Ratings disaster for RNC

We are not couch potatos
We get out and do things like vote. We are also quiet and productive people who don’t scream at the sky about what we want or what we are going to do
I didn't watch either of the conventions. I've seen clips of some of both but not much.

From what I saw the democrats put on a much more positive and better convention.

Seems the rest of America did what I did with the rnc. Didn't watch. LOL.

The ratings for the rnc are terrible and well deserved.

Americans won't watch trump and the republicans lie to them. I know I won't.

Americans would rather watch America's Got Talent and Kamala Harris than republicans lie to them.

That is really interesting. I do not know whether to be impress by the public's choice to turn off the phony reality show of the RNC or be disappointed, they may have been simply making a mindless entertainment choice between two reality shows.

I think America is just tired of being lied to.

Even a fake reality America's Got Talent is less of a lie than the trump mess.
I think America is tired of Democrat bureaucrats and their failure in Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland.

America is tired of people who claim use partisan political dogma to divide and criticize their fellow Americans. They're also tired of the lying Republicans. When everything you tell your voters about what is going on is a lie, it doesn't say much for your policies or their effect on the American people.
Give us one example of something the Republican party is saying that is a lie. Go ahead.
DL is an idiot, so don't bother.
I don't give a damn about what anybody says.
I give a damn about the legislation Trump is shoving down their throats.
What did he write? Executive orders? How many EOs did he kill of the last guy? Don't last long, even if the court doesn't make him re-write until their even legal, do they?

Those were the days when Republicans had enough supporters to win elections. Now they have to lie, cheat, gerrymander, and suppress the vote in order to hang on to power at all costs.
Give me an example of Republican voter fraud and I'll give you one of Democrat voter fraud.
Pretty funny, especially considering how obsessed Trump is with ratings.

I'm sure he has an excuse.

Yes he is very obsessed with ratings.

That's the best part about this. trump is going to flip out.

Expect a twitter childish rant this weekend.
I'm still blown away that the only response he could muster when asked about the NBA not playing games because of what's happening across the country is "I know their ratings are bad".

I try to keep my standards and expectations for this guy as low as possible, but I'm still sometimes a little surprised.

I have learned that when it comes to trump and his people, there is no low that is too low.
"The cable effect was profound on Night 4, and certainly more so than the first three nights, seeing as earlier indicators from broadcast-only viewership indicated a decrease.

That said, across the 13 aforementioned cable and broadcast channels, the RNC Night 4 audience fell just shy of the DNC’s own closing night (which drew 24.6 million). Similarly, Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s Night 4 nomination acceptance speech outdrew President Donald Trump’s, 23.6 million viewers to 21.6 million."

That's likely not good news for Democrats...as many on the right make a point not to watch MSM broadcasts.

I don't think I've watched any non-internet based programming in a couple of years.
Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

The total number of views for the RNC/DNC across TV and online are; RNC 147.9 million, DNC 122 million
Let's not pretend most of the country had to watch that train wreck.... would Plugs shit the bed in front of the entire planet? I had to know, for one. He didn't. He read at the level of a 4th grader and was immediately whisked off to the safety of the basement again.

Whew.... the marxist shitstains can breathe again..... until the debates!!!!!!!!!!

The total number of views for the RNC/DNC across TV and online are; RNC 147.9 million, DNC 122 million

The marxist rodents actually like being exposed as pathological liars. It's something about the low self-esteem and self-loathing they wallow in.
In all fairness Democrats had a far better show overall...

Nobody will beat the comedy value of Don Jr Girlfriend shouting and Don Jr cocaine induced rant...

It shows that people react differently to drugs, that is GOP diversity...

yeah, all the low IQ pussygrabber's relatives had a shit show of anger and hate, only topped by the orange orangutan himself, with the most incoherent rant in history..

View attachment 381189View attachment 381190

Pelosi led the Democratic Party into the history books by affecting the 1st politically partisan Impeachment in US history based on SOUR GRAPES BUTT-HURT OVER AN ELECTION LOSS...


Bravo, Democrats / snowflakes...

This topic is a Hoax
Trumps total viewership exceeded Biden's by15%

Also on this facts check nonsense. You liberals never use facts therefore you would be unable to check on what you have no knowledge of. What you do comment on is that any statements that don’t match your feelings or what you wish was factually happening then you incorrectly label that as a non fact.

Biden’s a wuss and won’t debate. He can’t go deep into point counterpoint without flubbing badly. So like the basement dweller that he and you libs are-he’s going to send out The Kamala to do it.
Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

You jumped the gun son....

It makes sense that Stelter and others in the media didn’t wait for the complete picture, because the complete picture showed that a lot more people tuned into the Republican National Convention than the Democratic National Convention.

A lot more.

Across television and online streaming, the Republican National Convention got 147.9 million total viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Democratic National Convention got 122 million total viewers, according to figures released by both campaigns.

Now, I’m not a math genius, but I’m pretty sure 147.9 million is bigger than 122 million.

The Trump campaign also raised $76 million during its convention, compared to the $70 million the Biden campaign raised during its convention.

Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

Fake News:

Across television and online streaming, the Republican National Convention got 147.9 million total viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Democratic National Convention got 122 million total viewers, according to figures released by both campaigns.

Just to clear up any of your confusion: 147.9 million is 21.2% MORE than 122 million.
There is no way to calculate but for sure most viewers tuned in to Biden's short 20 minute speech to see him trip over his tongue but it was well rehearsed and democrats were able to catch their breath when it was over. The shortest nomination speech since Walter Mondale.
I did watch Biden's speech. Curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see if he was actually still alive. As for the TV ratings, I watch everything online now a days. I don't want my viewing interrupted by talking heads all night. I knew Biden would get a lot of views. First, he hasn't been seen in months, while Trump is on TV every day. Second, many wanted to see what kind of condition Biden was in mentally. But, as usual Trump crushed him overall and will do so again on election day.
Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

Fake News:

Across television and online streaming, the Republican National Convention got 147.9 million total viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Democratic National Convention got 122 million total viewers, according to figures released by both campaigns.

Just to clear up any of your confusion: 147.9 million is 21.2% MORE than 122 million.
Took two days for someone to make that up. There isn’t an organization tracking online views of speeches. There is for TV. Suck it. Republicans blew it bigly. Bwahaha. Blue Sunami coming!
Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

Fake News:

Across television and online streaming, the Republican National Convention got 147.9 million total viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Democratic National Convention got 122 million total viewers, according to figures released by both campaigns.

Just to clear up any of your confusion: 147.9 million is 21.2% MORE than 122 million.
Took two days for someone to make that up. There isn’t an organization tracking online views of speeches. There is for TV. Suck it. Republicans blew it bigly. Bwahaha. Blue Sunami coming!
Fake News.

Democrats did well on commercial television -- ABC, CNS, CNN, FOX, NBC, and MSNBC. Why wouldn't they? Those are their networks. Even Fox, which has Chris Wallace as its DC leader.

But commercial TV was only part of the story.

Republicans watched online and on CSPAN. Those were the only ways to get around the Big Foot anchors and Acosta-style correspondents who talked over the RNC, which put on a great show with ordinary people who were not politicians or Hollywood stars. They gave testimony to the greatness of Donald Trump's presidency.
Wow. So far every night the RNC drew fewer viewers than the DNC. Not even close. Plus Republicans don’t know how to view on the net.

Even with the sports world turned upside down by wildcat strikes across the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB Wednesday, the third night of the Republican National Convention failed to draw impressive ratings.

About 17.3 million people tuned in to the 10 p.m. block Wednesday night, when Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech, approximately two million fewer than the night before, when first lady Melania Trump was at bat, according to Nielsen ratings.

By comparison, almost 22.8 million viewers tuned in for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention last week, which included vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

The DNC in 2016 had more viewers as well
Desperation. And Joe the ho is still cowering in his basement. MAGA.

can't wait to hear about the spike in covid cases in about 2 weeks from all the dolts that were at the white house fiasco. traitor tot's whore, & several secret service/campaign workers got it in tulsa & the odds are bigley, that's where herman cain got it & died.
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Pervasive Sense of Fear From Left Wing Violence In Blue Cities Will Help Trump Win Election.

The harassment of Paul was similar to a viral video of a group of protesters surrounding a woman at a Washington restaurant, shouting at her while she tried to eat dinner.

"These were disturbing images," Continetti said. "And very similar to the images that went viral on Twitter this week of a group of activists basically haranguing, in Maoist fashion, someone dining outdoors in Washington, D.C., and basically taunting and harassing her into raising her fist in affiliation with their aims."
Vindictive mentally ill liberals hoping desperately once again for a spike in Covid cases for Trump inauguration attendees. This is who want to run the country
The hoped for spikes never come because Covid has not “spiked” for 4 months.

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