Rasmussen On "Wave:" Same 9% Opposed, Different Party


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Any day now, the Rasmussen Robot may likely be laid to rest(?)! What Rasmussen at least points out in the tracking polls report:

"Republicans lead by nine on the Generic Congressional Ballot. It’s worth noting that despite all the talk of momentum and waves, this measure of Election 2010 has remained fairly steady all year. In fact, the first release of our Generic Ballot numbers in January showed a nine-point edge for the GOP which matches the current spread. The change took place in 2009, a year that began with Democrats enjoying a 7-point edge on inauguration day and ended up badly behind. As Scott Rasmussen has noted, 'Voters are prepared to vote against the party in power for the third straight election. The only thing that has changed is the party in power.'"

Since Gallup finds that 59% of Democrats prefer their incumbents, versus only 22% and 23% respective--of GOP and Independents--then Democratic incumbents do not appear to be as much a target of voter disapproval, as opposed to commentator. . . .Probably making a bundle of bucks. . . ."disapproval." These people do have liquid. . . .gathering places for exchange of ideas and information!

It is noted elsewhere that House races tagged, "leans GOP," are often statistical ties, with lots of voters undecided,. The commentators somehow categorize those races as evidence of "The Tide," or "The Curse," or maybe "Like-Hearst(?)" slanted view of it all. Because they are tied, they must be a part of maybe, "A Great Intelligent Design To It All," like Haiti, or East Africa!

Anyone seems to notice that we are now in the 44th consecutive administration which appears to know nothing, about either place(?). . .unless this one does, and. . . .well!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone can guess that Bush II, Terms I and II represent the more traditonal understanding of the First African American President in history: 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things. Mostly the current administration doesn't want to be seen as the "President of The Blacks," which then, just somehow, becomes their excuse!)
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Have the voter demographic liklihoods, changed at all since 2008? Famous Gallup Organization has tended to a slight over-statement of Republican turnouts: In the current century.

In 2010, 18% of famous Gallup respondents identify "size of government" as their hot-button, turn-out issue. That tiny reponse button hits: For 87% of Republicans. Democrats tend to hit a, "Say, what?" level button for that particular button. The Democrats overwhelming favor Democrats for solving the economy, and on the Heath Care issue. Gallup seems to find the tiny-button folk, a greater outpouring than the Democrats on the two bigger buttons.

Economy Top Issue for Voters; Size of Gov't May Be More Pivotal

Gallup has famously further described the likely voters as being high or low turn-out, kinds of likely voters. The likely voters in the low turnout model tend to be Republican, with Democrats not very much included, The differences in the low voter turnout are universally in low double digits in the moribund weeks, before this week, Favoring the GOP.

In the high turnout computing, the Democrats appear to show up. So in recent weeks, the difference between the high turnout GOP and Democratic voters drops by half, from 18% to 9% in the generic vote difference. The 9% difference tends to match Rasmussen--who discerns no trends. So if the Gallup trend holds to another 50% drop in the more noticed week of the campaign, Then more likely the Republican, challenging the Republican, for the Senate in Alaska will win, if the Democrat doesn't. The Democrat could even win in the Alaska Senate race: With hardly any votes. In the GOP, the fanatics eat one another up, and without even biting the heads off one another first! Lincoln did that(?), famously, in a time long-ago. It is not clear, now, if Republicans want to bring that up, or even discuss. . . .well!

In recent elections, Gallup has tended to overstate the Republican turnout, a tiny and a very tiny bit. Now Gallup shows that the Republicans tend more to lunatic issues of size and socialism--on a planet wherein size and socialism are actually fairly normal, and even miners even get rescue bail-outs! The Democratic voters seem to know about bread, butter, medicine, housing, clothing and shelter. There is a strong suggestion that they don't seem to have a much money. . . .compared, for example, to the White House official and administrative offices. The Kennedy's used to forgo any income from politics. (And maybe the White House, just happen to notice what that got 'em(?)--unless it's something else(?)!)

Democrats in an economic year, in fact, have apparently noticed that their people really do vote early, and probably often, so far in the election under way!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Prophet, Rev. Jeremiah Wright probably said very best after all. The Universities even refused to let speak at commencement addresses--based on the "ambience" thing!)
When the generic polls ballots are taken, the Independents don't choose one of their own, but in fact choose something that the Democrats made--which was health care, the stimulus, the jobs turn-around, and the stock market surge--or that the Republicans made(?)!

The Republicans chose street gang, head-stomping, and invectives instead. The Tea Party GOP famously wants everybody Amish.

It is not shown that auto-workers intend everybody Amish.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young brave take strong medicine of energized White Eyes creation--fall down unconscious like they do! Hmmm! Rodent Zapped with lightening from many pellet guns not make it to polling place, even: Much less booth!)

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