching the guy who took the picture. They think I was there to protect him!".......
Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.

In the bolded sense you are correct.

As far as John 14:3 goes, however, it DOES refer to a live Rapture.
Just not the secret, while you were asleep, "Left Behind" series way that you're thinking of.
Revelation 1:7 - Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
No man knows the hour or day

LOL!!! AND WHERE IS JESUS'S HOME IF NOT HEAVEN?? John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am

HIS home will be in the New Jerusalem, here on earth.
You mean you didn't already know this?
Life is pretty good. Aint got a need for an "Afterlife". Rather live out this one to its fullest and best. At least I know for sure this one is real.
Life is pretty good. Aint got a need for an "Afterlife". Rather live out this one to its fullest and best. At least I know for sure this one is real.

HOW SILLY! BUT TYPICAL!!! this little life even if 100 years is less than a drop in the oceans of eternity!!! try to think!
Life is pretty good. Aint got a need for an "Afterlife". Rather live out this one to its fullest and best. At least I know for sure this one is real.

HOW SILLY! BUT TYPICAL!!! this little life even if 100 years is less than a drop in the oceans of eternity!!! try to think!

Ive thought about this a lot.

I know for sure this life is real. There is serious doubt about the reality of any sort of Afterlife.

That said, I'm gonna enjoy this life and make it as full as possible.

If I'm wrong about the Afterlife? Oh well, no biggey. I'll deal with it.
Life is pretty good. Aint got a need for an "Afterlife". Rather live out this one to its fullest and best. At least I know for sure this one is real.

HOW SILLY! BUT TYPICAL!!! this little life even if 100 years is less than a drop in the oceans of eternity!!! try to think!

Ive thought about this a lot.

I know for sure this life is real. There is serious doubt about the reality of any sort of Afterlife.

That said, I'm gonna enjoy this life and make it as full as possible.

If I'm wrong about the Afterlife? Oh well, no biggey. I'll deal with it.

HOW SILLY! BUT TYPICAL!!! this little life even if 100 years is less than a drop in the oceans of eternity!!! try to think!

Ive thought about this a lot.

I know for sure this life is real. There is serious doubt about the reality of any sort of Afterlife.

That said, I'm gonna enjoy this life and make it as full as possible.

If I'm wrong about the Afterlife? Oh well, no biggey. I'll deal with it.


Oh, I am a thinker. I read the Bible, thought about it, and decided it doesn't make sense to me. I decided the concept of the Afterlife isn't rational so I choose to keep it as an afterthought.
Ive thought about this a lot.

I know for sure this life is real. There is serious doubt about the reality of any sort of Afterlife.

That said, I'm gonna enjoy this life and make it as full as possible.

If I'm wrong about the Afterlife? Oh well, no biggey. I'll deal with it.


Oh, I am a thinker. I read the Bible, thought about it, and decided it doesn't make sense to me. I decided the concept of the Afterlife isn't rational so I choose to keep it as an afterthought.[/============== YES!!! GOD TALKED ABOUT YOU 3000 YEARS AGO!!==The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity;
There is none who does good. PSALM 53:1

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