Rapture anyday now!

this is the sword that jesus said that he came to bring, the sword that came out of his mouth with which to smite the nations;

"take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom i send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that i am sending among them." jeremiah 25:15

he's talking about israel and their sacrifices to baal.

lol!!!baal?????? Lol!!! Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil and to set up his kingdom here and rule the nations with a rod of iron as king of kings,lord of lords!

Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil ...

Rapture can only occur after evil has already been destroyed ...

Rapture - the Triumph of Good over Evil - is the reason God awaits to return - not to do the task that others have failed to fulfill themselves but to reward those who have accomplished the prophecy.

... or otherwise GISMYS, your reward will be Damnation.

he's talking about israel and their sacrifices to baal.

lol!!!baal?????? Lol!!! Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil and to set up his kingdom here and rule the nations with a rod of iron as king of kings,lord of lords!

jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil ...

rapture can only occur after evil has already been destroyed ...

Rapture - the triumph of good over evil - is the reason god awaits to return - not to do the task that others have failed to fulfill themselves but to reward those who have accomplished the prophecy.

... Or otherwise gismys, your reward will be damnation.


the rapture (catching up of believers) is not the same event as the return of jesus to earth to destroy all evil and set up his kingdom.
he's talking about israel and their sacrifices to baal.

lol!!!baal?????? Lol!!! Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil and to set up his kingdom here and rule the nations with a rod of iron as king of kings,lord of lords!

Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil ...

Rapture can only occur after evil has already been destroyed ...

Rapture - the Triumph of Good over Evil - is the reason God awaits to return - not to do the task that others have failed to fulfill themselves but to reward those who have accomplished the prophecy.

... or otherwise GISMYS, your reward will be Damnation.


Damnation sounds like a life sentence. Couldn't we just get JIZZMIZZ to take a plea on being painfully stupid ?
You know..................Christians really like to talk about being Raptured, because they believe that their belief system is the only "right" one, and anyone that disagrees with them is automatically consigned to eternal damnation.

Only one problem.................humans can't be "eternal", only God can, because eternal means you've always been here, always will be here and you have no past, present or future, only "now".

And.......................incidentally, John 3:16 states "for God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosovever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life".

We are only promised everlasting life, meaning you have a beginning (your birth), and therefore CANNOT be eternal.

And finally......................what gives you the authority to consign someone to hell? Didn't Jesus Himself say "judge not, lest ye be judged"?
lol!!!baal?????? Lol!!! Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil and to set up his kingdom here and rule the nations with a rod of iron as king of kings,lord of lords!

Jesus comes back to earth to destroy all evil ...

Rapture can only occur after evil has already been destroyed ...

Rapture - the Triumph of Good over Evil - is the reason God awaits to return - not to do the task that others have failed to fulfill themselves but to reward those who have accomplished the prophecy.

... or otherwise GISMYS, your reward will be Damnation.


Damnation sounds like a life sentence. Couldn't we just get JIZZMIZZ to take a plea on being painfully stupid ?

If Gism was just stupid he would not be guilty of any sin, but because he claims to see, his stupidity has taken a deliberate turn towards evil.

and he has his reward already....
You know..................Christians really like to talk about being Raptured, because they believe that their belief system is the only "right" one, and anyone that disagrees with them is automatically consigned to eternal damnation.

Only one problem.................humans can't be "eternal", only God can, because eternal means you've always been here, always will be here and you have no past, present or future, only "now".

And.......................incidentally, John 3:16 states "for God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosovever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life".

We are only promised everlasting life, meaning you have a beginning (your birth), and therefore CANNOT be eternal.

And finally......................what gives you the authority to consign someone to hell? Didn't Jesus Himself say "judge not, lest ye be judged"?

Eternal has several definitions:

1.without beginning and end, that which always has been and always will be

2.without beginning

3.without end, never to cease, everlasting

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon

We qualify by using definition #3 "without end" and not #2 "without beginning" although we existed in God's mind before we were created:

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

We don't consign anyone to hell and we would rather take you with us. It is not our job to make final judgments because anyone can change, have a change of heart, change their mind, turn, return, etc. The ball is in your court as long as the Holy Spirit helps you make that choice but you might not make that choice on your own.

We can tell you what the Bible says.
I had a dream last night....

The rapture will take place at 12:43 today. All those of the correct religious faith will rise in Rapture

It should be quite a sight
. . .It should be quite a sight

The sight of nearly 4 million Koreans (North and South) floating upward, or the look on GISMYS's face upon discovering that only the Cheondoists had it right?

Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

Someone should try to get the word out to those jean skirt-wearing fundy chicks. No skimpy panties today, Ladies; the whole world might be looking upward!
. . .It should be quite a sight

The sight of nearly 4 million Koreans (North and South) floating upward, or the look on GISMYS's face upon discovering that only the Cheondoists had it right?

Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
The sight of nearly 4 million Koreans (North and South) floating upward, or the look on GISMYS's face upon discovering that only the Cheondoists had it right?

Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! PSALM 53:1 AND YOU???
Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! PSALM 53:1 AND YOU???

There have been some 250 end times dates set since 1900.
I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! PSALM 53:1 AND YOU???

There have been some 250 end times dates set since 1900.

Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! PSALM 53:1 AND YOU???

I did not say there is no God, I said if there is only one God who has no visible shape or material form, who has no equal, and there is no other god above or below him then the god that you believe in, a coequal virgin diddling mangod, does not exist.

I believe in God, you believe in a lie. You say that there is no such God who has no equal, you worship a false coequal trinity.

you are the fool.
Rapture is only a few hours away..

I'm starting to get excited. I hope I make it

I suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! PSALM 53:1 AND YOU???

Rapture is in less than an hour....I'm excited, are you?

12:43PM Official Rapture starts
i suspect that those who have no belief in an invisible coequal edible triune god that has no equal, that became a man, will fair much better than those who have dedicated their lives to a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

only fools say in their hearts,
“there is no god.”
they are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
not one of them does good! Psalm 53:1 and you???

i did not say there is no god, i said if there is only one god who has no visible shape or material form, who has no equal, and there is no other god above or below him then the god that you believe in, a coequal virgin diddling mangod, does not exist.

I believe in god, you believe in a lie. You say that there is no such god who has no equal, you worship a false coequal trinity.

You are the fool.

almighty god is father ,son and holyspirit just as man is body,soul and spirit=three but one!!!!

12:15 PM (EST) and counting.

Have you accepted Haneullim as your personal Lord and Savior?

Remember Pascal's Wager, GISMYS?

What if the Cheondoists are right and you're wrong? :dunno:

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