Ratings Out Today. Fox & Megan Kelly Beating Rachel Maddcow 3 to 1.

Who the fuck cares?

I can't understand why anyone feels the need to cheerlead for their side's tv network.

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Because right of center only has one network.

On edit:

It's really no wonder that they have great ratings.
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Her sex change is chronicled below....I just assumed she'd have a huge johnson.....since it was sewn on...

At least Maddcow shows a history lesson and supports science. I will admit that the liberal movement needs to get away from defining people by race.

Every time they go over too that I charge the channel....Barf.

What does Kelly do besides rage?

Megyn Kelly isn't known for rage.

I heard she likes to ask tough questions.
Who the fuck cares?

I can't understand why anyone feels the need to cheerlead for their side's tv network.

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It really makes no sense.

Especially since on the one hand they like to pretend TV ratings have something to do with assent, yet at the same time acknowledge what really drives ratings with the cheesecakes of Megyn Kelly in the first several posts.

"Liberals" don't watch TV; "Conservatives" don't watch TV. Viewers watch TV and they're drawn there not by intellectual content but by the basest of human sensory weaknesses and emotions. It's been that way as long as there has been TV.
Gosh, I don't know. I wonder what it can be ?

^^^^ Whore. Obviously.

"Walk Like an Egyptian"

Imbedded with the wing nuts
Mr Ailes said I better not fail
Fresh from Fox and the other sluts
Now I'm tellin 'Boehner who's goin' to jail

Terror or Terrorism
What is the meaning of "is"
Just gotta prove a fail of socialism
After I wipe off this jizz (oh whey oh)

Goin' under cover to find Benghazi
'tween Cairo and Iraq is my position
Just gotta remember(oh way oh)
To walk like an Egyptian

Ahmed and Hodgii lookin' for romance
Thinking' maybe we's Cairo ho's
We do a little sand dance (0h whey oh)
They fall like dominoes

Hillary thought she was slick
runnin' guns for State
Don'tcha know

She lawyered up and faked sick
But what difference does it make
(0h whey oh, oh whey oh)
Walk like an Egyptian

Obama disinterested and vile
Was in Vegas placing a bet
The frogmarch to the trial
Won't be their only regret

CIA types with their hookah pipes
No different than 0'Reilly
And all his tripe (oh whey oh)
When I walk like an Egyptian

Issa is zeroing in on those Nazis
With endless committee sessions
( tyranny , freedom freedom, Benghazi)
And taking Libyan questions

Life is hard you know
So strike a pose with your AK
Knowin' them grabbers will run away
Walk like an Egyptian

Conviction will be a slam dunk
Like Sarah Palin they say
(oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
I've already collected African DNA

All the old glyphs on the tombs
Tell of a mummy's curse
And predict a Kenyan's doom
But Obama's fate will be worse

Anxious to get back to Fox and Friends
With lots of cleavage and short skirts
It'll be my pleasure to spread
(oh whey oh) the news again
While I walk like an Egyptian

Walk like an Egyptian
Who the fuck cares?

I can't understand why anyone feels the need to cheerlead for their side's tv network.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

IMO, it might be a frustrated attempt to get America's Liberals to demand more from their usual news sources.

When liberals finally realize their current sources of info have intentionally, and for profit, misled them, lied to them and kept them in the dark in pursuit of more viewers, more money and for their Liberal political leaders, more power, it makes them furious.

Why, just recently a very nice Liberal who truly believed Bushco was solely responsible for the 08 economic meltdown stopped our dialogue abruptly after being shown for the first time that Bush warned Congress repeatedly throughout his two terms, of problems with the mortgage industry.

See for yourself why he might have bugged out on me all of a sudden.

I think he was angry that his favorite news sources omitted this news from their coverage of the economic meltdown.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMnSp4qEXNM]Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown - YouTube[/ame]

This is one reason why I laud FNC to the readership. Because we deserve more. We deserve better. If the liberal MSM wasn't so manipulative and dishonest in their treatment of news stories and their selection of what info to present their audiences there wouldn't be such a great divergence of opinion in America's political mainstream between the left and the Right.

Do you think Obama would have won in 08 if all the news viewers of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC knew what Fox News viewers knew from just the video above?

I don't think he'd have stood a chance.

In my opinion it's more than just cheerleading.

Conservatives USUALLY have a rational reason for doing things.

Cheerleading for one's favorite news network?

That's a typical Liberal move.

If more Americans from the Liberal side were to watch FNC once a day for an hour at a time (without changing any of their other sources of news) we wouldn't suffer from the divisiveness and the rancor we currently do.

Why not?

Because people would recognize that what they are being fed by their MSM channels is quite often lacking in some way.

And so, when a FNC viewer points out a new fact or a different perspective on any particular issue than what is offered up by the Liberal media the Liberal MSM viewer might demand more clarification from their MSM source or they might conclude that FNC really is fair and balanced and that the MSM is screwing Liberals up the bung hole just so they can earn more money and keep their manipulative political leaders happy.
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Personally, I don't understand it. Maddcow is such a pleasant, charming personality with so much class. She is also full of liberal honesty, much like her Messiah...Barry Obummer.

How can Maddcow be beaten 3 : 1 by a Megan Kelly??? Granted, Megan Kelly is beautiful, intelligent, and lacks hairy knuckles like Maddcow...but other than that....aren't they kinda equal?

I mean I think they are both women? Oh well, here's a link to the story. CNN Falls To Lowest Primetime In Over A Year; Fox?s Megyn Kelly Returns To Cable News Ratings Top Spot - Yahoo TV


Great they finally got rid of dead weight Sean Hannity but Megan will be better for Fox ratings. She isn't as rabid a wingnut as some over there.

Rachel has a following though. I record her show everyday and watch when I can.
Personally, I don't understand it. Maddcow is such a pleasant, charming personality with so much class. She is also full of liberal honesty, much like her Messiah...Barry Obummer.

How can Maddcow be beaten 3 : 1 by a Megan Kelly??? Granted, Megan Kelly is beautiful, intelligent, and lacks hairy knuckles like Maddcow...but other than that....aren't they kinda equal?

I mean I think they are both women? Oh well, here's a link to the story. CNN Falls To Lowest Primetime In Over A Year; Fox?s Megyn Kelly Returns To Cable News Ratings Top Spot - Yahoo TV


last time I checked the ratings between these, O'Rielies re-run had higher ratings than msns top show.

so I stopped bothering looking at such things since the distance between them was so large
I love how the liberals try to act like it doesn't bother them. Imagine the celebrating that would be going on if the numbers were reversed.
At least Maddcow shows a history lesson and supports science. I will admit that the liberal movement needs to get away from defining people by race.

Every time they go over too that I charge the channel....Barf.

What does Kelly do besides rage?

Megyn Kelly isn't known for rage.

I heard she likes to ask tough questions.
The rage comes from the liberals of whom she asks tough questions.
Who the fuck cares?

I can't understand why anyone feels the need to cheerlead for their side's tv network.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

IMO, it might be a frustrated attempt to get America's Liberals to demand more from their usual news sources.

When liberals finally realize their current sources of info have intentionally, and for profit, misled them, lied to them and kept them in the dark in pursuit of more viewers, more money and for their Liberal political leaders, more power, it makes them furious.

Why, just recently a very nice Liberal who truly believed Bushco was solely responsible for the 08 economic meltdown stopped our dialogue abruptly after being shown for the first time that Bush warned Congress repeatedly throughout his two terms, of problems with the mortgage industry.

See for yourself why he might have bugged out on me all of a sudden.

I think he was angry that his favorite news sources omitted this news from their coverage of the economic meltdown.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMnSp4qEXNM]Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown - YouTube[/ame]

This is one reason why I laud FNC to the readership. Because we deserve more. We deserve better. If the liberal MSM wasn't so manipulative and dishonest in their treatment of news stories and their selection of what info to present their audiences there wouldn't be such a great divergence of opinion in America's political mainstream between the left and the Right.

Do you think Obama would have won in 08 if all the news viewers of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC knew what Fox News viewers knew from just the video above?

I don't think he'd have stood a chance.

In my opinion it's more than just cheerleading.

Conservatives USUALLY have a rational reason for doing things.

Cheerleading for one's favorite news network?

That's a typical Liberal move.

If more Americans from the Liberal side were to watch FNC once a day for an hour at a time (without changing any of their other sources of news) we wouldn't suffer from the divisiveness and the rancor we currently do.

Why not?

Because people would recognize that what they are being fed by their MSM channels is quite often lacking in some way.

And so, when a FNC viewer points out a new fact or a different perspective on any particular issue than what is offered up by the Liberal media the Liberal MSM viewer might demand more clarification from their MSM source or they might conclude that FNC really is fair and balanced and that the MSM is screwing Liberals up the bung hole just so they can earn more money and keep their manipulative political leaders happy.
Well said.

The liberal response:

I love how the liberals try to act like it doesn't bother them. Imagine the celebrating that would be going on if the numbers were reversed.

From the assclown who thinks audience demographics mean "racism" :rolleyes:
Megan Kelly is the kind of lady every good father would want to have as a daughter and every confident man would want for a wife.

Looks, brains, a feisty attitude, common sense, great personality and a sly sense of humor..

Maddow..oy vey..a hideous nightmare...

Well, when you're out of the Janet Reno/Hillary Clinton production mold 'hideous nightmare' is about as good as it's gonna get for you.

She's down, Meg, so stomp away on her neck with lots o' gusto!!!

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