Rashida Tlaib Calls To ‘Shut Down ICE,’ Encouraging Hunger Strikes

Jerry Nadler should go on a hunger strike.

Yup and Tlaib right along with him. I support her decision to go on a hunger strike 100%.

Hope she croaks so we can send her body back to the shithole middle east.

Can you point to anyone/anything that makes the Ds look even more odious? She appears to be one of the GOP's greatest assets for 2020.

Yup. She and the other death cult bitch are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.
I support a RIGHT TO STARVE law. Any person who decides to starve should NEVER be treated with such interventions as IV's nasogastric feeding tube--
or transabdominal feeding tube-----they should be left to die "with dignity"
of course----I should add that food should be MADE AVAILABLE to the voluntary starvers

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