ratings for Jan 6th hearings crushed by reruns of Young Sheldon ..

You know, poster Meister, if it WAS about 'inflation, immigration, food and energy'......you'd still be offering your opinion about something you know nothing about ....because........well because you ain't watching anyway.

True that?
Did you watch the third hearings today? No? :auiqs.jpg:

I just stated what it would take for your ilk getting more people to watch, that's all.
Don't shoot me, I'm just the piano player. :rolleyes-41:
Bwhaaaaahahaha! Chillicothe: “ WHY WON‘T YOU LISTEN”!!!
Riddle me this RFC: How could you know it was a "clown show" if you are too irresponsible to watch and listen to it?

Look, it is like this poster RFC, expressing an opinion about something you know nothing about really....really.....doesn't polish your apple with the teacher.

Trust me.

Apparently you don't know much about it either since you can't answer a simple question. It's a clown show because it has no relevance to anything other than "get Trump" which doesn't work and never has worked. It's just like the two phony impeachments which I did watch some of-- a clown show. People lying, trying to make an issue out of nothing, making up their own rules and to hell with the House rules, the fake crying. A clown show.
Apparently you don't know much about it either since you can't answer a simple question.
Don't get discouraged with me, poster RFC.
In my life there are oodles and oodles of 'simple questions' I can't answer.
Personally, I just live with it. It's kinda the way the cards fall sometimes.

But, more specifically to your issue about what crime did Trump commit.....well, patience, Grasshopper.
We are only 1/3 of the way through the announced hearings......the cake is baking.
Let it.


Try watching the third hearing (it's tomorrow).
What can it hurt?
Be just little adventurous.
A walk on the wild side.

ps......let us know how it goes.
Don't get discouraged with me, poster RFC.
In my life there are oodles and oodles of 'simple questions' I can't answer.
Personally, I just live with it. It's kinda the way the cards fall sometimes.

But, more specifically to your issue about what crime did Trump commit.....well, patience, Grasshopper.
We are only 1/3 of the way through the announced hearings......the cake is baking.
Let it.


Try watching the third hearing (it's tomorrow).
What can it hurt?
Be just little adventurous.
A walk on the wild side.

ps......let us know how it goes.

I don't spend much time watching television during global warming. It's such a short season up north and precipitation across the country always seems to make it's way to Cleveland, so we have to enjoy it while we can.

One would think if there was any allegation of a crime committed it would be front and center, not three days of agonizing boredom and still nothing. Then you wonder how I can call it a clown show? For crying out loud, even the Communists knew it was going to be this boring. Why do you think they hired an entertainment executive from a major network to conduct it? Because it's a planned clown show.
I don't spend much time watching television during global warming.

Well, maybe frame it, poster RFC, as a civic duty. A patriotic thing to observe the machinations of how our governance works...and doesn't work. Not to mention the human-to-human responsibility of having knowledge of that which one opines on.

Today's hearing, as I read the descriptions, is about the pressure campaign by Don Trump to force Mike Pence to un-Constitutionally block the results of the election. We'll see how persuasive the witnesses can be. All of us, the Committee and us citizens, are dependent upon that.....the witnesses. Their veracity, their credibility and their circumstance of being 'in a position to know'. So, it should be interesting.

As an aside, the hearing I am most curious about is the one on the attempts to corrupt the DOJ with the installation of Jeffery Clark and the cockamamie stratagem to have the DOJ issue a letter to states that Trump lost stating that their elections were believed to be corrupt. And then what would happen? Well, Trump stated.....“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.”

So that hearing oughta be interesting. I expect there to be some skinned knees and maybe bloody noses. Metaphorically speaking.
No, folks, I'm serious. What did you think of Benjamin Ginsburg's testimony today?
I thought ex-AG Barr was credible today too.
Did you also think so?

Are you gonna watch again on Wednesday?

I hope so, then you can join us here and share your perceptive insights.

Just sayin'. ;)

Did you think Barr was credible when Trump appointed him?
This is not meant to be entertainment, you want people to stay ignorant. Combined the ratings makes it one of the most watched shows of the year... Unlike other events there is no exclusive tv rights deal...

This is going to end with an audience of 12 people who will really matter... It is becoming very clear that Trump broke the law...

You leftists have to combine ratings to lie to yourselves. I love it.
It is not my intention to discombobulate you.

Rather, here's the gig: : You come onto this venue and express an opinion on a current matter much in the news, the Hearings.
But then you promptly admit you haven't watched or listened to what you say you know so much about.
In short.... and this is on you, not me......but in short, you cannot know what you are talking about if you refuse to learn about what you want to talk about.

I'm mildly sure you know that. One should not assertively offer one's opinion on something one knows nothing about.... Or hell, has made no effort to learn anything about.

It makes you look....or rather, makes your avatar look.......well, like a very poor student.
Like the guy who comes into the DewDropInn and spouts off his opinion......that everybody knows is based on zero knowledge.
So all the regulars looks down into their pint, or up at the ceiling....waiting.
Waiting for the empty-drum to quiet down so they can go back to talking about stuff THEY know something about.

Good luck. And I hope the simile ain't too obvious

Listening to BS doesn’t make one smarter or more informed. Quite the opposite.
Listening to BS doesn’t make one smarter or more informed.

How would you know?
If you don't invest the time and attention to give it a listen.
Don't be the kid who hates carrots....yet, has never ever ate one.
Walk on the wild side, LaL.
Think outside the box.
Be adventurous.
Nothing to be afraid of.
I'm fairly sure.
Did you think Barr was credible when Trump appointed him?

Yupper, I did.
Listened to his Senate hearing before the Judiciary Committee all the way in our drive to Florida for the winter.
He responded well. And some of the Senators did too. Some, not so much.
Kamala Harris was first rate. Direct, succinct, on point. Clearly, her former prosecutor chops showed.
Corey Booker....not so much. He windbagged it.
But Barr was OK. Certainly came across as more competent and with more gravitas than his predecessor, Jeff Sessions.

Thanks for asking.
Well, maybe frame it, poster RFC, as a civic duty. A patriotic thing to observe the machinations of how our governance works...and doesn't work. Not to mention the human-to-human responsibility of having knowledge of that which one opines on.

Today's hearing, as I read the descriptions, is about the pressure campaign by Don Trump to force Mike Pence to un-Constitutionally block the results of the election. We'll see how persuasive the witnesses can be. All of us, the Committee and us citizens, are dependent upon that.....the witnesses. Their veracity, their credibility and their circumstance of being 'in a position to know'. So, it should be interesting.

As an aside, the hearing I am most curious about is the one on the attempts to corrupt the DOJ with the installation of Jeffery Clark and the cockamamie stratagem to have the DOJ issue a letter to states that Trump lost stating that their elections were believed to be corrupt. And then what would happen? Well, Trump stated.....“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.”

So that hearing oughta be interesting. I expect there to be some skinned knees and maybe bloody noses. Metaphorically speaking.

I'm glad you're going to be entertained. That's all this is about anyway.

Whatever Trump said is no violation of any law. Again, Trump like every other American is allowed free speech and yes, that includes having opinions on things like the election. He's allowed to think it was corrupt. He's allowed to tell people he thought it was corrupt. He's allowed to look for ways to reverse the decision as stupid as it may have been. The Communists used Thought Police in their first phony impeachment. They will go down as the most corrupt Congress in history. Of course they may be toppled by whatever it is the Republicans are going to impeach Dementia on and how many times they impeach him.

Stay tuned for the real 1/6 investigation when they focus on actions and not words. They are going to find out why Piglosi didn't accept the Presidents offer of having the National Guard there before the day even began. They are going to find out why no investigation of the officer that killed an unarmed military vet, and why this man with a record of incompetency with a gun was there at the Capital. They are going to find out what was in those thousands of hours of video in and out of the Capital that the commies are hiding even up to today. They are going to find out why Americans were (are) held for so long for trespassing with no ability to see a judge or post bail, nor have the right to a speedy trial by a jury of their peers as is outlined in our US Constitution (I know, the Communists hate our Constitution). They are going to find out what role the FBI played in sending agents to influence the crowd to invade the Capital, and where those orders came from.

You see, you're never going to find out any of these things in this staged dog and pony show. That's why it's a bore fest. Because this freak show has nothing to do with finding out what went on behind the scenes that led to the invasion, this is how to make President Trump look like he had something to do with it, or any other non-related issue to try and make him look bad. The power of Donald Trump is the biggest threat the Communist party ever faced, and their actions today are a clear display of that. But mark my words, they are going to pay heavily for it once we take control over the House again.
Umm, who is "they"?
Who is "we"?

ps....check your local listings. Schedule for 1pm EDT.

"They" are Piglosi and gang. "We" are the Republicans who are going to take a huge lead in the House and to a lesser degree a lead in the Senate. Americans are fed up at this point on how badly this country is being ran.

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