ratings for Jan 6th hearings crushed by reruns of Young Sheldon ..

"Okay, so tell me what law was broken."
Answered in post #99 just above.

But then, I would also suggest to poster Ray-from-Cleveland that he watch the short video offered by poster Synholic in this linked thread. (Post #109 there.)
Answered in post #99 just above.

But then, I would also suggest to poster Ray-from-Cleveland that he watch the short video offered by poster Synholic in this linked thread. (Post #109 there.)

You should have just said that you don't know. Stop with the baffle them with bullshit.
Answered in post #99 just above.

But then, I would also suggest to poster Ray-from-Cleveland that he watch the short video offered by poster Synholic in this linked thread. (Post #109 there.)

So in other words this is all a waste of time since there is not even an allegation of a crime committed. Free speech is not a crime, in fact it's protected by our US Constitution. Shoemaker said way more caustic things that led to the attack of the courthouse when Kavanugh was getting sworn in and now the planned attack on his life.
How do you learn something when you're just being spoon fed from one side?

What you learn, poster Meister, is that side.
Which is at least 50% more than if you listened to no side.
The math ain't hard.

But too, as my poor avatar has already posted: The 'other side'....the Republican side, was extensively discussed by, hold for it, Republicans, during the 2nd hearing.
Go watch a YouTube of that hearing. And if you object to hearing what the Committee members themselves say....5 Democrats and 2 Republicans....well then, stick to just what Republican witnesses say. Fast forward through Committee members comments.....and go straight to Bill Barr's testimony, Benjamin Greensburg's testimony, Bill Stepien's testimony, Al Schmidt's testimony.
They are all long time Republicans speaking under oath.
Hear what they have to say. Try to at least hear what Republicans are saying to the Committee. Try to be at least a little better informed.

Don't be that guy. That guy....or child....who holds his hands over his ears, closes his eyes and then loudly goes 'Lalalalalala'.....so he won't become aware of advice or direction given to him. (I think that Jeff Daniels did a riff on that behavior in the movie 'Dumb & Dumber.')

At least make an effort to learn.
What you learn, poster Meister, is that side.
Which is at least 50% more than if you listened to no side.
The math ain't hard.

But too, as my poor avatar has already posted: The 'other side'....the Republican side, was extensively discussed by, hold for it, Republicans, during the 2nd hearing.
Go watch a YouTube of that hearing. And if you object to hearing what the Committee members themselves say....5 Democrats and 2 Republicans....well then, stick to just what Republican witnesses say. Fast forward through Committee members comments.....and go straight to Bill Barr's testimony, Benjamin Greensburg's testimony, Bill Stepien's testimony, Al Schmidt's testimony.
They are all long time Republicans speaking under oath.
Hear what they have to say. Try to at least hear what Republicans are saying to the Committee. Try to be at least a little better informed.

Don't be that guy. That guy....or child....who holds his hands over his ears, closes his eyes and then loudly goes 'Lalalalalala'.....so he won't become aware of advice or direction given to him. (I think that Jeff Daniels did a riff on that behavior in the movie 'Dumb & Dumber.')

At least make an effort to learn.
You really think many people read your BS, ChillyWilly? You have got to be the wordiest poster with less content on this board.
You ignore the fact that you're just getting the information your masters spoon feed you......willingly.
Sucks to be you, huh? :smoke:
Sucks to be you, huh?
Oh sure, sometimes it does. The radiator blew on one of my tractors the other day...just when a really needed that machine.

But still, you remain afraid of doing your homework before offering an opinion on something you know nothing about?

C'mon, man! You can be better than that.
Oh sure, my avatar knows it well.

Which is why he posted this video that Syntholic already posted:

Do you really expect me to sit here and listen to that lying hag? The only reason she has her panties in a knot is because her family has been close friends with the Bush's for decades, and Trump had no kind words for GW and also attacked Jeb in the primaries. I think it's down right disgusting that she would use her position in Congress for a personal vendetta for what Trump said of his political foes that she happens to be friends with. That's not what the people of her state elected her for.
Do you really expect me to sit here and listen to that lying hag?
OK, I get your feelings.
So do this, RFC, fast forward through Cheney's part of that video and watch what the Republican Trump lawyer states in his testimony.
It may put to rest some of your fears.
Do you really expect me to sit here and listen to that lying hag? The only reason she has her panties in a knot is because her family has been close friends with the Bush's for decades, and Trump had no kind words for GW and also attacked Jeb in the primaries. I think it's down right disgusting that she would use her position in Congress for a personal vendetta for what Trump said of his political foes that she happens to be friends with. That's not what the people of her state elected her for.
She's polling 28% in Wyoming
OK, I get your feelings.
So do this, RFC, fast forward through Cheney's part of that video and watch what the Republican Trump lawyer states in his testimony.
It may put to rest some of your fears.

Before I waste my time, tell me up front. Did one person who testified in front of Congress state that Trump committed a crime of any kind. That's all I want to know, because if not, then the entire thing is nothing but political theater which I have zero interest in, and obviously most Americans as well.
She's polling 28% in Wyoming
And that's relevant to the January 6th hearings how?

That's all I want to know,
Patience, Grasshopper.
Watch the remaining four hearings.
Judge for yourself.
Don't depend on others to tell you how to think.
And that's relevant to the January 6th hearings how?

Patience, Grasshopper.
Watch the remaining four hearings.
Judge for yourself.
Don't depend on others to tell you how to think.
Cheney is polling 28% in Wyoming because she is a RINO on the committee.
I thought you knew that, sheesh.

People aren't watching the hearings(?) except for the nuts who want to be spoon fed from the fruits.
If it was about inflation, immigration, food and energy, and the price of gas, there would be much more interest.
But a circus? Nah, people have more important things to do.

'anything from the other side" ???

Ooops!! My bad.
I thought my avatar was clear on that, good poster lantern.

We were confident that acknowledging that it was virtually ALL Republicans who testified on Monday indicated our receptivity to hearing "the other side".
Not only were they 'Republicans'......they were 'uber'-Republicans. Attorneys who worked with Trump, with the campaign, within the White House. Hell, one was the Republican former Attorney General hand selected by Don Trump (Bill Barr). One was a Republican expert on elections and election law (Benjamin Ginsburg). One was the actual 'campaign manager' for Don Trump (Bill Stempien).

Now, it is true there were other Republicans that were asked to come in and share their "other side perspective"....... Meadows, Navarro, Jim Jordan, Banks, et al.
But they declined.
No cross examination allowed, and only one side getting to present anything. Hardly a “fair hearing”. Yet you just repeat the “committee” as fact when they have proven nothing. Seems Pelosi, Epps, and all your Dems refuse to be questioned under oath as well. There is no interest in finding any truth here. People have seen that, hence the pathetic ratings.
Everybody knows.....nobody needs me to tell 'em.....but an opinion about something you know nothing about ain't really an 'opinion'. It is just a verbal enema by someone who is disgruntled over one thing or another and feels the only way to get a 'release' for his feelings is to spout off about one thing or another...whether they know anything about it or not.

If one knows nothing about an issue, and tries hard NOT to learn about it.....well, opining about it does not reflect well on the opiner.

Everybody knows that.
This ^^^ describes you perfectly.
Milk it..jpg
And that's relevant to the January 6th hearings how?

It's a perfect display on how disgusted people are with her stance on this thus the entire clown show in general.

Patience, Grasshopper.
Watch the remaining four hearings.
Judge for yourself.
Don't depend on others to tell you how to think.

I never let anybody tell me what to think, but I'd rather people who get paid to tolerate this bore fest do so and report the highlights back to those of us that have better things to do like watch the paint dry on the garage.
this thus the entire clown show in general.

Riddle me this RFC: How could you know it was a "clown show" if you are too irresponsible to watch and listen to it?

Look, it is like this poster RFC, expressing an opinion about something you know nothing about really....really.....doesn't polish your apple with the teacher.

Trust me.
If it was about inflation, immigration, food and energy, and the price of gas, there would be much more interest.

You know, poster Meister, if it WAS about 'inflation, immigration, food and energy'......you'd still be offering your opinion about something you know nothing about ....because........well because you ain't watching anyway.

True that?

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