Rate the Presidents of which you of have first hand knowledge ...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....
Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....
DURING REAGAN ADMINISTRATION 10 Embassy attacks 318 deaths 1 US ambassador killed 18 CiA officers 254 Marines Number of investigations 1
Obama : Saved us from a depression, fought terrorism, Obamacare, Strong economy

Reagan: Rescued the economy, negotiated the collapse of USSR,

LBJ: Strongest Civil Rights President, Medicare, poverty programs, space program…….ruined by Vietnam

JFK: Showed great promise, Cuban Missile crisis, Peace Corps, weak on Civil Rights

Clinton: Outstanding economy, balanced budget…..Lewinsky paralyzed his legacy

Biden: Got us out of COVID, strengthened NATO, Infrastructure……weak on border

Bush 41: Strong economy, Dessert Storm

Nixon: Negotiated end of Vietnam, EPA, China…..Watergate destroyed his legacy

Ford: Paralyzed by Watergate aftermath and Nixon pardon

Carter: Israel/Egypt peace accord, runaway inflation, Iran hostages

Bush 45: 9-11, Started two unnecessary wars, massive economic collapse

Trump: Inept leadership during COVID, fractured US alliances, destroyed key treaties, refused to peacefully transition presidency, Jan 6, Twice impeached
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My List:

1) Reagan .....Obviously

2)JFK....a distant memory but killed off the KKK and was firm on the Commy filth.

3) Trump ...Excellent policies both domestic and International. Covid response was good though the State responses were beyond his control...unfinished business.

4) Clinton.......Had the good sense to leave the running of the country to Newt.

5) Bush ..........good President

6) LBJ..................mucked up Vietnam and expanded the nanny state.

7) Carter ....................failed in Iran but OK otherwise; not much inspiration and poor on the economy

8) Obama..............divider-in-Chief

9) Biden ...TDS nincompooper

Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....
Just take your list and flip it over and you will have the reasonable list.
So LBJ spied on the Nixon campaign?? (From your link). I should have dropped him below Carter.

"decided against it because they lacked “absolute proof” that Nixon was personally involved"

So you lied.

Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....

By "first hand knowledge" I assume you mean within our lifetime?

It's uncanny that I was literally thinking about this earlier today.

I'd say:

1) Trump (Best President, with best results ever, non-politician who incensed the Establishment crooks and had the most enthusiastic base ever....Obama 2008 could compete, but that base didn't have the same endurance level. Abrams Accords, secure borders, low unemployment, low inflation, reformed NAFTA, peaceful World...I could go on....)

2) Reagan (Best conventional President who brought the USSR to its knees and put the Us Economy on turbo charge, but his immigration policy prevented him from attaining the god like status he is often mistakenly delegated.)

3) Bill Clinton (Yes folks, he is better than Bush Jr., sorry. Had horrible intentions and was a total slimeball, but his second term with Newt Gingrich in the House saw some of the most hopeful days America has ever known - including the last balanced budget we've seen....judging ONLY his policy decisions....not him as a person.)

4) Obama (Yep. As horrible and repugnant as Obama was, he actually did an OK job at the border and still maintained a facade of patriotism. That's the best I can say for him. He also largely began the racial division we know today after an early 21st century renaissance, and he perpetuated the interventionist foreign policy/spy state he inherited from Bush Jr. His middling position on this list is only thanks to how bad some of our other Commander In Chief have been...)

5) Carter (Was too young to remember in real time, but looking back his Presidency is mostly known as an epic failure. And his Iran conflagration is all too familiar in this age of Democrat-Muslim posterior kissing. Not to mention the familiarity of inflation and high gas prices.)

6) Bush Jr. (A particularly abysmal, horrible low life who grew the govt. at an unprecedented rate and created the administrative spy state we know today - while initiating an illegal war and tanking the budget surplus birthed by Clinton/Gingrich. His Veepee was also the worst in history. Yeah, even worse than Kackles who is too stupid to be as evil. He shot a guy in the face.)

7) Biden (Not even truly the President, and polls now show a majority believe the 2020 election he "won" where he attained more black votes than Obama was not believable. Called half the country "semi-fascists" while pretending to be a uniter. Purposely opened the border, made inflation the worst since Carter by constraining energy resources and printing currency into infinity. His global weakness saw the summoning forth of Putin, Xi Jin Ping and Iran at levels they never would have dared approach under a Trump presidency. But Carter loves him - makes him look good.)

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Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....
Obama, Bush, Bush (in any order)

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