Rasmussen poll has Governor Scott Walker's disapproval rating near 60%

Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

:lol: Uh, yes they did.

I guess you missed the part where all of the Democrats left the chamber and entered a room that none of the Republicans where allowed to go into while the bill was being crafted. Let me remind you.

Back doored it from the people after promising to post it for 24 hours prior to voting on it.

I could go on, but I am getting bored of it. Most on here know the truth about how this bill came to be.
I bet if they frog-march those dem senators on national tv when the state police arrest them his numbers will improve.
Rasmussen poll has Governor Scott Walker's disapproval rating near 60% - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

A new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows that nearly 60% of Wisconsin's likely voters now disapprove of Governor Scott Walker's job performance. According to the poll of 800 likely Wisconsin voters from March 2nd, a majority (57%) now disapprove of Walker. Of larger concern to Walker is the fact that 48% of likely Wisconsin voters now "strongly disapprove" of Walker. Walker was not elected by a large margin, defeating his Democratic opponent by a four-point margin (52-48). Now only 43% approve of the job Walker is doing, making him potentially ripe for a recall bid.

The poll is significant as Rasmussen Reports tends to actually favor Republicans. According to pollster guru Nate Silver, Rasmussen tended to give Republicans a four point "bump" in their polls when compared to the actual results from the 2010 election. If Rasmussen is still favoring Republicans with their likely voter model, the true numbers for Governor may be even worse than Rasmussen is reporting.


It's ever so much more important to win a popularity contest than it is to do the right thing for the 5 million Wisconsin citizens.. He's got four years to prove he was right. I would vote for him if I could. Course you being a demonRat all you would do is go down to the basement and print more useless currency.. you make a perfect liberal..
I actually agree with most of what Governor Walker wants to do, but I nevertheless can't say that I approve of his performance. He's been unable to get a deal done with the Democrats. He's been very stubborn and unwilling to move at all. If the threatened layoffs happen, I'll be officially pissed at both Walker and the state Democrats. Any kind of deal will be better than layoffs. The brilliant politicians in Wisconsin may end up giving us the worst possible outcome for both parties.

We dont want him to compromise. he did not get elected to compromise with the same people who got Wisconsin in this state of erray to begin with.....they had there chances and this is how the state ended up when they where in power.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

Now hunny bunny.. You know in liberal land it's a bit hypocritical, they expect one thing of themselves and another of Republicans.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

:lol: Uh, yes they did.

I guess you missed the part where all of the Democrats left the chamber and entered a room that none of the Republicans where allowed to go into while the bill was being crafted. Let me remind you.

Back doored it from the people after promising to post it for 24 hours prior to voting on it.

I could go on, but I am getting bored of it. Most on here know the truth about how this bill came to be.

And THEN they (the demonRats) had to kiss each other's ass with sweetheart deals to git er done.
Polls Schmolls!! A few months ago - in November - the people of Wisconsin voted in a real poll - Walker won by a very comfortable margin.
Wisconsin used to be one of the bases for socialism (not the revolutionary type) from 1910 onwards to the 1950's. How many here knew that?
I actually agree with most of what Governor Walker wants to do, but I nevertheless can't say that I approve of his performance. He's been unable to get a deal done with the Democrats. He's been very stubborn and unwilling to move at all. If the threatened layoffs happen, I'll be officially pissed at both Walker and the state Democrats. Any kind of deal will be better than layoffs. The brilliant politicians in Wisconsin may end up giving us the worst possible outcome for both parties.

We dont want him to compromise. he did not get elected to compromise with the same people who got Wisconsin in this state of erray to begin with.....they had there chances and this is how the state ended up when they where in power.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

The Democrats didn't get the very popular public option in the healthcare bill because a 41 Senator minority blocked it.
Polls Schmolls!! A few months ago - in November - the people of Wisconsin voted in a real poll - Walker won by a very comfortable margin.

Yes, Zander, we're aware of that. But, I think even a shill like you understands that THAT particular poll took place before this whole debacle.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

:lol: Uh, yes they did.

they did? last i checked the vote had nary a single rep...?
I actually agree with most of what Governor Walker wants to do, but I nevertheless can't say that I approve of his performance. He's been unable to get a deal done with the Democrats. He's been very stubborn and unwilling to move at all. If the threatened layoffs happen, I'll be officially pissed at both Walker and the state Democrats. Any kind of deal will be better than layoffs. The brilliant politicians in Wisconsin may end up giving us the worst possible outcome for both parties.

We dont want him to compromise. he did not get elected to compromise with the same people who got Wisconsin in this state of erray to begin with.....they had there chances and this is how the state ended up when they where in power.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

if they had the numbers then they wouldnt of had to make deals and there would have been no need to "backdoor" it and ram it through.
The dems will pay? Dude what kind of spin machine are you a part of? This is some rich bullshit. Its like you are completely ignoring reality and inserting your own version of it.

Which in turn means you are dangerous, your style of thought has no meaningful result, and should be removed from ever holding any office. (people like you as well)
Your very post contradicts the Polling Modbert posted and the thread i made about Walker. Which shows you are ignoring reality that what Walker is doing is not a good thing. Standing your ground is actually hurting your chances and those chances where slim to begin with. ( again according to the Poll)

The dems and unions agreed to cutbacks, but not on collective bargaining, and yet Walker wont budge and his numbers are slipping. But hey you keep on with your fake reality.

they made those deals with their own caucus.

and you are ignoring that in the final analysis, elections have results. the dems were voted out, walker and reps in. Ipso the system only works or I should say is allowed to work when one side gets what they ant, if not they withdraw from the system, slice it anyway you like, that is the fact.
Polls Schmolls!! A few months ago - in November - the people of Wisconsin voted in a real poll - Walker won by a very comfortable margin.

Yes, Zander, we're aware of that. But, I think even a shill like you understands that THAT particular poll took place before this whole debacle.

and this is germane how?
Polls Schmolls!! A few months ago - in November - the people of Wisconsin voted in a real poll - Walker won by a very comfortable margin.

Yes, Zander, we're aware of that. But, I think even a shill like you understands that THAT particular poll took place before this whole debacle.

and this is germane how?

I had to look up 'Germane.' :)

Because, nobody's claiming he was unpopular before the election. We're talking about his actions now. That said, I'd query as to why Zander's post was germane - But it's the same reason I arrive at for all of his posts.
if they had the numbers then they wouldnt of had to make deals and there would have been no need to "backdoor" it and ram it through.
The dems will pay? Dude what kind of spin machine are you a part of? This is some rich bullshit. Its like you are completely ignoring reality and inserting your own version of it.

Which in turn means you are dangerous, your style of thought has no meaningful result, and should be removed from ever holding any office. (people like you as well)
Your very post contradicts the Polling Modbert posted and the thread i made about Walker. Which shows you are ignoring reality that what Walker is doing is not a good thing. Standing your ground is actually hurting your chances and those chances where slim to begin with. ( again according to the Poll)

The dems and unions agreed to cutbacks, but not on collective bargaining, and yet Walker wont budge and his numbers are slipping. But hey you keep on with your fake reality.

they made those deals with their own caucus.

and you are ignoring that in the final analysis, elections have results. the dems were voted out, walker and reps in. Ipso the system only works or I should say is allowed to work when one side gets what they ant, if not they withdraw from the system, slice it anyway you like, that is the fact.

again they had to make deals in order to "ram" it through. Their own people wouldnt even go along with it. Thats not ramming, thats having trouble when you own party wont go along with the original.

yes Walker was elected, i wasnt disputing that......:cuckoo:

no that is not how the system works, Deals, bargains, cuts, additions are always a part of deals. Walker isnt dealing, he is holding firm. He is paying for it right now. I am sure if it gets worse he can be repealed as well. I know they are already working on 8 Senators.

So no its not as clearcut as you are making it. Elections are not set in stone run around do what you want.

it is in this case, he is not negotiating amongst his own , at least I have not heard that, he has been stopped by a short circuiting of the system by folks who have vaporized themselves, it if weren't so, we would not be having this conversation. Let the dems come back and have a vote. its really that simple.
I actually agree with most of what Governor Walker wants to do, but I nevertheless can't say that I approve of his performance. He's been unable to get a deal done with the Democrats. He's been very stubborn and unwilling to move at all. If the threatened layoffs happen, I'll be officially pissed at both Walker and the state Democrats. Any kind of deal will be better than layoffs. The brilliant politicians in Wisconsin may end up giving us the worst possible outcome for both parties.

We dont want him to compromise. he did not get elected to compromise with the same people who got Wisconsin in this state of erray to begin with.....they had there chances and this is how the state ended up when they where in power.
Did the Democrats compromise on the halthcare bill? No, they back doored it and rammed it through because they had the numbers to do it. At least walker invited the democrats to the table, but they skip out and leave the state. The Dems will pay for this in 2012, count on that.

The Democrats didn't get the very popular public option in the healthcare bill because a 41 Senator minority blocked it.

ahh so they voted...?
again they had to make deals in order to "ram" it through. Their own people wouldnt even go along with it. Thats not ramming, thats having trouble when you own party wont go along with the original.

yes Walker was elected, i wasnt disputing that......:cuckoo:

no that is not how the system works, Deals, bargains, cuts, additions are always a part of deals. Walker isnt dealing, he is holding firm. He is paying for it right now. I am sure if it gets worse he can be repealed as well. I know they are already working on 8 Senators.

So no its not as clearcut as you are making it. Elections are not set in stone run around do what you want.

it is in this case, he is not negotiating amongst his own , at least I have not heard that, he has been stopped by a short circuiting of the system by folks who have vaporized themselves, it if weren't so, we would not be having this conversation. Let the dems come back and have a vote. its really that simple.

again the union agreed to the cuts, just not the collective bargaining part. Walker is putting his foot down for all of nothing.

well, thats your opinion. *shrugs*.

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